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1. To God Be the Glory (1:06)
2. Praise (20:00)
3. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty (2:20)
Selected Verses:
Numbers 23:21 …the Lord his God is with him, and the shout
of a King is among them.
John 14:23 …If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my
Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Hebrews 2:12 …I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in
the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. Opening:
…and so I’m glad to the Lord, the Holy Ghost, for a
practical school. He doesn’t only talk to us about praise—like the Baptist
preachers used to. I used to wonder about it. The choir would sing, “Shout
unto the Lord, and everything within us shout!” And one time,
when the Lord came upon me, I gave just a little wee bit of a shout, and they
all jumped down my throat. In other words, they didn’t want the practical
application of the truth of God.
But today, thank God, in our circles we have a practical
teaching, and a practical experience, and that’s the quickest way to learn.
They say experience is the best school and fools will learn in no other. But
at any rate, everybody can learn in the school of experience. And one thing we
ought to be very […] is a practical application of praise. We don’t have too
much praise. But the Holy Ghost has said if you don’t praise the Lord,
you’re going to fail. But I
trust all of us are awake to it, and interested enough to know that it’s a very
definite act of God: “The shout of a King is in them.”
That’s what praise is.
… Selected Quotes:
There is no such comparison to be
made… but if we could make a comparison, it seems to me that praise in
the Holy Ghost is the highest gift. The Lord has said it’s the highest form of
service—praising the Lord. Why, it puts Jesus on the throne! And the reason
people don’t praise Him at times is because somebody else reigns there… How
very, very different when that “law the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus” dominates me, where the law of sin and death was reigning
within my heart, within my soul, within my spirit. Now Jesus is enthroned
within my heart. Why, that’s the very heart of the Gospel!
We could search our hearts this morning and see whether that
has been realized, whether I have a practical experience: “Christ in
me?” Oh, sin will be there—flesh will reign, until Jesus
Christ really is in me. He and the Father come and make their abode
with us. And that scripture text shows us how far the church has
drifted from the Gospel… God have mercy on the church that has enthroned the
devil, and the flesh, and the world! But who is enthroned in my heart this
morning? Praise will tell you—“the shout of a King.” Oh,
when the King reigns within your heart, He’ll shout, and it will not be
yourself. You will lend your voice, and your body, and your soul, and your
spirit, but He’ll do the shouting. That’s the wonderful
thing I’ve discovered about praise.
Have you made the discovery? Have you found out that praise
means the reign of Jesus Christ within you? …You cannot have the devil, or
trouble, or worry, or anxiety on the throne of your heart and Jesus and the
same time. You’ve got to dethrone one or the other… When He said, “Seek ye
first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness,” it means,
“Make room for Me. Let me reign—I’ll show you something. I’m the King of
Oh, how important is praise! It’s an expression of faith,
and it’s a Kingdom experience… As a minister I need it: it’s a very powerful
weapon… Instead of fighting three days and getting licked in the end, they
were gathering the spoil for three days. Have you ever
experienced that? Do you know why that’s in the Bible? Why, because there’s a
great army arrayed against us! And all your ingenuity, and all your
fighting is not going to win the victory for you.
I know that He has given us weapons
that are “mighty through God.” When He says, “the kingdom of God is within you,” He means that Jesus Christ wants to be
enthroned in your heart. Hallelujah! And when He says, “the shout of a King
is in them,” and in another place, talking about Jesus, He
says, “In the midst of the Church will I sing praises unto Thee,” beloved, we have to make the choice. We’ve got to say who is going to
reign… “The Kingdom is within.” Oh, do you let Jesus reign? It’ll cost you
something: it’ll cost you your rags, it’ll cost you your ash-can. And in place
of them He’ll give you “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for the spirit of
heaviness.” And in place of the enemy you will see the hosts of
heaven surrounding you.
… Illustrations:
Evidence of the fall of the church. “The Church of the
Sacred Heart had a very successful bingo party… and the basketball team of the
Church of the Immaculate Conception, they won first place. Oh, God have mercy
on the church!” (from 4:17) Aimee Semple McPherson, before her ministry started to “put
on a show,” winning the victory over spiritual darkness with praise. (from 13:05) German at 19:48:
Die Feinde müssen flieh’n, wenn Gottes Kinder zieh’n
vorwärts im Glauben mit dem Heiland. “The enemies must flee as God’s children press forward in
faith with the Savior.” A quote, or rather misquote from a song by Arthur
Booth-Clibborn. The original has “Die Berge müssen flieh’n” — “The mountains
must flee.” Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked O/08 T:23. Quite a few pops were
removed. One or two pauses were shortened, and a few stutters were removed.
For the second music track, automated crackle removal was run.
A quick review of this recording in May, 2009, led to
lowering the pitch by resampling to 103% of the original duration, which may
have been just a tad too much. This recording is of unusually poor quality,
evidently being recording using a microphone placed far from the platform.
Perhaps using the DeHummer would help, as well as noise reduction based on a
noise print. 
Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.