1A. |
Entering into Rest (Our work is to let God work.) |
1B. |
Praise (The kingdom is within, and praise puts Jesus on the throne of your heart.) |
2A. |
I Corinthians 12 (Gifts) |
2B. |
Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God (Faith does not mean wavering, wondering, and anxiety.) |
3A. |
Rest in the Lord |
3B. |
Peace (Not pop-bottle glass, but the real diamond.) |
4A. |
Our Thoughts (Forsake your unrighteous thoughts, and let Christ think His thoughts in you.) |
4B. |
Confidence (“Cast not away your confidence” — “confidence by the faith of Him”) |
5A. |
Christ in Me (You’ve read the advertisement, now get behind the wheel and feel the power for yourself.) |
5B. |
There Hath No Temptation Taken You (Jesus Himself is the way of escape.) |
6A. |
Loving Jesus |
6B. |
Keep Your Heart with All Diligence (The heart is to be the temple of the Living God.) |
7A. |
Faith, Hope, and Love (These are our power line and our navigation beam.) |
7B. |
I Called and Ye Refused |
8A. |
Casting All Your Care upon Him (Have you let God turn you into His masterpiece?) |
8B. |
First Love |
9A. |
Waiting on God (Isaiah 40) |
9B. |
Praise (When you feel least like praising / God’s faithfulness) |
10A. |
Jesus Is Seeking Overcomers (Revelation 14:1-5) |
10B. |
Partakers of Christ (Hebrews 3) |
11A. |
Talk on Praise (Praise and faith, with stories of healing and deliverance) |
11B. |
Loving Jesus (Who wants Him?) |
12A. |
Talk on Healing (John 5: “Wilt thou be made whole?”) |
12B. |
Ye Ought to Be Teachers (Including examples of spiritual and unspiritual meetings) |
13A. |
Grace of God (“Far as the curse is found”) |
13B. |
Following Jesus (HRW’s call to the ministry) |
14A. |
Delight Thyself in the Lord (Get rid of your washboard, and let the washing machine do the work.) |
14B. |
Talk on Praise (The command to “Rejoice evermore”) |
15A. |
A Conscience Void of Offence |
15B. |
My Heart is Fixed (Divine healing: the experiences of Elder Brooks) |
16A. |
They that Love the Lord Shall Be as the Sun |
16B. |
Isaiah 58 (Inward purity) |
17A. |
Exercising Yourself unto Godliness |
17B. |
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus (Spending time alone with Him) |
18A. |
Joy (The hope of salvation: to be like Him) |
18B. |
Desiring the Sincere Milk of the Word |
19A. |
Hiding (The call to find our place: united to Christ) |
19B. |
A Heart Perfect toward God (Be diligent to get alone with God, and He will supply this need also) |
20A. |
Wanting Jesus (and so counting all things but refuse) |
20B. |
Psalm 91 |
21A. |
The Glory of the Cross (The present spiritual realities of Zechariah 14) |
21B. |
Waiting on God (with lessons from A. B. Simpson’s testimony) |
22A. |
Praying without Ceasing (Having a spiritual life outside of church meetings; Psalm 139) |
22B. |
Seeking God (“Every one that seeketh findeth.”) |
23A. |
Trusting God (Is He willing, and is He able?) |
23B. |
Displaced (“I have been ready for My people, but My people were not ready for just Jesus.”) |
24A. |
Take Up the Cross |
24B. |
Three Appearings (with an exposition of the rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16) |
25A. |
If the Vision Tarry (Light, and then a fight) |
25B. |
Isaiah 12 |
26A. |
The Test (A wise builder digs down to the Rock) |
26B. |
Faith (Abraham was “fully persuaded”) |
27A. |
Encouragement to Praise (with I Corinthians 13 and comments on tongues) |
27B. |
Talk on Praise (Forsake natural understanding and follow God’s way: Psalm 50:23) |
28A. |
Talk on Praise with Singing (“If you don’t praise the Lord, you’re going to fail”) |
28B. |
God Is Able |
29A. |
The Day of the Lord (Pentecost) |
29B. |
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (The simplicity of “Believe also in Me”) |
30A. |
Jesus Reigning by His Spirit (Silent and constant contact with Jesus) |
30B. |
Taking Up the Cross Daily — This is a duplicate of message 24A. |
31A. |
Saved by Hope (Groaning in the Spirit is answered by the “salvation ready to be revealed”) |
31B. |
Thy Kingdom Come (Give up on your own kingdom, and yield to God’s supernatural provision) |
32A. |
Talk on Humility (“Ye shall be as gods.” That was not Christ’s ambition.) |
32B. |
We Have Known and Believed the Love |
33A. |
Exercising unto Godliness (purity of tongue and life) |
33B. |
Being Filled with the Spirit (“We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.”) |
34A. |
Christ, Our Indwelling Sanctifier (“I am glorified in them”) |
34B. |
Some Must Enter In (“Labor to enter into that rest…For the word of God is quick and powerful…”) |
35A. |
Communion (“Do this in remembrance of Me” “Forget not all His benefits”) |
35B. |
Purifying Within (Communion means receiving God’s “unfeigned love of the brethren.”) |
36A. |
Holiness — Revelation 16:15 (Spotless garments, with the need of godly parenting and purity in youth) |
36B. |
Trusting God (“In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer…”) |
37A. |
Jesus Manifesting His Presence (“I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice.”) |
37B. |
Rizpah — Communion (Show forth the atonement, and heaven must send the blessing.) |
38A. |
The Preaching of the Cross (Not a pretended death, but Christ’s actual death to sin and the world) |
38B. |
You Have to Work for It (When you want God, you will seek Him early and find Him.) |
39A. |
Revelation 3:14-22 (We ourselves are they who are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.) |
39B. |
Talk on Prayer |
40A. |
Talk on Praise |
40B. |
Talk on Rejoicing — This is a duplicate of message 14B. |
41A. |
Talk on Praise with Meeting — This is a duplicate of message 28A. |
41B. |
First Love |
42A. |
Following Jesus (“Enter ye in at the strait gate.”) |
42B. |
Respect unto All His Commandments (with a review of commandments in Ephesians 4) |
43A. |
We Have Known and Believed — This is a duplicate of message 11B. |
43B. |
I Corinthians 4 (Judging, being judged, and the marks of a spiritual minister) |
44A. |
God Manifest in the Flesh (“Christ liveth in me”) |
44B. |
Repentance (“Ye must be born again”) |
45A. |
Knowing and Doing God’s Will (with comments on the character, conduct, and gifts of ministers) |
45B. |
Praise and the Ten Virgins (“Well done, thou good and faithful servant” or “I never knew you”) |
46A. |
His Workmanship (The Lord’s perfect provision for His own masterpiece) |
46B. |
Our One Message (John 14:6 – “I am the way”) |
47A. |
Romans 8 (“We are saved by hope,” but Christians are dying, no longer seeing or hearing Christ.) |
47B. |
The Necessity of the Bible for Salvation (The sure way of Romans 8) |
48A. |
He is Thy Lord (“Worship thou Him… So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty.”) |
48B. |
I Waited Patiently (What would happen to you if you did this, as the Bible says?) |
49A. |
Being Changed Inwardly (Receive a new heart, mind, and nature.) |
49B. |
He Is Able (The characteristics of an uttermost salvation) |
50A. |
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Not merely according to Acts 2:4, but according to John 7:38) |
50B. |
Be My Strong Habitation (Hiding in Him: Come down, and come in.) |
51A. |
Christmas Talk |
51B. |
Psalm 92:1 (New Year’s Talk) (An abundant supply in Jesus; reckon yourself “dead indeed.”) |
52A. |
I Came to Kindle a Fire on the Earth (Repair the altar, and God will answer by fire.) |
52B. |
The Hope of the Gospel (Choose your overcomer: Christ or the flesh.) |
53A. |
Let Your Light so Shine (“In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”) |
53B. |
The Lord’s Prayer — Our Daily Bread |
54. |
Divine Healing |
55A. |
Taking the Cross Sincerely (Is your conversation really in heaven? If not, your end is destruction.) |
55B. |
The Gift of God (Become an inward Christian.) |
56A. |
Talk before Communion |
56B. |
Revelation 16:15 (marked incorrectly as Revelation 15:10) — This is a duplicate of message 36A. |
57A. |
Their Strength Is to Sit Still (Don’t dissipate power, but wait on the Lord.) |
57B. |
Cleansing (Become transparent through conviction, admission of guilt, and cleansing.) |
58A. |
When Jesus Comes (Will you follow the Lamb, or quit the field like Gideon’s thousands?) |
58B. |
Talk on Prayer (Draw near to your Father as a dear child.) |
59A. |
Behold, He Cometh (Communion: He comes to fill us with His love and make us like Himself.) |
59B. |
We Glory in Tribulation Also (Tribulation builds faith. Follow the Lamb through to His salvation.) |
60A. |
Pentecost is Loving Jesus (The prayer “O God, make me love Jesus more” will be answered.) |
60B. |
I Waited Patiently — This is a duplicate of message 48B. |
61A. |
Wanting Jesus (Hearing His voice, and receiving “so great salvation.”) |
61B. |
The Lord’s Prayer (“Not like Moses;” take Him as your Father.) |
62A. |
Obedience (Let Him finish the good work begun in you: to will and to do of His good pleasure.) |
62B. |
Let Jesus Live through You (Give yourself to prayer, and God will give Himself to you.) |
63A. |
Unfeigned Faith |
63B. |
Finding Jesus (Surface slush won’t do, but “they that seek Me early shall find Me.”) |
64A. |
Abiding — I John 2:28 (There is a “secret place of the Most High,” and “he that abideth in Him sinneth not.”) |
64B. |
A Single Eye (“Looking unto Jesus.” The eye is faith, and the light is His presence.) |
65A. |
Praying in the Spirit |
65B. |
Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God |
66A. |
Rebuilding the Altar (Don’t fool yourself. Find out how it really stands with your soul.) |
66B. |
The Violent Take It by Force (Is God satisfied with your experience of His salvation?) |
67A. |
The Word of God (John 1) |
67B. |
The Table of the Lord (“What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?”) |
68A. |
Ye Ought to Be Teachers — This is a duplicate of message 12B. |
68B. |
Faith (Let go and let God) |
69A. |
Talk on Praise (Meditate on the greatness and love of God; praise and worship will flow.) |
69B. |
How Much He Must Suffer (Yield as pliable clay to the Potter, and come forth a vessel unto honor.) |
70A. |
Swift to Hear (Hear His word and take steps in God, or go down like the Titanic.) |
70B. |
Resting in Jesus (“Why should I wander an alien from Thee?” Seek Jesus Himself.) |
71A. |
II Corinthians 3 (Are you a living epistle?) |
71B. |
The Lord Is My Light / Revelation 21:7 (Don’t leave your first love; hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.) |
72A. |
Continual Praise / Revelation 16:13-15 (When Jesus comes unannounced, will your garment be spotless?) |
72B. |
Your Funeral Service (II Corinthians 5) |
73A. |
What God Is After (Silence, inwardness, and “love unto all the saints”) |
73B. |
Keeping the Commands — This is a duplicate of message 42B. |
74A. |
Abandonment |
74B. |
The Inner Man (If the King is to live in your heart, it must be strengthened and filled with love.) |
75A. |
I Thessalonians 4 (“How ye ought to walk and to please God.”) |
75B. |
Get Alone with God (Reach out in faith and expect confidently that God will fulfill His promise.) |
76A. |
Pentecost, the Marriage of the Lamb (A worthy bride cares only for her Bridegroom.) |
76B. |
Loving Jesus (Know Jesus, and make the exchange: Himself for your self.) |
77A. |
Something is Happening (I Peter 5:8-10, with comments on the example of the Kirchheim church) |
77B. |
II Corinthians 12:9 |
78A. |
Intercession: Which of You Shall Have a Friend? (God gives you a hard job: to wait upon the Lord.) |
78B. |
Faith (with meeting — being fully persuaded, not by what others say, but by what Jesus says) |
79A. |
Make the Exchange (“Delight thyself also in the Lord…”) |
79B. |
Good Friday Talk (Revelation 1:5) |
80A. |
Prayer, with Meeting (Matthew 7:8) |
80B. |
You Have a Little Strength (False revival and true revival) |
81A. |
God Hath Spoken unto Us by His Son (Hebrews 1) |
81B. |
Call to Prayer (Revival though prayer) |
82A. |
Living with Him (I Thessalonians 5, with meeting excerpts) |
82B. |
A Christian Home (A spirit-filled, praying husband, and a gentle, loving wife) |
83A. |
Perfection (II Corinthians 7:1. To be made perfect in love? It can be done.) |
More of these recordings will be posted in the near future, Lord willing... |
83B. |
I Thessalonians 1 |
84A. |
Entering into Christ |
84B. |
Repentance — This is a duplicate of message 44B. |
85A. |
Ephesians 1 |
85B. |
If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments |
86A. |
Hearken Diligently |
86B. |
Delight Thyself Also in the Lord — This is a duplicate of message 79A. |
87A. |
The Vision Will Not Lie — This is a duplicate of message 25A. |
87B. |
Call to Holiness |
88A. |
This One Thing I Do |
88B. |
Talk on Prayer |
89A. |
Humility – His Yokefellow |
89B. |
The Word of God |
90A. |
I Corinthians 5 |
90B. |
Highway of Holiness |
91A. |
I Corinthians 1 |
91B. |
I Corinthians 2 |
92A. |
I Corinthians 4:1-5 — This is a duplicate of message 43B. |
92B. |
Children of the Day |
93A. |
Do You Want Him? Psalm 81 |
93B. |
Prayer — This is a duplicate of message 78A. |
94A. |
Galatians 1 |
94B. |
Psalm 63 |
95A. |
Seeking First the Kingdom |
95B. |
Colossians 2:1-7 |
96A. |
I Am the True Vine — This is a duplicate of message 62B. |
96B. |
The Indwelling Light of God |
97A. |
Do All Things without Murmuring |
97B. |
Acts 3:21 |
98A. |
The Fear of the Lord |
98B. |
God Is for Us |
99A. |
God Is Faithful |
99B. |
The First Love |
100A. |
What Do Ye More Than Others? (Put on the provided wedding garment: Jesus in His meekness and lowliness.) |
100B. |
If Ye Then Be Risen with Christ |
101A. |
Psalm 84 |
101B. |
Lamentations 3:22-28 |
102A. |
Love One Another |
102B. |
Philippians 2:12-15 |
103A. |
The Lord’s Prayer — This is a duplicate of message 53B. |
103B. |
Ephesians 4:17 |
104A. |
How Will We Rise to Meet God? |
104B. |
Procrastination |
105A. |
Soul-Winning |
105B. |
Ephesians 1:17 |
106A. |
Desiring Jesus |
106B. |
Hebrews 13:20, 21 |
107A. |
I Thessalonians 5 |
107B. |
Hebrews 11:5, 6 |
108A. |
How I Got to Patchen Avenue |
108B. |
Dumps and Praise |
109A. |
Bondservants |
109B. |
Seek Christ Within |
110A. |
Perfect Love — This is a duplicate of message 83A. |
110B. |
The Spirit of the Lord Will Lift Up a Standard Against Him |
111A. |
Faith — This is a duplicate of message 78B. |
111B. |
Put Your Confidence in the Lord |
112A. |
It’s All in the Bible — This is a duplicate of message 89B. |
112B. |
Holiness Unto the Lord |
113A. |
God Is For Us — This is a duplicate of message 98B. |
113B. |
Seeking On |
114A. |
Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace… |
114B. |
Psalm 81 |
115A. |
School of the Holy Spirit |
115B. |
Pentecostal Meetings – What God Is After — This is a duplicate of message 73A. |
116A. |
The Word of God Is Fundamental |
116B. |
Jesus Wants to Reign |
117A. |
I Peter 1 |
117B. |
All Fulness Is In Him — This is a duplicate of message 11B. |
118A. |
Fear of God — This is a duplicate of message 98A. |
118B. |
Revelation 2:9 |
119A. |
Loins Girt, Lamps Burning — This is a sermon of Gottfried A. Waldvogel |
119B. |
Redeeming the Time — This is a sermon of Gottfried A. Waldvogel |
120A. |
First Love — This master tape has not been located |
120B. |
I Peter 1:7 — This master tape has not been located |
121A. |
Danger of Slothfulness — This master tape has not been located |
121B. |
The Importance of Prayer — This master tape has not been located |