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1. Open My Eyes, that I May See, excerpt (1:06)
2. Christ in Me (29:07)
3. Jesus Is the Bright and Morning Star, excerpt (0:57)
Selected Verses:
John 1:12. But as many as received him, to them gave he
power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.
I Corinthians 1:30. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who
of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and
Colossians 1:27. To whom God would make known what is the
riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you,
the hope of glory. Opening:
[…] get through marveling at the hardness of our hearts.
Beloved, we have no idea what happens to our hearts when we don’t “hearken
diligently” unto Him. I was recently reminded of a word Jesus
spoke to His disciples when He said, “Have I not chosen you twelve?” It appears that He spoke those words just before He was going to be
crucified, and He had these twelve around Him. And the great multitude had
forsaken Him. They didn’t like His preaching. It was too strong: “Oh, that,
you don’t have to take such strong teaching. My goodness, Dr. Levinsky
Finklestein, he preaches eloquent sermons! Go listen to him. He’ll tell you
all about the Millennium! He’ll tell you all about the tail of the bear in
Daniel’s prophecy!”
And here, He tells you to come down. He tells you to
“become as a little child.” And they all melted away and
they left Him alone, and then He looked upon the twelve, and He
said, “Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil.”
I wonder if there’s a devil in this meeting. Beloved, we meet hearts that are
as hard as a rock—Christian hearts! Judas—don’t me that Judas didn’t do
miracles. Sure! Sure, he went out with the other disciples, laid hands on the sick, anointed them, sure enough. And yet he
was a devil.
Beloved, it means something to come down and to be filled
with the Holy Ghost. It means something to be converted and to become as a
little child, and only God can do it. And that’s why I say I marvel constantly
at the persistence of the Lord Jesus Christ. In many different ways He brings
the truth to us.
… Selected Quotes:
He said, “I came down and I was born
to testify to the truth.” He says, “The whole world is full of
lies. The father of lies has deceived the whole world, and
they’re all on the way to hell. They’re all walking on that broad
way. And I’ve come to show them the truth, and show them the
way of life. And except ye eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of
man, ye have no life in you, but you will perish, with all your
religion, with all your civilization, with all your knowledge, with all your
self-inflicted wisdom…
That’s what the preaching of the Gospel is for: it’s to
awaken in your soul a cry, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me
from the body of this death, from this bondage of sin?” And when
God has been able to create in you a real desire for holiness, then He says,
“Now get behind the wheel. Come on, this thing is real… I am come that they
might have life, and have it more abundantly.”
And He says, “And this Christ is
made unto us of God true science.” Oh, this marvelous
science! Do you study science? Oh, you have to study sciences, but all
these sciences are misleading unless they’re based on the fear
of God. That’s the very fountain of true science. My Lord and
my God knew that the thing that I need, and the thing you need is not biology,
and not psychology, and not phrenology, and not theology, but you need
something far better than that. You need Himself.
People call themselves Christians,
and they entertain vile thoughts, unclean thoughts; and they read unclean
stories, and they feed on the husks that the swine eat. I found
out that wherever God really enters in, people stop reading that stuff. They
stop reading novels and pornography and even good things; they stop it. Oh,
you “guard your heart with all diligence” because you have a
Friend there. You’ve got a King, and He dwells there, and He is a jealous
lover. Oh, how jealous He is!
No one can get past the cross of
Christ. Either you accept the crucifixion for yourself—you “crucify your
flesh with the affections and lusts.” Either one or the
other: you accept His death to be the death of yourself, and you “reckon
yourself dead indeed unto sin”—that’s what the blood of Jesus
Christ does for me—or, you “crucify Him afresh”—you say, “We
don’t want this Man to reign over us.”
How many of us have faced Jesus in
honest-to-goodness repentance? Why, beloved, Jesus is here tonight. He is
ready to forgive, ready to “cleanse from all unrighteousness,”
ready to possess every heart.
The reason we don’t know Jesus is
because we have not allowed Him to do for us what He wants so much to do. Oh,
just one surrender to Him… “He is made unto us sanctification.” That’s the second step: “Holiness unto the Lord,”
“without which no man shall see the Lord.” And what is
that? Why, it’s that wonderful Life. We sing, “Live out thy life within me, O
Jesus, King of kings.” Has He promised to do that? Yes. He said, “The
world seeth Me no more; but ye see Me: because I live, ye shall live also.” And I said, “Jesus, I don’t know how to live, but you know how to
live… Come on, take over, Jesus! You live out your own life.”
God says, “I’ll be your God, and
you shall be My sons and My daughters.” Hallelujah! And
everything that Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount is based on that
fundamental promise: “Our Father which art in heaven.”
“How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to
them that ask him?” And that has not reference only to the
baptism, but it has reference to that breathing of that indwelling life of
Christ: now He dwells within. Now this New Man is alive
within you. He breathes. Oh, how restful is that kind of a
life of holiness. There’s no strain there. There’s no effort on your part.
There’s an abandonment by faith: “Christ in me, the hope of glory.”
He is also “made unto us
redemption.” Beloved, don’t think of redemption as
something future, but He works it now.
… Illustrations and Extracts:
An indictment against worldly wisdom. (from 9:29) Pentecostal preachers who for the sake of convenience
supported Hitler, and others who refused to bow the knee. (from 15:57) The Church of the Worn Bible. (from 24:28) References:
Live Out Thy Life Within Me,
a hymn by Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879):
Live out Thy life within me, O
Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou Thyself the answer to all my questionings;
Live out Thy life within me, in all things have Thy way!
I, the transparent medium, Thy glory to display. Date: A clue to the date: “I expect soon to take my third trip around the world.” Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked O/11 Time: 30. A few stutters were
removed, and pauses shortened. A repetition of “and not biology” was removed
around 11:24. A mono intermediate was created using Click and Crackle removal
(Sensitivity 16, shape 6, size 2.0, low noise level) operating on the left
channel. Around 18:03, after “somebody said…” the following was removed:
“today, I don’t remember where. Maybe tonight. Or was it this morning? No
A quick review of this recording in May, 2009, led to
lowering the pitch by resampling to 104% of the original duration. During a
more thorough review of this recording in March, 2010, the decrackle settings
were adjusted to those shown above, additional noises were edited out of the
recording, volume adjustments done to reduce distortion, and after editing,
light hiss reduction, DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at 58.80Hz, and resampling to
103.25% of the original duration. 
Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.