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1. Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (4:00)
2. Casting All Your Care upon Him (17:58)
3. He’s the Christ of Every Crisis (4:51)
Selected Verses:
I Peter 5:7. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth
for you.
Philippians 4:6. In nothing be anxious; but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto
God. (RV)
Ephesians 2:10. For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should
walk in them. Opening:
“[…] all your care upon Him, for He careth.” Now why should He care? Why should He number all the hairs on my head? Well, because every hair needs help, needs attention.
People say to me, “What? Your hair is still not white, and you still have a
nice crop of hair?” Yes, I have a good Caretaker of my hair, really, really
good. There was a time when I lost almost all my hair, but the Lord brought it
back. And since then, I haven’t worried about one hair on my head. Jesus
Christ knows how many I have, and He knows what… and He has provided for each
hair on my head. I suppose I have 100,000 at least. I never counted them.
But He’s provided for each one of my hairs an oil well—a supply of oil to keep
it lubricated. I don’t have to spend a lot of money for “Eau de Calabrese” to
keep my hair alive. Jesus Christ really takes care. Any why should He bother?
Why should He bother? Not just to make me pretty, but to glorify His name,
because I belong to Him.
… Selected Quotes:
Jesus Christ wants to care about
everything concerning my being from beginning to the end of eternity. And I
dishonor Him when I don’t cast all my care upon Him. Not only that, but I rob
Him of His honor and His kingship.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness” means that I must seek to let Him reign within
me. I must seek to make room for Him to be the absolute Provider, and the
absolute Ruler of my life, and that means my whole spirit, and soul, and body.
And if I do that, He has promised to preserve me “blameless”—mind you, my
whole spirit, and soul, and body—“blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ.” And what for? Not that I should be honored in
that day… but it’s the honor of my Lord Jesus Christ that’s at stake.
When I came to God, He said, “Listen,
you’ve got to make your choice: ‘In nothing be anxious.’
Let Me take over.” That’s the wonderful thing. We think, “Well, it’s quite
wonderful not to be anxious, and not to worry, and not to fret, and not to
care.” But that’s not the issue. The issue is to make room for Jesus Christ,
who is the “King of Glory,” the “Prince of Peace” …who has conquered and purchased me with His own blood that I should
“not live unto myself but unto Him.” “We are His
He was a master. His masterpiece
honored him, and that’s what he was after. Jesus Christ is making a
masterpiece that will honor Him in the day when He presents you and me to the
Father as the finished product. And in the mean time, I must work “with fear
and trembling” to be sure that I don’t interfere with His
will. Oh, this mighty will of God! And when He says, “casting all your care
upon Him,” He means to say, “I cannot finish my masterpiece if
you fool with it, if you put your paws to it. If you worry over it, you take
it out of My hands.” That’s what we do.
But when we don’t worry and don’t fret, then
the Bible says “…in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known unto God,” and then God takes
over. And how does He take over? Why, the Prince of Peace comes to take His
work, His masterpiece, and He works it out.
When Jesus was baptized with the Holy
Ghost, the Spirit drove Him into the temptation. And “If
need be, ye are in manifold temptation.” What for? Not to be
defeated, but “that trial of your faith may be found unto praise and honour
and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”
Sara counted Him
“faithful that promised.” What do you do? Do you
count Him faithful that promised? And it isn’t a matter of just making a
comfortable life for myself, but it’s a matter of making a comfortable life for
Jesus. He wants to live with me. He wants to make His home with me. He wants
to feel at home here. He wants to see that I have perfect confidence in Him no
matter what all hell does. He has already won the fight.
And now to learn this grand lesson: “And the peace of God
which passeth all understanding,” why, that’s Christ! He’ll
“keep your heart,” and He’ll “keep your mind.” And I find in my travels that
very, very few Christians will obey this command. They’ll obey other
commands. They’ll stop drinking beer, or smoking cigarettes. Listen, to be
worried, and to be anxious is worse than smoking cigarettes… I would dishonor
my God if I murmured—I’d say, “My Lord, You made a mistake. You didn’t know
what You were talking about there when it said, ‘He careth for you.’” Beloved, it’s His honor, not my honor. Illustrations:
“We are his workmanship.” A man is
judged by his work. (from 8:04) A month’s worrying over a need for six dollars, replaced
by praise and deliverance: “…As long as I said, ‘Why?’ I found fault with
God. I got nothing, nothing! …God made me look at Jesus instead of into
my pocket… And when I got a sight of Jesus Christ, the peace of God filled my heart,
and next day I got six dollars, not one penny more or less… God just showed me
that He is not only able but willing to take care of His own kingdom, and His
own honor. But as long as I interfere with His honor: nothing doing!” (from 11:08) See also recording 31B near 9:08. An illustration from a Jiggs and Maggie cartoon: “…They
told him what a fresh manager that was, and how he had bawled them out. So
Jiggs put on his stovepipe hat, and he went down, and he bought the store—the
whole store—and then he fired the manager. And then you should have seen
Maggie and her daughter walk into that store. Everything belonged to them.
That why God says we should ‘come with boldness.’ We have a
High Priest who is ‘made higher than the heavens.’ ‘The
prince of this world is cast out.’ Oh, let’s believe it!” (from 16:05) References:
Paul Rader (1878-1938), a Chicago-area evangelist, and
pioneering radio minister.
 Unknown References:
“Eau de Calabrese.” This sounds like a joke, but the
reference is now unclear. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (15). An intermediate was created
using decrackle settings 16, 7, 1.5 Medium. A second intermediate was created
using Adobe Audition 3.0 Hiss Reduction, using the “Light Hiss Reduction”
preset. The recording is unusually muffled, especially the music. For track
1, “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled,” we did not choose to use the de-hissed
version, which seemed accent some of the flange artifacts.
A repetition of “Sara” was removed. In a review of this
recording in March, 2010, we increased the amplitude of the edited recording by
1dB with hard limiting, DeHummer 16 filter -30dB at 60.94Hz (just on the first
4 minutes because the hum was not noticeable after this point), and slowed the
recording to 101.25% of the edited duration. Perhaps it should have been
slowed just a bit more. Noises were removed at 7:35, 10:18, and 11:23 in the
edited recording. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.