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1. In Times Like These (2:35)
2. In the Shadow of His Wings (3:16)
3. Hiding (20:58)
4. Dwelling in His Holy Presence (3:02)
5. Near to the Heart of God, abrupt ending (3:02)
Selected Verses:
Psalm 91:1. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the
most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
John 14:3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Colossians 3:3. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with
Christ in God.
Ephesians 5:30. For we are members of his body, of his
flesh, and of his bones. Opening:
When we read the 91st Psalm, we think, “Well,
isn’t it wonderful what promises God has made to us.” We can at least get a
motto and hang it on the wall and remind ourselves of the fact that “he that
dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of
the Almighty.” Or we can put on our tombstones the scripture “there is
therefore a rest for the people of God.”
Oh, how far Christianity has departed from Christ! We’ve
made a religion of it instead of a marriage. But when we realize what the
Bible teaches about hiding—it teaches that hiding is absolutely inevitable.
That’s where we’re saved from the wrath to come. God tells us to “labor to
enter into that rest” where we “cease from our own works.” What a marvelous
place! But it’s inevitable. It’s a command. It’s the salvation Christ has
provided for us: “I go to prepare a place for you… that ye may be where I am”
or “where I am ye may be also.” Where is that? Why, in the bosom of the
Father. That’s where I belong.
Do I have a choice? Why, no I don’t have a choice. He has
chosen that salvation for me, and He has provided that place for me, and He has
come to bring me into that place, that where He is, “I may be also.” And Saint
Peter warns the church and says, “See to it that when He comes, ye may be found
in him.”
… Selected Quotes:
As soon as the door squeaks, half of
the heads turn as if they were tied to a string. You know, when you hide in
the Lord Jesus Christ, your head hides too. It does. Your mind is hidden
too. In other words, Jesus Christ controls it. Do you know anything about
that? Why, we should. Why, that’s salvation: when Jesus has you.
Now, most people have charge of their
own prayer. They never learn how to let go and let God. They never learn that
they don’t know what to pray for, but that the Holy Ghost wants to pray for
them. Why, that’s prayer in the name of Jesus! My, what a wonderful
salvation, Hallelujah! “Hid with Christ in God.” I think no more of myself.
And that’s where we make our mistake. We get out, we leave
that wonderful hiding place when we either admire ourselves—Oh, God, could you
cleanse us from that conceit! As soon as we have a little blessing, as soon as
we’ve been made a little blessing, look out! How we blow up! It’s
unconscious. It’s self. It’s flesh. We’ve not “entered into rest.” We’ve
not “ceased from own works.” Or if we don’t blow up and admire ourselves, then
we become thoroughly discouraged because we’ve failed somewhere. And we go around
looking for sympathy.
He controls. Every member of His
body is Himself. When His hand moves, He moves. When His voice sounds,
He speaks. When He walks, His feet walk—it’s the Son of Man that
walks triumphantly through this earth. And you and I are hid with Christ in
God. Whether you’re in India or in Africa, anybody that touches you touches
the apple of His eye. That’s the place He has provided for us. That’s
the call that God gave us before the foundation of the world. “He saved us and
called us with a holy calling.” And, oh, how Christ is waiting for the members
of His body to find their places in Him! We don’t know Him well enough else
we’d realize that there is no place for us, no place at all. If my hand was
severed from my body, it would soon corrode—it would be good for nothing. But
united to my body, it’s part of me. And united to Jesus Christ, you’re part of
He was so smart, he thought he had a spirit of discernment…
You don’t discern with open eyes.
Those of you who were here in the
early days of this work remember how many times I walked off the platform in
the middle of meeting. If there was another minister there, I turned it over
to him because the call in my soul was so strong to find God. When I was in
the Faith Home in Zion that call became so mighty that many times I missed the
best meetings to get alone into my room and cry to God that I might know Jesus
Christ. I tell you, it’s different from anything you suppose. Hiding is a
very different process from anything we suppose. We can never know what it is
until God chooses us.
And these things have been told us over and over and over
again, because we think that it’s nice. We think it’s good to talk about it,
and to hear about it, and then that’s the end of it. But where will God find a
person that will actually hide, and actually recognize that there is no place
for me?
“I shall be satisfied when I awake
with His likeness.” And that’s what He has called me for. And I’ve got
nothing in the world to do with saving souls. I’ve got nothing to do with
praying. I’ve got nothing to do with working for God. That’s His business.
My sole business is to be united to Him.
… Illustrations:
The story of the jade idol. “That ear was put back where
it belonged… It was part of this ‘deity.’ And when you and I find our place,
we’ll find that… we’re part of Christ. ‘We are members of His body.’ We
belong to Him.” (from 7:05) God’s own school: “He gave me the worst boss anybody could
have had… I chafed until I found out that God has a lesson for me in it. And
when I learned my lesson—when I got down—then, presently, my prison was
changed.” (from 14:28) A lesson in humility for Elder Brooks. “‘Boy, I wish that
man got a sermon this morning on humility, on getting down.’ And he was ready
to preach it. And presently the Lord said, “That’s the way you are.
Now you take that man in your room and wash his feet… ‘That stuck-up
preacher?’ Yes, he had to beg him to come up into his room and take off his
shoes and socks; and Elder Brooks went and got a pail of hot water, and soap…
He washed that man’s feet and he himself got a wonderful blessing—a blessing
that he thought the other man needed. I tell you God’s schools are different
from ours.” (from 15:08) References:
God Is Everywhere
by Madam Guyon
To me remains nor place nor time;
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm and free from care,
On any shore, since God is there.
While place we seek or place we
The soul finds happiness in none;
But with a God to guide our way,
’Tis equal joy to go or stay.
Could I be cast where Thou art not,
That were indeed a dreadful lot;
But regions none remote I call,
Secure of finding God in all.
Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (38b). While the music seemed to be
copied at the correct speed, the sermon on side A was far too fast. Based on a
guess, the recording was slowed to increase the duration to 109% of the
original. After that, light hiss reduction was applied, and then the
compression/limiting. Some low pass filtering was used afterwards to further
reduce hiss. Some sections of the resulting recording seem too fast, others
too slow. Reworking this recording so that different speeds are applied to
different sections would be a helpful project. On the original recording, the
tongues and interpretation came after the choir song.
Side B had enough hum to determine that it should be slowed
to 105.9% of the original. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.