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1. He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions (2:40)
2. O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth (2:38)
3. Christ, Our Indwelling Sanctifier (22:49)
4. I Want to Be Like Jesus (2:50)
Selected Verses:
John 17:10. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and
I am glorified in them. Opening:
I also feel like Sister Riccio expressed it: “Wouldn’t it be
nice if we could stay here forever?” It feels kind of comfortable, doesn’t
it? But, oh, the wonder of sitting in His presence and experiencing the
transforming power of the Holy Ghost! I like this kind of a school because we
have the best of Teachers. Anybody that is willing to be a pupil and to learn
will find out that the best of Teachers is here: it’s the Holy Ghost. And we
can tell by the recitations—that is, the testimonies—that people are really
getting something out of this school. They’re learning something—learning
something from the best of Teachers. And we have the best textbook: the
Bible. Oh, how very, very thankful we ought to be this morning for the Bible,
because it’s a Testament—it’s a will, it’s a covenant that
pledges God Almighty to be our God.
And there is one word in that Testament that Jesus wrote
that goes right into my heart. He says, “Father, I am glorified in
them.” Oh, that’s the call, beside all that Jesus Christ does for
… Selected Quotes:
But, beloved, beside all the
blessings, here’s the loving call of Jesus to our hearts: “I am glorified in
them.” Oh, that’s my call—not just to be saved from hell,
go to heaven, not just to be healed or baptized with the Holy Ghost, but to be
so united to Jesus Christ that He shall be glorified in me. That’s what
He says to the Father, that’s His divine will for all of us this morning.
Tell me, are you on the way this
morning to become like Jesus? You can file and hammer and saw and solder and
let the fire burn and go through the acid all you want, and you’ll never be
more than an old good-for-nothing. You can try and sanctify yourself, and
you’ll never be more sanctified than you are right now. You’ll never change
yourself. But, oh, when God changes me—when Jesus Christ changes me by coming
to dwell within me—“I in them and Thou in Me”!
“The word that proceedeth out of My
mouth shall accomplish that whereunto I sent it.” And when God
sends the word and says to you and to me, “Be ye holy, as I am
holy,” that word is powerful. It requires absolute obedience
on my part, doesn’t it? He tells me what that holiness consists of:
“Finally, brethren, in nothing be anxious.”
“Oh, let Me reign. Let the peace
of God rule in your hearts.” When I receive His word, I
receive Him. When I receive the command of the King, I put Him on the
throne, thank God.
Do you know that Jesus Christ has
power to be glorified in you, to make you like unto Himself? Then you’ll pay
attention to His word and to His will. And you’ll be no longer careless about
it, but you’ll “work out your salvation with fear and trembling…”
I thank God today for conviction. A meeting in which there
is not conviction is to me a lost meeting. But do you know how wonderful it
is? Why, it means that the King is here. That’s where conviction comes from.
It certainly doesn’t come from the preacher. He has no right to tell you what
to do, what kind of an Easter hat to wear, or what kind of clothes to wear, or
“how to walk and to please God.” But when the Holy
Spirit comes in His word, He cuts you doesn’t He? He uses His “two-edged
sword.” There’s conviction.
What a wonderful Savior! Tell me, do
you know “the exceeding greatness of His power to you-ward”? Is it operating? Do you feel the current moving on the line? That’s
prayer in the Holy Ghost. And when you pray, He prays in you. “For we know
not what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit maketh intercession for
the saints according to the will of God.”
Jesus, You are changing me,
hallelujah! You never change, but, thank God, You’re changing
me until I shall be like unto the Son of God. Oh, that change
must go on day by day. But it can only be if I expose my heart to the
scripture and to conviction, and if I submit to Jesus Christ. Let me become rebellious—how
many, many times have we seen that—and darkness comes. Let me be careless with
His commands, and His will when He reveals it to me, and after a while, I’m
not convicted anymore.
Oh, the Spirit of the Living God, who
brooded over the waters and brought forth life—vegetation, and animals, and
birds in the air, and after a while man, the crown of God’s creation—is today
brooding over your heart and over your soul to bring forth the image of the
Son of God, to create within you a “son of God without rebuke
in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.”
… Illustrations:
The lamp is nothing, the Light is everything. “It will
forever be nothing until the electricity is filling it. But now, the light is
inside of it, and now it’s become a light—it’s become a lamp. And He says,
‘You are the light of the world.’” (from 5:53) Another illustration of a lamp. “The outside was very
nice–it was just like when we bought it—but the inside was no good and
so we had no light. And we could throw the thing away because it was
absolutely no good. You couldn’t use it for anything at all. It was made for that
purpose. And, thank God, you and I are ‘His workmanship’…
You and I are made for Jesus.” (from 8:09) A story of a minister careless in a spiritual meeting. “I
tell you, beloved, it’s a serious thing to sit in the presence of God carelessly.
He says, ‘with fear and trembling,’ ‘with a heart that
is circumcised.’” (from 18:33) Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (69) C/60. Side A was slowed to
105.75% of its original duration, then light hiss reduction, select the right
channel only (the left seemed to have some pops and drop-outs that were not
present on the right), DeHummer -30dB, 4 filter, at 57.95Hz, and compression. After
editing, it seemed that the original slowing was too extreme, and the speed was
increased to 98.5% of its edited duration, and so the effective slowing of the
original was to 104.16375% of the original duration.
There is a great deal of crosstalk on this recording from
another message. It sounds like Edwin H. Waldvogel, and is loud enough that
some words are clearly audible.
The music was exported from the same processed intermediates
as the voice, and so was sped up accordingly after editing. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.