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1. To God Be the Glory (2:45)
2. Talk on Praise (12:49)
a. Message (8:40)
b. Tongues, interpretation, comments, praise (4:09)
3. My Sins Are Gone (1:24)
4. Living Where the Healing Waters Flow (1:41)
5. In My Heart There Rings a Melody (2:09)
Selected Verses:
I Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice evermore.
Ephesians 5:18. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is
excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Opening:
…where we all join in praising the Lord. You know, the
praises of God are not complete until everybody praises the Lord. It’s like a
pipe organ. Sometimes a mouse gets into one of the pipes, and the harmony is
hindered thereby. And so then we’ve got to get a repairman to… Or, I had a
friend who had a bi—not a bicycle, but a piano—given to him, a new piano. And
the little girl had to take lessons, and after a few weeks, that piano wouldn’t
play. Only the top and the bottom octaves played, and the rest didn’t play.
What did he do? He was frightened, and he called by long distance. He called
the factory where the piano came from and they sent posthaste a repairman down,
fifty miles. And he just opened the lid, and took out a dust rag, and that
piano played very well again.
And so it is with a meeting like this. The Bible says we
ought to “be filled with the Spirit,” and speaking to
yourselves and among yourselves “in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual
songs”. And that flow of the life of God has
to flow from pipe to pipe and from vessel to vessel, from one to the other.
And there’s something very unusually wonderful about a meeting where everyone
joins in—everyone is clear, clean, pure—“a vessel unto honor, sanctified and
meet for the Master’s use.”
… Selected Quotes:
But God hears [praise]. There comes a
blessing from heaven. The atmosphere is cleared. You’d be surprised if you
could have your eyes opened and see how the bats and the owls
and the cockroaches disappear, and the angels of the Lord come. The glory of
the God fills His temple. That’s, after all, what we are: “the temple of the
living God”. And so everyone has a part to play.
What does He say? “Don’t be drunk
with wine, wherein excess, but be filled the Spirit.” What a
wonderful offer: God Himself offering to fill me with the Holy Spirit! And I
know the change that comes. As I said, I couldn’t praise the Lord. And
later on, I discovered it was because I wasn’t living right. I was a dumper.
I was a critic par excellence. And that thing sat in here. It was the devil.
I found out it was a demon obsession. And when I found that out, I said, “Out
with it!” And the only way to get rid of it was to praise it out. My, how
different things feel now!
Your heart responds to the heart of
God. “Rejoice evermore.” How can I do that unless
the Holy Spirit becomes within me that fruit of the spirit which is love and
joy and peace? Now, I know that some of you are not even listening to me.
You’ve heard this a thousands times…
… Illustrations:
HRW comments on “Beatles, and beatniks, and hippies.”
“Poor children, they haven’t got anything else. They’ve got to have something
to make them happy. But the trouble is the devil is in that thing.” (from 3:25) The story of a man who complained of the smell of the cheese
stuck in his own mustache. “And if you look [in your own] mustache, you’ll
find that’s where the trouble is.” (from 5:04) German at 5:08:
Appenzeller – an inhabitant of the canton of Appenzell, in
northeast Switzerland. German at 10:54:
mit Herz und Mund und Händen — with heart and mouth and
hands Date: “And Beatles, and beatniks, and hippies…” The Beatles became popular in the United States starting around 1964. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (79) C/45. Side A was slowed to 102%
of its original duration; light hiss reduction; DeHummer -30dB, 16 filter, at
57.75Hz; right channel selection as there is a long, complete dropout on the
left channel only. A number of stutters and microphone bumps were removed.
During editing, it was determined that the original speed is
better than the slowed speed, so the edited recording was sped up to 98.0392%
of it’s edited duration. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.