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1. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus (4:03)
2. Sweeter as the Days Go By (2:47)
3. His Workmanship (18:51)
4. Jesus Revealed in Me (2:22)
5. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (2:03)
Selected Verses:
Ephesians 2:10. For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should
walk in them. Opening:
We ought to remember that we are “His
workmanship”—His masterpiece. This morning, I picked a flower
that blooms very profusely in the park. I don’t suppose many people pay
attention to it, but I can’t help it because when I was in the jewelry business,
I made such things with diamonds and platinum and gold and silver. And I
looked at this little flower that practically nobody pays attention to, and I
couldn’t help but say, “Oh, Jesus! How wonderful You are!” Every detail so
perfect—the design of it, the shape of it, the beautiful coloring of it:
different colors, and just perfectly marvelous! And it’s only one of billions
of flowers and plants that not only are made by Him but held by
Him: “He upholdeth all things by the word of His power.”
And then taking a flower into my hand, I see a little ant
crawling through it. And what is the ant looking for? Well, for an uncle, I
suppose. But anyway, to think that of all the billions of creatures that Jesus
Christ created, He has food for them all! They can all find a table spread,
and they didn’t have to make it; God makes it for them. He feeds them
all. He feed the crabs in the sea, and He feeds the fish, and
He feeds the birds—He feeds the sparrows. He feeds the squirrels too, and
provides them with acorns and nuts and things. And God knows just what tastes
good to them. Just think!
Talk about baking cake: My mother used to complain. She
said, “Well, my cookbook says, ‘Take a half a pound of this, and take fifteen
grains of that, and so on, but it didn’t tell you where to take it from!’” But
Jesus knew where to take it from.
Beloved, everything is so very marvelous and so very
wonderful that we’re great sinners if we don’t believe on the Lord Jesus Christ—if
we don’t fall down and worship Him, and if we don’t have
perfect confidence in Him. For these things were all created “by His
word.” They didn’t create themselves.
… Selected Quotes:
And He tells me that I am His
masterpiece, and He’s going to show me forth not only to the
angels but to the Father: a masterpiece
immaculately, “without spot or wrinkle or any such a thing,”
provided I yield and abandon myself to Him. That’s where faith comes in. We
like to monkey with this masterpiece and we spoil it. And we ought to quit
that. We ought to enter into perfect faith and perfect confidence. And here
we have it. And when God gives us the New Testament, He gives us His
cookbook. And He says, “Now you take this, and take that, and take the other.
It’s all provided!” But it’s His command that we take it
and let Him use it in the proper place.
Beloved, Jesus Christ is a perfectly
marvelous and wonderful and all-sufficient Savior, and we cannot please Him if
we don’t allow Him to make us His masterpiece. And He does that where there’s
no natural hope and no natural strength. And I’ve known God
to allow some people to really backslide badly because they thought they were
so good. They judged everybody else, and God allowed them to see that they
were good for nothing. And then, they were willing to let Him save
But here He is: God’s proposition; the New Testament is His
proposition. “What the law could not do” why? “It was weak through the
flesh.” The law showed me the sinfulness of my sin. And the law said, “Thou shalt be holy, even as I am holy.” But it didn’t tell me where to take the “flour” from!
“Though if need be, ye are in
heaviness through manifold temptation…” What for? Every
temptation is an opportunity for God to give you Himself in place of
yourself—to give you “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for the spirit of
heaviness.” Oh, children, we’re in school! Let us get
acquainted with Jesus. And we can only get acquainted with Him in these hours
of trial and testing.
I was trying to make jewelry one time
at home, and I didn’t have silver; I didn’t have gold; I didn’t have diamonds,
and I didn’t have the proper tools. But when I got a job in the largest
jewelry house in Chicago, everything was supplied. The boss was only too happy
to give me all the metal I needed, and all the machinery I needed, and all the
tools I needed, and all the diamonds I needed. He was only too happy. And he
liked my work, but my work was really his work because he supplied all
the wherewith. And oh, beloved, we’re here—we’re “heirs with God and
joint-heirs with Christ.” And what matters it whether I live or
die? But it makes a great deal of difference whether I let Jesus Christ live
in me and finish His job. Illustrations:
The story of a woman who delighted in her inventory of
diseases. “Now you take a piece of paper and write down all the things that
might trouble you in body, soul, and spirit. Listen,
that’s none of your business. It’s His business.” (from 4:22) Stories of Egyptian guides and the Egyptian prince.
“Before that baby was born, everything was provided for him, I suppose, for the
rest of his life. That’s what God did for you and for me, and He did it
‘before the foundation of the world.’” (from 5:48) An illustration of man’s failed recipe. (from 12:21) An important minister who lost contact with Jesus. “What
have you got if you haven’t got Jesus Christ within?” (from 16:50) References:
My Father Watches over Me, a hymn by Rev. W.C Martin,
circa 1910:
I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea,
For, come what may, from day to day,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho’ billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavn’ly Father watches over me.
He makes the rose an object of His
He guides the eagle thru the pathless air,
And surely He remembers me,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, for in the lion’s
On battlefield, or in the prison pen,
Thru praise or blame, thru flood or flame,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.
The valley may be dark, the shadows
But O, The Shepherd guards His lonely sheep;
And thru the gloom, He’ll lead me home
My heav’nly Father watches over me. Date: In a recorded greeting for New Year’s, 1975, Edwin H. Waldvogel mentioned that this talk was given during the last days of prayer attended by Hans Waldvogel. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked C/60 #46. We ran light hiss
reduction; DeHummer, 8 filter, -30dB at 59.85Hz; and compression. A few
stutters were removed. Around 5:45, a rapid series of drop-outs was at least
partially removed. The recording is quite muffled, and so additional EQ on the
editing track was used to boost frequencies around 2400Hz by about 3dB.
A copy of this recording was found on the tape Oldfield032.
It is possible the quality of that recording exceeds the cassette master. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.