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1. I Waited Patiently (31:43)
2. They That Wait upon the Lord (2:36)
Selected Verses:
Psalm 40:1-2. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. I
waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 2He
brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my
feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
Psalm 18:6. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and
cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before
him, even into his ears. Opening:
Did you ever think of how very wonderfully rich your life
will be when you do what the Bible says? There are very, very, very few
people—at least within the reach of my knowledge—that do what the Bible says.
I’ve always wondered about that. And so I said, “Well, I’m going to try it.
I’m going to do what the Bible says.” And while I certainly cannot claim
anything for myself or any…, but I find out it works wonders. It works
You know, it’s like in the natural life. When I was in Hamburg, I was trying to tell the people how to bake a cake. I had when I was a boy one
time heard about it, and that’s all. I hadn’t read the recipe at all, I just
had it in my mind, and I was telling these Dutchmen how to bake a cake. I told
them, “You take a pound of flour, and a pound of eggs, and a pound of salt, and
a pound of sugar, a pound of baking powder, and the equivalent of a pound of
water and milk, and then you mix it well, and then you bake it.” Well, they
laughed at me. Sure. And then they brought me a cake, but it wasn’t made
after my recipe. I don’t know what would have come if it, as you can imagine.
I just had that in my head.
And that’s the way a lot of people try to please God—something
they have in their head. “We all had our conversation in times past”
“according to the course of this world”—things that are
convenient. That’s the way people live.
[At 2:34, the recording 60B starts:]
Did you ever think of how very, very wonderfully God has
provided for our happiness by giving us His own recipe—His own counsel. And He
says, “They would none of my counsel. They didn’t bother. I
spoke, and they didn’t hear. I stretched forth My hand, and no man
regarded.” My, this is wonderful that God stretches forth His
hand to me and wants to lift me, and offers to lift me. And when I don’t
regard that outstretched hand of Jehovah, I have nobody to blame but myself if
I don’t get out of my slough.
And so tonight there was a suggestion made in a message that
brought to my mind one of the recipes. Let me just briefly call your attention
to it because it did wonders for my soul also. I’m going to read a few verses
and see if you can guess where it is found. You scribes, you ought to know
that by memory: “I waited patiently for the Lord.”
… Selected Quotes:
Jesus Christ “had to suffer these
things and enter into His glory” to “receive from the Father the
power of the Holy Ghost” for you and for me. And now God is
waiting for vessels—men and women whom He can fill with the power of the Holy
Ghost. Where shall He find them? Well, He’s got to make them first.
He’s got to cleanse them first. There is a wonderful work of the Holy
Ghost that needs to be done before the Spirit of God can find in you a
“vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared
unto every good work.”
Beloved, no matter what blessings you
need, you’ve got to get them personally from God. You’ve got to get them
alone. It’s between you and your God. I know that God will use people to
bless you, to encourage you, to encourage your faith. But after all, they’re
only prods that prod you on to get to God.
We don’t give God time. There’s not
enough time spent over the Bible to find out God’s will. “Blessed are they
that hear the word of God.” “Oh, that My people had hearkened
unto Me.” “Hearken unto Me, my daughter. Forget thy kindred
and thy father’s house, and bow thine ear. So shall the king greatly desire
thy beauty.” Oh, that is the beauty the King
sought when He came to this earth. He said, “Blessed are the poor in
spirit.” Here were people that needed God—that had nothing to
offer but a heart that was empty. “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
after righteousness. They shall be filled.”
Have you ever thought of what will happen to you if you do
what God tells you to do—if you follow a scripture like this: “I waited
patiently for the Lord”?
“He that cometh to God must believe
that He is, and that He is a rewarder.” And what is that
reward? Why, it’s God Himself. And so I spent a whole year at that time
waiting upon the Lord. I had no time for anything else. You will not have
time for anything else.
Beloved, here are eternal issues at stake, and David knew
it. He had a kingdom to rule over, and he needed a king’s heart, and he needed
the grace of God to rule over people. And the Bible says of you and of me that
“the least shall be like David.” Don’t you know that we’re
“receiving a Kingdom that cannot be moved”? Don’t you know
that we need “grace that we may serve God acceptably”? That
means that God shall be pleased with my service, not I.
But beloved, you and I have a call to
“a kingdom that cannot be moved. “Fear not little flock.
It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Does
that interest you? Why, the whole call of the Gospel is a call to “repent
because the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. It means the reign of
Christ, or the reign of the devil—one or the other! And what a dreadful thing
to be a Christian and not to be under the control of the Holy Ghost fully!
“As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.”
“Youth shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall utterly fall.” Do you know that? That
means you and me! You’ll never stand! Beloved, we’re in a world full of
enemies. The Bible says, “We wrestle not with flesh and blood.” Most have already cast aside their weapons; they’ve never “put on
the whole armor of God;” they’re already licked. The devil
moves in their hearts. Sin is eating their vitals. They’re
defiled. Their garments are defiled. But I’m talking about
those that “go forth to meet the Bridegroom.”
What you do with this message will
somehow determine what God will do with you tomorrow. How many times we have
heard these things! Beloved, I have been in meetings, I suppose a thousand
times. I’ve been with young men that would be convicted—that would hear the
message. They never do it, never—preachers! Preachers never do it! They’ll
loaf around town rather than spend a day or two days or a week at the feet of
Why are we in this meeting? Beloved,
I’m giving you a recipe out of God’s cookbook: “I waited patiently for the
Lord.” Now it might be good for somebody here, when you get your
vacation, spend your two weeks waiting upon the Lord. Hire a cottage somewhere
in the mountains where you can be alone; get away somewhere. Get away
somewhere and get to God, and walk up and down in that cottage and call on the
Lord for all that you’re worth, and God will come to you. And it’ll make a
difference throughout the ages of eternity in your life. It will. It’ll
change you. When God honors a man, I tell you, that honor remains throughout
eternity. And when Jesus Christ produces fruit in your life…
But there’s no danger that anybody will take this recipe, or
take this advice—positively, there is no danger. The flesh is too big. The
devil is too smart. Your flesh has grown mountain-high. Beloved, it will,
unless you really give God a chance and “wait upon the Lord” in real earnest
and in real faith.
“I waited patiently for the Lord,
and He inclined unto me.” Oh, when God inclines to you, son,
something will happen to you. “And He heard my cry. He brought me up.”
When God brings you up “out of the horrible pit, out of the miry clay…” Don’t you know that’s where you’re stuck? I knew it. Oh, this
self-life: you can paint it, and you can educate it, and you can heap all the
honors of this earth upon it, and it’ll only sink deeper into the mire and into
the mud. But “He brought me up, and He set my feet upon a rock.” Praise the
Lord! “And He established my going.” And now, I “walk no more
like other Gentiles walk in the vanity of my mind, having the understanding
darkened” by “the god of this world.” But now, I “walk in the law of the Lord,” and in the
Spirit of God, thank God!
… Illustrations:
Joseph Wannenmacher an example in seeking the Lord. “Time
and again, he’d spend a week or two weeks fasting and praying. … It wasn’t long
before he had conquered Milwaukee. He was like a pillar of fire in that city.” (from 20:59) German at 7:28:
Kreislaufstörung — “circulatory disturbance” or “circulatory
disorders” References:
Constellation — perhaps the Lockheed Constellation. Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
It was found that 60B “I Waited Patiently” is a duplicate of
recording 48B, “Waiting Patiently.” 48B has around 2:34 of material at the
start that is not present on 60B, and 60B has about 1:46 at the end that is not
present on 48B. The superset is presented here. Although there is crosstalk
on both recordings from another sermon playing in reverse, 60B is a bit less
muffled and easier to understand. Track effects were used to boost upper
frequencies for material from 48B, and lower frequencies for material from 60B.
48B was processed with light hiss reduction; DeHummer 4
filter, -30dB at 58.80Hz; some extra graphic EQ to boost the higher
frequencies; and compression. For 60B, we ran light hiss reduction, DeHummer 4
filter, -30dB at 59.60Hz, and compression. The right channel was selected
because it seemed perhaps to have less distortion. The start sample for these
operations was 74000000 in the original file.
We first took the edited version of 60B from (see 060.veg)
and slowed it to 102.75% of its edited duration. Attempts to reduce the
crosstalk from the reversed sermon were not successful. This slowed
intermediate from 60B was brought into the project file for 48B. This adjusted
speed of 60B was just a shade lower than the speed of 48B, differing by
probably less than 10 seconds over the duration of the recording.
The song, They That Wait upon the Lord, was found at
the end of 60B, and the title is not authoritative. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.