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1. Introduction by Edwin H. Waldvogel (2:37)
2. Glory Be to God (3:17)
3. Tongues and interpretation (3:35)
4. Unto Us a Child Is Born (3:05)
5. Christmas Talk (14:18)
6. Open Your Heart and Let Him Come In (2:29)
7. Closing announcement (0:58)
Selected Verses:
John 1:11. He came unto his own, and his own received him
Luke 11:13. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good
gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Romans 8:32. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered
him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Opening:
I wonder what they had to tell when they got to heaven. I
wonder what they had to tell, because there were other angels up there waiting
and wondering what in the world happened when Jesus Christ the Son of God came
among men. What happened? Oh, I think there must have been real sadness in
heaven. “Why, they were all asleep—the whole city of the King. They were all
asleep. We couldn’t even wake them up with our trumpets. We had to go out
into the field where the shepherds were watching. They were awake.
They were awake—they heard us.”
I heard an Alliance preacher say that angels don’t sing. I
don’t know. All our songs talk about angels singing. But the Bible doesn’t
say that. They talked; they had a message—a very wonderful message, but
nobody there to listen to it, nobody there to be interested. “He came unto
His own…”—what a fact; how very wonderful: this entire Old
Testament was a preparation for the coming of the King to this earth, and was
intended to prepare hearts to be ready to receive Him. But when He came, there
was “no form nor comliness that we should desire Him.” My
goodness, who in the world would have looked for Him in a manger—in a manager
in a stable?
… Selected Quotes:
But I wonder what God the Father
thinks of us. I wonder what Jesus Christ thinks of us. “He came unto His
own, and His own received Him not.” Oh, that’s the great tragedy
of the ages. He came to you. You are “His own.”
Oh, how “fearfully we are
made.” And we’re made for one purpose only: to live unto Him—to be filled with Him, to
be united to the Son of God—hallelujah!—to make a throne for
Him to come and reign by us and through us, and let the
“blessing flow far as the curse is found.”
“As many as received Him…” How simple! Why, He comes to every one. He comes to your heart. He
“knocks at the door” of your heart.
And I know what’s happened in your
life if you really know Jesus better tonight than you knew Him a year ago:
you’ve been praying a lot. That’s very simple, but you have. You’ve been
praying; you’ve been waiting upon the Lord; you were taking no chance no matter
what others do. Others have to spend their time otherwise—they have to waste
their time. Whatsoever is flesh is flesh. “That which is born of the
flesh” “minds the things of the flesh.” And when the
Bible says, “We walk by faith, and not by sight,” He
means to say, “we walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.” We
don’t serve the flesh. This flesh is “crucified with Christ.” But oh, thank God, the Son of God controls—He reigns “over my will and
over my affections victorious.”
And it didn’t happen all at once. It happened because when
He came, I heard His voice and I obeyed Him “with fear and
trembling.” I went to God. When God convicted me in the
meeting, I didn’t let it go at that. I didn’t go to the ice cream parlor to
wash it down, but I went to my prayer closet. I buried my—oh how many times I
buried my face in my pillow and cried out my heart before God and said, “Oh, my
God, my God”! Sometimes I’d go home and fast the next day because God had
dealt with me. It pays. I tell you, it pays.
But now, the angel comes and says,
“It’s happened. Unto you…” It’s personal. Oh, that’s
what I need. I need a personal Savior. I need a Savior; and he says, “Unto
you is born the Savior.” There’s only one—but unto me. Oh,
my Lord and my God! And if you’re saved tonight it’s because you didn’t turn
Him aside, but you took Him—you accepted Him. You
realized that you were eternally lost unless you opened your heart and opened
your life and let Him come and be your life. That’s “the gift of God,” who “spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all.”
And He is the Christ “who baptizes
with the Holy Ghost,” and makes you “walk in the Spirit and
not in the flesh.” And He is the Lord promised, Hallelujah! I said,
“Jesus, I don’t know how to reign, and I don’t know how to tell You how to
reign. You’ve got to do it Yourself. And here I am. Let me be Your kingdom.
You be my King.”
… Illustrations:
A personal testimony of healing. “How easy it is to
receive Him. He’s much more eager to give Himself to you than you are to have
Him.” (from 8:58) German at 5:56:
Du kannst dir denken, wie sich der gefreut hat. — You can
imagine how happy he was. References:
Joy to the World,
a hymn by Isaac Watts:
No more let sins and sorrows grow
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
Truehearted, Wholehearted, Faithful and Loyal,
a hymn by Frances R. Havergal, 1878:
Wholehearted! Savior belovèd and
Take Thy great power and reign Thou alone,
Over our wills and affections victorious—
Freely surrendered and wholly Thine own.
Forni’s Alpen Krauter – A tonic advertised “to improve the
appetite, to promote digestion, to regulate the action of the bowels, and to
quiet the nervous system, etc.” Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked: C/60. We ran light hiss reduction,
DeHummer 4 filter, -24dB at 60.00Hz; and compression. Around 8:33 a little
noise reduction was used to reduce the sound of a infant crying.
During a chat with Edwin J. Waldvogel, he mentioned that the
familiar voice of the man speaking in tongues on track 3 is that of one Mr.
Hackradt. He said that his great uncle Hans mentioned once that it was more
difficult to interpret for him than others because the duration of his speaking
in tongues tended to be longer. Track effects were used to make this section a
little less muffled. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.