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1. The Fire Is Burning (2:43)
2. I Came to Kindle a Fire on the Earth (39:07)
3. Ho, Every One that Is Thirsty (2:58)
Selected Verses:
Luke 12:49. I am come to send fire on the earth; and what
will I, if it be already kindled?
I Kings 18:24, 30. And call ye on the name of your gods,
and I will call on the name of the Lord: and the God that answereth by fire,
let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken. 30And
Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came
near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down. Opening:
Jesus says “I am come…” Now, we know that He
has come. What did you come here for? We used to sing a song in Sunday
school: “What am I in this old world for?” There must be a reason why God let
me come to this world: evidently not to live like an animal, and not to
fulfill the lusts of the flesh and then go to hell. God put
me upon this earth for another purpose, and Jesus says, “I am come.”
Dear Lord, what did You come to do? Did You have anything
in mind toward me when you came to this world? Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I’d
like to know whether you really did something for me—whether you came to save
me, to bring me out of my “bondage, sorrow, and night, into Thy freedom,
gladness and light.” It is such a wonderful study to go to the New Testament
and find out how much God has willed toward us.
… Selected Quotes:
And you don’t know your loss. You
don’t. You positively don’t know your loss. Whether you prefer softball, or
television, or the “lust of the flesh,” or the “lust of the
eyes,” you’re preferring Satan—you’re preferring the devil. You
are! And there’s a “fire prepared for the devil and for his angels.” “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast
into the lake of fire,” the Bible says.
Yes, you can do as you please. You
can serve the devil. You can serve the flesh. You can be “blinded by the
god of this world.” You can satisfy every whim and every
desire of your heart. You can let Satan blind your eyes. You can rise up in
pride like all these unbelievers and all these agnostics do. You can do that
if you please. God somehow allows man to make his own choice between heaven
and hell, between light and darkness.
I fear that most people today who
claim they’re saved are not saved at all. Ask them, “What are you saved
from?” They smoke and chew tobacco and chew gum. “They love their fancy
dress, and some have wronged their fellow men, refusing to confess.” And all
these “idols behind the door”—and not only behind the door, but
in the heart! And like the Athenians in Athens, the Bible says Paul went
about and saw them so religious—the city full of idols, and there was one
little corner devoted to the Living God. And isn’t that the
condition of many hearts?
“How much more shall your heavenly
Father give the Holy Ghost to them than ask Him?” There’s not
enough hunger. There’s not enough desire. Our meetings would be so different
if there were a real desire, a real hunger. You wouldn’t have to be patted on
the back and told to come to the altar; you’d come. You wouldn’t have to be told
to pray; you’d pray. You’d cry; you’d call on God, and the fire would begin
And Elijah said, “Come on. The God
who answers by fire shall be God.” Listen, who is your
God? Who is your God? He’ll answer by fire.
There are men “greatly
beloved” by God—God who is maligned, and who is cursed, and who
is blasphemed by His very people. Jesus Christ is being
“crucified again” every day by those who claim to be followers
of the Son of God, and “in works they deny Him.”
He said, “Behold, I send the
promise of My Father upon you.” And He says, “rivers of living
water.” Why, this very body… That’s what’s the matter: “I
beseech you by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice.” Do you know what is meant by “the vessels”? “The
foolish virgins took no oil in their vessels.” This body—this
body is filled with powers of death, powers of lust, powers of pride. They
lodge in your body until you’re “transformed by the renewing of your
mind.” And the little praying you do won’t do it! It’ll take vehement
desire. It’ll take honest-to-goodness repentance. It’ll take a real getting
down into the very grave of Jesus.
… Illustrations:
The story of an inheritance lost. “And you don’t
know your loss. You positively don’t know your loss.” (from 1:02) Germany in the aftermath of World War II. “I had hundreds
of people standing in front of me in the rain there in Stuttgart, listening to
the preaching of the Gospel, and nobody made a move to move out. I said,
‘Well, these are the happy people.’” (from 5:41) The story of Adolph, who perished in the Eastland
Disaster. “Strange. He got there on time; he got there ahead of time. He
couldn’t go to meeting ahead of time. He didn’t like meetings.” (from 15:30) Love proved by letter writing. “Every day he got a
letter. Every day! … How could that girl do it? They say they have no time to
write; they’re liars! … Oh, repair that altar. Make sure
that God is first!” (from 28:51) Comments on the home altar. “Father and mother, God has
commanded you to let the fire burn which Jesus Christ has kindled at the
cost of His own life and His resurrection. ‘He is the King of glory,’ praise God! And if He isn’t the King in your home, soon there
will be another ‘king.’” (from 31:36) The solution for complaining spouses. “I said, ‘Listen, I
have a wonderful medicine. Whenever one of you two gets mad, the one that gets
mad, you go to the other one and say, “Come, darling, let’s praise the Lord!”’” (from 35:01) References:
Jesus, I Come,
a hymn by William T. Sleeper, 1887:
Out of my bondage, sorrow, and
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned,
a hymn by Samuel Stennett:
He saw me plunged in deep distress
And flew to my relief;
For me He bore the shameful cross
And carried all my grief.
HRW refers to a friend who perished in the Eastland Disaster
in 1915.

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