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55B. The Gift of God (Become an inward Christian.)

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  speaker icon   1. Ho, Every One that Is Thirsty   (4:35)
  speaker icon   2. Springs of Living Water   (3:03)
  speaker icon   3. The Gift of God   (33:11)
  speaker icon   4. Satisfied   (2:44)
  speaker icon   5. Pentecost in My Soul   (3:18)

Selected Verses:

John 4:10, 23, 24.  Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.  23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

I Corinthians 1:30.  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.


But I would just like to read these verses that have already been quoted, because it seems that the Lord brought them into the meeting.

He cometh to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.  Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with His journey”—so don’t be ashamed of being wearied after having been swimming all afternoon, and boat-riding, and peeling potatoes, and what-not.  “Jesus was wearied with His journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.”

[Continued reading: John 4:7-24]

I think this word of Jesus, “Ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship God” might have knocked the bottom out of the enthusiasm of the Pentecostal convention that went to Jerusalem.  My, people thought it was such a wonderful thing—and they have for 2000 years traveled to Jerusalem.  And when you come there—I’ve been there twice myself—you find nothing like you find here, right in this room.  I tell you the truth, you don’t.  You can find in Brooklyn something that’s better than I’ve found in Jerusalem. 

People talk about…  Jesus Christ said, “Neither in Jerusalem nor in this mountain.”  And yet people travel all over the world to get some entertainment, and God is looking for men and women who will have sense enough to come to Him and do as He says.  He is seeking men and women who worship Him “in spirit and in truth.”  And in order to create such men and women, the Lord Jesus Christ has offered us a great and wonderful gift here.  And I would like to impress our hearts tonight with the fact that Jesus Christ has a great blessing: “If thou knewest the gift of God.”  Oh, to know that gift of God!

Selected Quotes:

speaker icon And that wonder never leaves me: the fact that the Father is seeking me and seeking you—seeking us out from among the hundreds of thousands and millions of men and women in this world.  “The Father seeketh such to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”  The Father is looking for a temple in which He can dwell, in which He can manifest His glory.  And how beautifully He expresses it here: “rivers of living water,” “a well of living water springing up into everlasting life.”  That constitutes “worshipping God in truth.”  Everything else is outwardness.

And I think that we Pentecostal people better be a little bit careful.  I know that if tonight we’d had a great time of everybody dancing and clapping our hands and rolling around on the floor, the news of this meeting would go all over the world: “My, we never had a meeting like this.”  Tomorrow, you’re the same fleshly, carnal person that you were before you came to the meeting, unless God Almighty can dig down into your soul and take out the vermin and the worms that dwell there and that reign there.  How many Pentecostal people speak in tongues and it’s “as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal” because they have not dug deep—they have not dug down to rock bottom of repentance!  They are not bringing forth “fruits worthy of repentance.”  And Jesus Christ says, “In that day, I will say, ‘Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.’

speaker icon Beloved, the great trouble is we don’t become inward Christians.  We don’t give God a chance to bring us in touch with Himself.  We don’t get still enough over the Bible.  We don’t get still enough in faith: “Why, Jesus Christ, You’re within me.  Now, Lord, You take over.”

speaker iconLet him that hath ears to hear, hear.”  “Blessed are your ears for they hear.”  Oh, Jesus!  “If you knew the gift of God…,” beloved, you wouldn’t have to pray for the revival, it’s within you—it’s there; it’s waiting to spring up within every one of us.  Give it a chance!

speaker icon Beloved, “He has translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.”  That’s where we belong.  “He has delivered us from the power of darkness.”  And if we play with outward things and carelessness—careless thoughts—we’re going to be defeated.

speaker icon You don’t know how the devil is waiting to defile this temple of God and to bind you again with fetters of darkness.  And you don’t have to go to moving picture shows and to dances and do like the world and use makeup and all those things to be a backslider, but oh, when that “candlestick” is removed—that presence of Jesus that permeates your whole being, all your actions, all your words, all your thoughts are under the control of the Holy Ghost!  Have you discovered that you cannot live like others?  “Others may, you can’t!”

speaker icon If you want a revival, here’s the revival like there’s never been one in all of God’s creation: Jesus Christ “the resurrection and the life” will give Himself to you in all His majesty, in all His holiness.  “He is made unto us righteousness, holiness, and redemption.”  And our great damnation consists of the fact that we don’t want Him.  We want His blessing—oh, yes.  But when He doesn’t heal us, then we murmur, and then we say, “Well, why not!  Why not?”  But, oh, beloved, here is “the gift of God”!  “The Father seeketh such.”


Stories of assemblies led into silence as they sought the gift of God.  “He said, ‘This is the first place where I have discovered this vibrant silence.’”    (from 15:56)

A story of deliverance from an attachment to the newspaper.  “She said, ‘…When I came home from the camp, that paper was lying on the table.  I wanted to pick it up, and I couldn’t.’ … God had cleansed her mind.  I said to this woman, ‘Now listen, you be careful.  I’ve had the same experience.  You pick up that paper two or three times and it’ll have you again, and you won’t get rid of it anymore.’”    (from 19:15)

A personal testimony about puppy love.  “Do you know how many people lose the crown because of love affairs that are not of God, and that are defiled by the world and the flesh and the devil?”    (from 21:11)

A personal testimony of an early work of God in the heart.  “‘He shall be my son, and I will be his Father. He that overcometh shall inherit all things.’  Is it such a job to overcome, beloved?  It simply means that I let Jesus subdue everything.  That’s overcoming; nothing else is.”    (from 27:20)

A remark about Pilgrim Camp.    (from 29:11)


Others May, You Cannot, a tract by G. D. Watson (1845–1924).

Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned, a hymn by Samuel Stennett:

Since from His bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thousand hearts to give,
Lord, they should all be Thine.

The Young Christian
by Margaret Mauro
Hebrews 13:13

I cannot give it up,
The little world I know!
The innocent delights of youth,
The things I cherish so!
’Tis true, I love my Lord
And want to do His will,
And O, I may enjoy the world
And be a Christian still!

I love the hour of prayer,
I love the hymns of praise,
I love the blessed word that tells
Of God’s redeeming grace,
But I am human still;
And while I dwell on earth
God surely will not grudge the hours
I spend in harmless mirth.

These things belong to youth,
And are its natural right—
My dress, my pastimes, and my friends,
The merry and the bright.
My Father’s heart is kind;
He will not count it ill
That my small corner of the world
Should please and hold me still.

And yet, “outside the camp”,
’Twas there my Saviour died!
It was the world that cast Him forth,
And saw Him crucified.
Can I take part with those
Who nailed Him to the tree?
And where His name is never praised
Is there the place for me?

Nay, world! I turn away,
Though thou seem’st fair and good;
That friendly outstretched hand of thine
Is stained with Jesus’ blood.
If in thy least device
I stoop to take a part,
All unaware, thine influence steals
God’s presence from my heart.

I miss my Saviour’s smile
Whene’er I walk thy ways;
Thy laughter drowns the Spirit’s voice
And chokes the springs of praise.
If e’er I turn aside
To join thee for an hour,
The face of Christ grows blurred and dim
And prayer has lost its power!

Farewell! Henceforth my place
Is with the Lamb who died.
My Sovereign! While I have Thy love,
What can I want beside?
Thyself, dear Lord, art now
My free and loving choice,
In whom, though now I see Thee not,
Believing, I rejoice!

Shame on me that I sought
Another joy than this,
Or dreamt a heart at rest with Thee
Could crave for earthly bliss!
These vain and worthless things,
I put them all aside;
His goodness fills my longing soul,
And I am satisfied.

Lord Jesus! let me dwell
“Outside the camp”, with Thee.
Since Thou art there, then there alone
Is peace and home for me.
Thy dear reproach to bear
I’ll count my highest gain,
Till Thou return, my banished King,
To take Thy power, and reign!

Audio Quality: Fair

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