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1. Tongues and interpretation (0:35)
2. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (4:36)
3. Behold, He Cometh (22:43)
4. Just As I Am, Without One Plea (3:40)
Selected Verses:
Revelation 1:7. Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every
eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the
earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Matthew 25:6. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold,
the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Opening:
“Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him,
and they also which pierced Him.” I thought tonight, “Isn’t
it wonderful that you don’t have to crucify the Son of God?” The Bible talks
about those who crucify Him by “sinning willfully after they
have received the gospel.” And no man can come by the cross of
Christ: either you accept the blessing of it and are crucified with Him, or you
crucify Him again. Strange. But here, he says, “He comes with clouds, and
every eye shall see Him.”
I love to think of that moment when “in a moment, and in
the twinkling of an eye,” He’s going to do something for
me, thank God! Oh, I want to be there; I want to be there. I heard a little
girl the other day. She was sitting on a couch. Her legs were far too short
to reach the floor, and she was singing and beating with her feet, “I want to
be there when the moon is turned to blood; I
want to be there when the moon is turned to blood.” But I want to be there
when “every eye shall see Him,” and when “all kindreds of the earth shall
wail because of Him.”
You know, the other night, I went by a Pentecostal mission,
and some bad boys were running by the mission and just—not cursing, but
blaspheming, and yelling, “Hallelujah!” They’re going to wail. They shall
wail: “All the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him,” because
“every eye shall see Him” when “He comes in the clouds of
But oh, our hope is different! When (…) He cometh, “we
shall be changed, in one moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” and “changed into the same likeness” of the
Son of God. But beloved, if it happens “in a moment” it’s because tonight
something is happening to you; that’s why—because tonight while the windows of
heaven are open, your heart is open; because tonight, while Jesus Christ is
almost visibly walking through these aisles, and we all feel the touch of his
almighty hand—we can’t escape it. You’d have to have a skin like an elephant
(well, some of you do—worse than that) not to be conscious of that secret,
powerful presence of the Son of God.
… Selected Quotes:
Tonight, Jesus Christ cares whether
you love Him or not, and if you don’t, He wants to pour His love into your
heart. He wants to set your heart on fire with His love. And in
order to do that—thank God!—He’s not only given us the Bible, and the gospel,
but He opened the windows of heaven, and tonight He’s pouring out the power of
the Holy Ghost. And if you open up just a little bit, it’s bound to get inside
of you.
“God commands all men
everywhere” to give up their rebellion against Him—their “enmity
against God,” to give up their sin. He “commands all men
everywhere to repent.” He says, “You have no more right to sin.
You don’t have to sin anymore. Sin shall not have dominion over you if you come to Jesus Christ and allow Him to enter into your heart and to
be on the throne of your heart.” And if you do, He will reign supreme, and He
will “subdue all things unto Himself.” What a
And here he says something else,
“He has made us a kingdom of priests unto God and His Father.” That’s the church of Jesus Christ. And if you want to know what church
to join, join a church where they “pray in the Holy Ghost.” “A
kingdom of priests”! They know that He died for them that they might “no
longer live unto themselves but unto Him who died for them and rose again.” And the Spirit of God will possess them—come upon them and
make them pray like Elijah prayed until the fire falls, and souls are saved,
and the sick are healed, and the kingdom of the devil is destroyed, and the
kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ comes with power. That’s what Jesus wants:
not only to save you from hell, but as we heard a while ago, to make you
partaker of Himself, the great High Priest.
… Illustrations:
HRW’s jewelry experience allows him to know a genuine
diamond. “One day, when this woman was praying, I stooped over; I took off my
glasses. I quickly was through: it was just pop-bottle glass, but it
shone—like the religions of people shine today.” (from 4:51) Comments on young people and hypocrisy among adults. “The
more fuss you make about the teenagers, the more you feed the cancer. Let them
know that we expect them to be decent people and live honestly and not like a
lot of ‘missing links.’” (from 11:49) The legend of the mother who had compassion on the son who
murdered her. “I caused and occasioned the death of the Son of God. I did!” (from 14:30) A beggar invited to live in a palace. “And he’ll say, ‘I
don’t like that strong preaching; you get out of here. I’ll go to the next
dung heap where they don’t talk like that!’” (from 19:56) German at 13:28:
Quotes from Wer Jesus am Kreuze, the German
translation of There Is Life for a Look,
a hymn by Amelia M. Hull, 1860:
Dein Weinen und deine Gebete sind's nicht
womit du mit Gott wirst versöhnt.
Dein Jesus der trat für dich in den Riss
Er ist's der mit Gnade dich krönt.
It is not your crying and not your prayers
through which you are reconciled with God.
Your Jesus stepped into the gap;
It is He who crowns you with grace.
German at 15:50:
Das Mutterherz, A song by Ludwig Halirsch (1802-1832):
Ein Mutterherz! Nur wer es kennt… — A mother’s heart! Only
the one who knows it… German at 16:38:
Ich bin’s und meine Sünden. — It is I and my sins. References:
Time Magazine — “I’m going to cancel my subscription
because of the stuff that appears in it.”
Jesus, I Come,
a hymn by William T. Sleeper, ca. 1887.
Out of my bondage, sorrow, and
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
We ran light hiss reduction, DeHummer 4 filter, -30dB
reduction at 58.85Hz, and compression. The crackle in the recording was
reduced using the Automatic Click Remover, threshold 25, complexity 56. A
couple stutters and sneezes were removed. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.