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1. Medley: Nothing is Impossible; He Touched Me; How Great Thou Art (3:48)
2. Unfeigned Faith (17:03)
3. Something Good (2:27)
Selected Verses:
Luke 24:25. Then he said unto them, “O fools, and slow of
heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.”
Luke 24:45. Then opened he their understanding, that they
might understand the scriptures.
Romans 8:1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Opening:
It is the gossip of men? Is it the interpretation men
put on scripture? Is it what your uncles and your aunts and your cousins and
your nearby neighbors tell you? Or, is your faith based on—glory to God!—not
what the prophets and Moses said should come, but on what Jesus Christ is
to you today? Oh, how different my life will be when it’s a life of faith!
“They entered not in because of unbelief.”
God had taken them by the hand, and taken them out of the
“house of bondage,” brought them through the Red Sea, through the wilderness, fed them with the bread of angels (for forty years), led them by the pillar of cloud by day and a
pillar of fire by night, performed these great signs and
wonders, and yet, when they came up to the promised land, there
they got stuck. They wouldn’t go in.
Why was it? Why, they listened to the gossip of the ten
spies. What did they say? Well, they came right back from their universities
and from their schools of learning with their thermometers and their hot water
bottles and with their learning, you know. Now they had gone to
school, and now they were able to talk Latin and Greek, and they were
able to make the hearts of the people very heavy. Isn’t
that what the devil’s able to do? Isn’t that what he is after?
… Selected Quotes:
Oh, beloved, my Savior is my Savior; He is my Bridegroom; He is the Way; He’s the Truth;
He is the Life. And only faith unites me to this Son of God, only
faith fills me with the Holy Ghost. What will faith do for me in this meeting
tonight? Faith.
And where does faith come from? It doesn’t come from
emotions. Oh, I tell you God’s people are full of superstition.
God did it all, praise God. Didn’t
He say He would? Didn’t He say, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake
you”? Don’t we read in Romans 8, at the beginning of the
chapter, “There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus”? Don’t you take any condemnation! “They that walk not after the
flesh, but after the Spirit…” Here’s the “highway of
holiness.” But faith alone communicates to me that life that we
heard of.
Beloved, let’s not get shaken as soon
as we have a little trial. Trials will come. The world has
trials; we will have trials. But, thank God, He says, “I’m
a very present help in trouble.” … [Jesus] lives by the Old
Testament. That’s the testament that was made for Him, and He—thank
God!—came to fulfill that law. And He honored every word
written in the Old Testament by fulfilling every word. And now He has come to
fulfill the New Testament in you and in me. Oh, wonder of wonders! Let’s get acquainted with it.
We need to close our ears to the
voices of men. Let every man be a liar.
… Illustrations:
Comments on chewing gum. (from 4:38) The fish story, and the move from Seneca Avenue. “Come
out of the old ‘aquarium’ and into the new… When these fish
couldn’t look through because it was opaque, then they got frazzly, and they
got scared, and they began to kick, and then they began to jump… and out they
jumped, out of the water—out of the life-giving element. … They didn’t enter
in because of unbelief!” (from 8:19) German at 3:27:
John 14:18. Ich will euch nicht Waisen lassen; ich komme zu
euch. — “I will not leave you orphans; I come to you.” The King James Version
says, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked (101), C/45. We ran light hiss
reduction, slowed the recording to 104.5% of the original duration, selected
the right channel which looks less distorted, applied the DeHummer 4 filter,
-30dB at 60.00Hz, and compression. A stutter was removed. During editing, it
was determined that the speed was still too fast, especially at the start. The
edited recording was slowed using gliding stretch from 102.25% of the original
duration at the start to 101.0% at the end. This increased the duration of the
edited recording from 17:03 to 17:19. The correct speed remains uncertain. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.