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64A. Abiding — I John 2:28 (There is a “secret place of the Most High,” and “he that abideth in Him sinneth not.”)

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  speaker icon   1. We Worship and Adore Thee   (3:17)
  speaker icon   2. Abiding — I John 2:28   (24:27)
  speaker icon   3. Near to the Heart of God   (2:31)

Selected Verses:

I John 2:28.  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

Psalm 91:1.  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I John 3:6.  Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

John 15:5.  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.


“…and to be presented spotless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.”  Do you want to be there when Jesus comes?  Well, Moses did.  And when all Israel backslid, he went up to the mountain to be alone with God, and he fell down forty days and forty nights, and he said, “O God, this people hath sinned a great sin,” and he prayed for them—he interceded for them until God forgave their iniquity. 

But then Moses wasn’t through.  He said, “God, show me now Thy glory.”  Oh, to him, God was “all and in all.”  And while the people had danced around the golden calf and given themselves to idolatry, Moses had but one aim.  And you and I have but one aim, no matter what others do, no matter how people backslide, no matter what they do with prayer, what they do with church—no matter what they do.  No matter how they give themselves to gossip, to criticizing, to pride, to ambition, to tending to things of earth, I’ve got but one program: to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Selected Quotes:

speaker icon What am I doing with this invitation of Jesus—my Jesus—His offer to offer to come and make His abode with me?  He says, “I in them and Thou in Me, and they in Me.”  What a victory!  But how few people attain to that place because we don’t care!  Jesus cares.  He’s given Himself wholeheartedly.  He went to the Father and received from the Fatherthat which ye now see and hear:” the power of the Holy Spirit.

speaker icon But who cares to abide in Him?  You know, the Apostle Paul, writing to the Philippians says, “I write of many who are enemies of this thing.  They don’t want to hear that!  Why, that’s too harsh, too strong a doctrine!  They mind earthly things.”  Well, who doesn’t?  Earthly things control their minds and their thinking and their actions, and draw them out of God.

speaker icon Is He willing?  I tell you, He is willing for you.  He died for you.  He paid the price 100% for you.  “Sin shall not have dominion over you”—it cannot; flesh cannot reign in you anymore unless you give it room.

speaker iconThey that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”  “He,” God Almighty, “giveth power to the faint.”  And it doesn’t come the way people think—doesn’t come by outward observationIt comes within.  It grows within your soul silently, quietly.  In the silent hours of the midnight watch, the Bridegroom comes in, and He offers you “gold tried in the fire.”  Listen: “Abide in Him that when He shall appear…”  Oh, Jesus!  Not abiding in some organization or some religion, but You—You Jesus, to know Thee, and the power of Your resurrection is the privilege of everyone here.  Why don’t I avail myself of it?

speaker icon Child of God, you may be ever so weak, you may be ever so backslidden.  There’s a place ready for you, “the faint, them that have no might.”  There’s a place in the heart of the Father for you.

speaker icon And there’s another wonderful result.  He says, “He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, and your fruit shall remain.”  You can’t help it.


The story of a failed minister.  “Have you discovered the secret that ‘even the youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall utterly fall’?  We don’t like to think of it, but thousands have fallen by the wayside—thousands: people that seemed so strong; they seemed so spiritual.”    (from 6:18)

Abiding opposed by a Christian.  “They say that’s presumptuous!  …The man in charge threw up his hands and says, ‘Now, don’t preach any false doctrine here!’  He called that a false doctrine, that ‘He that abideth in Him sinneth not.’  His doctrine was that you’ve got to sin, that Jesus Christ isn’t strong enough to keep you.”    (from 18:47)

The story of the dog that hid in the lion’s mane. The same story is told in recording 20B.    (from 19:26)

A soldier who abode in Christ.    (from 22:35)

German at 20:06:

“Geh mal bei mich, aber rasch!” — This Berliner’s butchered German for “Komm zu mir, aber schnell!” — “Come to me, quick!”

German at 20:52:

A quote from the second stanza of O hochbeglückte Seele, a hymn by Philip Spitta, 1833.  The English version of the hymn is How Blessèd, from the Bonds of Sin.


Du hängest Herz und Blicke
an den geliebten Herrn,
in keinem Augenblicke
ist er dir fremd und fern.

Er braucht nicht laut zu mahnen,
du folgst Ihm froh und still –
die Liebe weiß zu ahnen,
was der Geliebte will.

You are fixing heart and looking
Unto the beloved Lord;
There is never a moment
When He is strange and far away.

He does not need to urge audibly,
You follow Him gladly and quietly.
Love knows how to sense
What the Beloved desires.

Audio Quality: Poor

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