A Single Eye (30:21)
Selected Verses:
Matthew 6:22-23. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore
thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if
thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the
light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Hebrews 12:2. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of
our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising
the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Opening:
Here is something that is in my soul: the word of Jesus when
He says, “How great is that darkness!” Did you ever see
darkness? Now tell me, did you ever see darkness? One time I went through Carlsbad Caverns, and that’s a very deep cavern and is many, many miles long. And one time
the guide said, “Now, I’m going to let you see total darkness.” He says, “You
never saw total darkness, but today, you’re going to have a treat: you’re going
to know what total darkness is like. I’m going to turn off the lights for just
a few seconds.” So he turned off the lights, and it wasn’t total darkness.
There was a female moron that had her cigarette lit. But I’ve seen total
darkness in the tunnels in Switzerland—total darkness, when there isn’t a spark
of light.
And Jesus says, “How great is that darkness.” And He’s
talking about our hearts. We’ve heard much about our hearts. How little
attention we pay to the words of Jesus Christ! He says it’s either that “your
body is full of light,” or “great is that darkness.” And it all depends upon
one thing. It all depends upon diligently hearkening to the voice of the
… Selected Quotes:
Now, Jesus Christ says that you and I
have an eye. If we’re children of God, our eyes have been opened to see
something that the whole world doesn’t see—is not possible for them to see.
That’s why “great is the darkness” in the world. “The god
of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not.” Oh, that’s the eye. Somebody said, “How do you look at Jesus?” Well,
if you don’t know, you’ll never find out. It’s the eye of faith!
Praise God! “Your whole body full
of light”! What is that light? Why, it’s the presence of God.
“In Thy presence is fullness of joy.” “I have set the Lord
always before me. He is at my right hand. I shall not be moved.” Do you dare go through this life without having your eye trained on
Jesus Christ?
When God commands you to “pray
without ceasing,” He commands you not to consider the
devil nor his works, but to consider Jesus Christ, praise God! He doesn’t even
tell you to consider your faith. Do you know lots of people are defeated
because they consider their faith? They advertise their faith until it’s all
blown away. He says, “Consider Jesus, the author and
finisher of your faith.” He’ll take care of your faith.
God says, “He that raised Jesus
from the dead dwells within you.” Shall I consider
Him, or shall I consider the devil? Jesus said, “Though he
were dead, yet shall he live. I am resurrection. I am life.” How do I dare dishonor my God and not look at Him
and consider Him and be filled with light?
When the devil came along with his
false theology, Jesus said, “It is written. It is
written! How shall the scriptures be fulfilled? All things that were written in Moses and in the Prophets and in the
Psalms concerning Me had to be fulfilled.” Beloved, they have to
be fulfilled in me too. God’s written your biography in the Bible. God says,
“I’ll never leave you nor forsake you,” praise God! Jesus
Christ said, “All power is mine in heaven and in earth, and I am with you
always.” And yet, many times we act as if, “Well, just now
He isn’t with us. Just now we can’t use Him. Just now…”
… Illustrations:
Christ dishonored by Christians who sorrow as those
without hope. “Somebody said to me, ‘When somebody
dies, you Christians believe they went to heaven. Why do you howl like you
do?’” (from 3:32) A church tower that pierced the London fog and received
sunlight. (from 5:41) A man captured by Indians gets a sight of his deliverance. (from 9:04) The story of the 1918 influenza pandemic. “I didn’t know
too much about divine healing, but there was a Pentecostal brother in Camp Grant. When I began to spit blood and told him, he said, ‘Don’t you mind! Jesus is
here!’” (from 20:13) German at 30:08:
Die Anfechtung lehrt aufs Wort merken — Temptation teaches
to adhere to scripture.
This is Martin Luther’s translation of Isaiah 28:19, which
became a well-known expression among Christians. A modern translation of this
section of the verse reads, “Dann wird es lauter Schrecken sein, die Botschaft
verständlich zu machen.” The King James Version reads, “…and it shall be a
vexation only to understand the report.” Audio Quality: Poor
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The original tape is marked (126). We ran light hiss
reduction, DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at 58.50Hz, and compression. The start
sample for all these operations was 83000000. 

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