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1. Ho, Every One that Is Thirsty (4:29)
2. Open My Eyes That I May See (4:09)
3. Faith (14:17)
4. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, verse 2 (0:56)
Selected Verses:
Genesis 45:20. Also regard not your stuff; for the good of
all the land of Egypt is yours.
Matthew 6:24. No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and
despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Opening:
The discovery of atomic power and energy which threatens our
civilization on one hand, and on the other hand promises abundance of life for
all the people that dwell on the face of the earth—it’s the discovery of the
treasury of creation, and it all came about through the discovery of a very,
very simple formula: E=mc2. Now, of course, if you weren’t such
intelligent people, I wouldn’t tell you this, because I see by your bright eyes
that you understand exactly what I’m saying, and that’s good, because I don’t!
But anyway, I’m thinking of another very simple formula—very,
very simple—so simple that many people miss it. It’s like this: “let go, let
God.” That opens all the treasury of heaven to a poor, lost sinner: the
treasury of righteousness, of holiness, of overcoming sin, of healing for the
body, of eternal life—just as simple as that. Ah, but you know, once you try
to let go…!
… Selected Quotes:
And Joseph said, “Don’t regard your
stuff. Come on, I’ll take care of you. Come on. I’ve got
toasters that are made of platinum and diamond-studded; you don’t need anything.
Don’t take anything along. Come on; hurry up!” And God says, “You can’t
serve two masters.” Here’s your Master, glory to God! “Don’t
call anybody ‘Father’ upon this earth.” They may have been very
good, very wonderful to you, but “how much more shall your heavenly
Father…O ye of little faith!”
But isn’t that the trouble? We hang onto our own strength
and our own righteousness and our own wisdom, and our heart is occupied and is
ensnared and is troubled. And as long as our heart is troubled, it means that
we are idolaters: we bow to a god that cannot save; we submit to a master that
has enslaved us a long time and will not let us enter into the kingdom of God. It isn’t until we really let go. Oh, how simple! That’s “entering into
rest.” “We who have believed…” Oh, I need a sight of my Jesus.
Great faith produces great abandonment.
You’ll be made “a new creation in
Christ Jesus.” He’ll do that. “As
many as received Him…” But listen, “You can’t serve two
masters.” Lots of people try to do that. They still hang onto
things of earth and to their own efforts at righteousness, or their sin. But,
oh, to let go! “Forget the things that are behind;”
“reckon yourself dead indeed unto sin,” because it’s so:
“As Thou hast given Him power over all flesh.”
We don’t let God. Maybe you did “let
go,” but you must “let God.” You do that by exercising this union with the Son
of God. Jesus, You are in my heart. Maybe you see corruption there; maybe you
see bondage there, and as long as you see it, you’ll certainly be enslaved.
God says, “They looked unto Him.” Hallelujah! As many
as looked, lived.
Stop moping about your helplessness
and your hopelessness and your unworthiness. You’ll never be different! You
only aggravate the trouble, but let it go!
… German at 11:22:
Lass das alte lecke Wrack versinken ins Meer. — Let the old,
leaking wreck sink into the sea. Perhaps this is a quote from Reichs-Lieder,
no. 152. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked (123) C45. We applied light
hiss reduction, speeding the recording to 99.5% of its original duration,
applied the DeHummer 16 filter, -30dB at 58.60Hz, and compression. The start
sample in the original file for these operations was 62800000.
The 60Hz notch filter track effects were enabled only for

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.