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1. Nearer, Still Nearer (1:29)
2. The Inner Man (27:54)
Selected Verses:
Ephesians 3:14-19 For this cause I bow my knees unto the
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15Of whom the whole family in
heaven and earth is named, 16That he would grant you, according to
the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the
inner man; 17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye,
being rooted and grounded in love, 18May be able to comprehend with
all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19And
to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled
with all the fulness of God.
Proverbs 4:23. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out
of it are the issues of life.
Ephesians 1:15. Wherefore I also, after I heard of your
faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, Opening:
The Lord talks about the outward man, and He talks about the inward man. And it’s a very wonderful thing when Christ dwells in the
heart by faith—when He lives there.
When Brother Bob and I were in Yugoslavia, in Osijek, there was just one place where we could lodge: a hotel in town, the only one. And
we got quarters that were pretty dirty. Generally speaking, the communists are
pretty dirty, at least where we’ve come around—Alles verlottert. You
know what that means? Ist alles verlottert: everything this kaput; you
know what that means? Everything. They move into these fine palaces built by
the Germans…
In Zagreb, for instance, there’s a hotel that covers almost
a city block and shows the beautiful architecture and beautiful
appointments—staircases, and fixtures, and so on. But it’s now in charge of
people who wouldn’t even be able to take care of pigs’ pens properly, and
everything is full of dirt: the walls, and the stairways; the rugs are torn,
and curtains—there are no curtains on the windows, and so on. Everything was verlottert.
But the clerk said, “Now, if you can get hold of that second-floor suite,
that’s beautiful.” And when nobody was in there, he showed us that place. Oh
my, was it ritzy; it was made for a king! But he says, “You can’t get it now
because there’s a commission from Russia here, from the Kremlin. They’re
occupying this place.” And before they came, the place had to be cleaned up,
and the fixtures had to be repaired, and everything had to be tops.
When God says, “Guard thy heart with all
diligence,” it means to make it ready for the King to move in
and to dwell there. And before the King can dwell in my heart, it must be made
ready for the King.
… Selected Quotes:
He says, “That ye might be
strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.”
Unfortunately, most of us are satisfied with the outside, like the Pharisees.
They were perfectly satisfied, and the Bible says they worked day and night to
whitewash the outside and keep it whitewashed. That’s all they cared about as
long as men would see a “whitewashed sepulcher.” They never
opened up, and the stench never got outside; they had it carefully sealed. But
God says, “God knows your heart.” God knows my heart this day.
Is it a habitation of the King, or do I drive Him away? He says, “The poison
of asps is under their lips. Inside, they’re full of dead
men’s bones.”
Jesus says, “For a long time, it may
seem alright. The house is built on sand.” But He says, “The
day comes when the rains descends, and the floods rise, and the winds beat upon
that house; and it fell: and great was the fall thereof.” Oh,
for God to search deeply, to search the inside, to cleanse the inside, to
restore that inner man! How little attention we pay to the inner man! I tell
you, beloved, this is the great need of our hearts.
Outward things attract people so quickly. My, how quickly
they run if there’s some entertainment someplace—something to satisfy the
senses. And a lot of people have no other spirituality but that which
satisfies their senses. They’ll tell what a blessing they got, but if it
hadn’t satisfied their senses, they wouldn’t recognize the blessing. When God brings
conviction, or He brings quietude, or poise, or calmness, they don’t recognize
that. Outside, everything is beautiful, but inside, there are dumps, or
“dumplings,” or shadows—little depressions, little sensitiveness, question
marks, unbelief, anxiety, fear. Oh, these things are so destructive!
I’ll tell you what I had to do to get
rid of my dumps: praise the Lord; rejoice in spite of
everything. I would spend hours just walking up and down
somewhere in a basement, or in a cellar, or someplace where people couldn’t
hear me, with upraised hands, and shout, “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” And
it felt as if I was being choked, but one day that thing went. The
devil couldn’t stand it anymore. And in place of this enemy, Jesus Christ came
in and put the glory there, and it’s been there ever since. He strengthened
me with might by His spirit in the inner man. But I had to
make my choice between Christ and self.
We generally think of sinners as
being “lost sheep.” Did you ever read the last verse of Psalm
119? “Lord, I am like a lost sheep. Seek Thy servant, for I do not forget
Thy law.” There was a real Christian, and he wanted to be
sought and found. And Jesus is after me this morning, and He’s after you. Oh,
but with what divine love, with what imperial love, with what deep desire does
He think of us!—as brother Posta said a while ago. With what a cry in His
heart does He seek His wandering child! And we wander, and we run away from
Him, and we give Him no chance. If we only gave Him half a chance, how quickly
He would restore you on the inside and strengthen you “with might”!
… Illustrations:
A man who was offended when prayed for. “He got real
angry. He piped up and he said, ‘Do I need all that?!’ Well, but if you don’t
need it, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have it just the same?” (from 7:35) A church member who had no interest in humility. “‘I don’t
want to get down,’ she told me. Well, you can go somewhere else. Go to a
Christian Science lecture room; they’ll tell you that you’re god, and goodness
knows what else! And some other churches too: they’ll sprinkle rose water over
you. That’s nice.” (from 16:40) A church where “rivers of living water” were unknown.
“Oh, for a Pentecostal assembly that’s set-in; for a Pentecostal assembly where
people are holy on the inside, not on the outside—not with Acts 2:4,
but John 7:38!” (from 19:14) The message of the indwelling Christ is rare, even at a
religious convention. “‘You talked about the indwelling life of
Christ. We don’t hear about that. That’s what our hearts
hunger for…’ But the leaders of the convention… thought I had attacked them.” (from 24:12) German at 0:40:
Ist alles verlottert. — “Everything is dilapidated,” or
“It’s all gone to wrack and ruin.” German at 27:27:
“Ich will nicht auskramen…” — “I don’t want to root [around
and find a lot of vermin in my heart].”
Then, a child’s prayer:
Ich bin klein,
Mein Herz ist rein,
Soll niemand drin wohnen,
Als Jesus allein.
I am small,
My heart is pure;
No one shall live in it
But Jesus alone.
Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
We ran light hiss reduction, applied the DeHummer, 8 filter,
-30dB at 58.35Hz, a second DeHummer, 4 filter, -30dB at 58.50Hz, and
compression. The start sample for all these operations was 82000000. A number
of pops were manually removed, and others remain that were too difficult to
effectively remove. The pitch sounds a bit high, especially at the start, but
more natural after about 10 minutes. Slowing the recording to 101.25% of its
edited duration, changing the duration from 27:29 to 27:54 is the compromise
settled upon, but the correct pitch remains uncertain. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.