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1. Get Alone with God (27:38)
2. I Touched the Heart of God in Prayer (1:44)
Selected Verses:
Hebrews 11:6. But without faith it is impossible to please
him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Opening:
Now they’re trying to find out whether there’s anything in
the line of, well, vegetation on Mars! And, mind you, they’re spending
billions of dollars to find out whether they might be able to grow spinach on
Mars, as if we didn’t have enough here.
And they’ve discovered other things. They found out
recently that the sun sends out very marvelous rays of—I think gamma rays, or
beta rays, or alpha rays—some kind of rays. Anyway, the wonder of it is this:
that this earth is such a marvel of God’s creation that it just takes away your
breath when you look into it a little bit and you realize, like David says,
“I thank Thee because I am fearfully made. Wonderful are Thy works and that
my soul knoweth right well.”
… Selected Quotes:
[Martha Wing Robinson] says, “Why do
you come to me? If you want to know the truth, Jesus is the Truth. If you
want to find the way, Christ Jesus is the Way. If you want to have life, Jesus
is Life. Go to Him.” Beloved, that changed my life. She said—of
course, God spoke through her,—“Get alone with Me! Get alone with Me!” He
said it four times. He said, “I can speak to you much better than I can speak
to you by any prophet in the world if you’re all alone with Me.”
And then I said, “What does that mean—to get alone with
God?” Strange! I’d been a Christian so many years; I heard about Jesus; I loved
Him from the distance, but I didn’t know that a person could get so deeply
wrapped up in Jesus Christ, and be alone with Him, and meet Him—like Moses met
Him, like Abraham met Him. We read of these Old Testament men. You remember
how “Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and he was not
found.” Why? Because he “walked with God.”
And if a man like Enoch way back there had found “the secret place of the
Most High God,” I ought to be able to find it.
Jesus said, “You believe in God,
believe also in Me. I will come and dwell within you. I will come and receive you unto Myself that where I am, ye may be
also.” And where is He? In the very bosom of the Father: “At
that day, ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in me, and I in
you.” Beloved, your whole spirit and soul and body, wrapped in God! How is that ever going to be unless first
of all, I believe God, and first of all, I really seek Him?
And when I seek Him, the Bible says I shall find Him. “They
that seek Me early shall find Me.” I find so few people that
have a seeking spirit.
Oh, beloved, I find so few people
that pay the price to be alone with God, and yet it ought to be the greatest
privilege that God offers to me. Jesus says, “Your Father is in secret. He
is waiting to reward you openly.” And what is that reward? And
why a reward? Why, because it’s a hard job—hard job to believe
where others don’t believe, and to act and live that life of faith.
(…) What do I do when I speak in tongues?
Why, God makes contact. He loves me. Himself, the Spirit of God makes
intercession for me according to the will of God. And what do
I do when I use careless words? I drive away the Holy Ghost. “Grieve not
the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
Beloved, today you’ve got to get
alone with God because the world and its alluring charms will swallow you up.
Oh, how many have been “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin,” and they can’t give themselves to prayer anymore; the devil has
come in. He has hardened their hearts and they have no more contact. They get
down to pray and then they go to sleep.
But it’s a wonderful thing when the Spirit of God takes
notice of your seeking the Lord. Himself: God Himself, Hallelujah! (…) God
Himself! Jesus Christ! Isn’t that strange that He sends you and me to the
Father? He says, “I will not pray for you because the Father
Himself loveth you. Go to Father. Shut yourself—shut yourself
in with God.” It costs something. But listen: it costs a great
deal more to go to the devil.
The trouble is we don’t give God time
enough. It takes time before all that noise of the world and those clamoring
temptations and testings and trials have been silenced by the Spirit of God,
and Jesus comes on the scene—the Bridegroom of my soul, He who purchased me
with His own blood for Himself. And what is the reward that shall
be mine? Look at Abraham. He said, “Fear not, I am thy shield… and your
exceeding great reward.” That’s the reward that will be yours
if you get alone with God.
When this work was started, there
were some men here that said, “We ought to have social times. We never get
acquainted with one another; we never meet one another.”
I says, “You can meet me at the prayer meeting! You can
meet me all day on Wednesday!” They never showed up there, but if there was a
coffee klatch, boy, they’d have been there with flying flags! Listen, you’ll
have to get alone with God—and oh, to steal away to be alone with Jesus day by
… Illustrations:
The Arab legend of corn transformed into jewels. “What a
chance you have at the beginning of your life to adopt God’s grace!” This
illustration can also be found in recording 38B. (from 6:05) The story of Hans Waldvogel’s first meeting with Martha
Wing Robinson. (from 8:05) German at 16:53:
From Matthew 24:38 — “eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage” References:
Alone with God,
a hymn by Johnson Oatman, Jr.
Alone with God, the world
Alone with God, O blest retreat!
Alone with God, and in Him hidden,
To hold with Him communion sweet. Audio Quality: Good
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We ran light hiss reduction, slowed the speed to 102.5% of
the original duration, applied no DeHummer, and ran compression. The start
sample in the original file for all these operations was 81000000. 

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