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1. My Faith Looks Up to Thee (3:00)
2. Faith (26:05)
a. Message (12:04)
b. Worship and praise (14:01)
3. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (1:52)
Selected Verses:
Romans 4:20-21. He staggered not at the promise of God
through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21And
being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Opening:
We all feel the need of more faith, but we really need to
“know Him and the power of His resurrection,” because He
not only was delivered for us, but was raised for us—He lives for us. He has “all power in heaven and in
earth” for us. The “exceeding greatness” of the power
that God gave Him was intended to be manifested “toward us,”
to deliver. To deliver!
“It’s good for you that I go away.” He says
it’s good. They thought it was good for Him to be there! But Jesus
says, “You’ll be better off when I send the Holy Ghost upon you—the
power of My resurrection.” The Bible says that “God raised Him from the
dead, and gave Him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God.”
And we still hesitate. I’ll tell you why: we have been
vaccinated with unbelief from birth. We don’t realize that, but all that we’ve
read, and all that we’ve heard, and all that we’ve talked about has just
darkened our vision. And the Bible would clear that vision
and make us see Christ for us.
… Selected Quotes:
Why, “this is the work of God: that
ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.” What did He send Him for?
Well, we know: to “destroy the works of the devil”—to destroy
them, not to tickle them a little bit, but to destroy them!
Oh, that simplicity of faith—not in
divine healing, but in Jesus—in “Jesus Christ whom God hath sent”! It’s our privilege to possess Him. When He says, “Your whole
spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ,” He doesn’t relegate you to a nursing home
or a hospital. That’s not His will. He says, “Faithful is He that calleth
you, who also will do it.” And there He lays down the
principle upon which I believe God, and I expect Him who promised to do it.
Oh, the Bible is full of such “exceeding great and precious promises,” and we content ourselves with quoting them and singing about
them. We shouldn’t. We ought to live the Bible. We ought to be a “living
epistle of Christ, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living
The Bible says [Abraham] “waxed
strong in faith.” That’s the characteristic of true faith: it
gets stronger. Why? Because you’re drinking at the fountain of living water
which is Christ Himself.
He said, “Well, this [Jesus] healed
me. And He told me to carry my bed.” Praise the Lord! What does
Jesus say? That ought to persuade me.
God says, “The eyes of the Lord are
still looking for men and women who in the hour of testing and trial will stand
their ground and be fully persuaded.” Now, every one of
us has an opportunity to seek that persuasion, and we need to. Listen: “All
things work together for good”—all things. You’ve got a job on
your hands. Every job [that] comes your way is an opportunity for God to show
“the greatness of His power toward us who believe.” And
that’s how we “grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Son of God,” and we grow in faith. And God wants us to grow.
… Illustrations:
A plumber who didn’t bring his tools. “But when Jesus
Christ came to that man at Bethesda… ‘My Father sent Me for that purpose—to
heal you. And I’ve got all My tools with Me.’” (from 2:42) A retelling of the story of an early sickness. “They came
around to persuade me… Well, that was so helpful that I really got sick. If I
hadn’t been sick, I’d have been sick by those emissaries of the devil.” (from 5:58) References:
Lead On, O King Eternal, a hymn by Ernest W.
Shurtleff (1862-1917):
Lead on, O King eternal,
the day of march has come;
henceforth in fields of conquest
thy tents shall be our home.
Through days of preparation
thy grace has made us strong;
and now, O King eternal,
we lift our battle song. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked #187. We ran light hiss
reduction, slowed the recording to 103.0% of the original duration, ran the
DeHummer, 8 filter, -30dB at 58.50Hz, and compression. The start sample in the
original file for these operations was 85000000. Several pops and stutters
were removed. A cough or two from the audience were removed. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.