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1. Good Friday Talk (28:35)
2. The Lion of Judah, chorus (1:18)
Selected Verses:
John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life.
Revelation 1:5-6. And from Jesus Christ, who is the
faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the
kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his
own blood, 6And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his
Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Opening:
“God so loved the world…” Sometimes fathers
put their little boy on the table and they say, “How much do you love your
Papa?” and then they put up their paws. And my Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to
the cross. And so, tonight, I thank God for the fact that God so loved me.
But it doesn’t mean much to me unless I accept that love. And tonight, we
could search our own hearts and see how much of it we have received.
I have a text here, and I’m so thankful for the last book in
the Bible. I’m so glad that throughout the Bible, there runs that red line:
that testimony to the blood, that “without the shedding of blood, there is no
The British navy had a way to save all the ropes that they
used in their ships. They spun a red thread through that rope, and wherever
you found a piece of rope with a red thread through it, that wasn’t on one of
those ships, why it was stolen, and you were in danger of being put in the
jug. That red line showed where it belonged. And, praise God! “When I see
the blood,” God says, “I will pass over you.”
And here is the verse in the last book of the Bible. And
I’m so glad that there they make more of the blood than anywhere else in the
whole Bible. And they say, “Unto Him that loved us…”
… Selected Quotes:
You cannot possibly know God until you
know His love for you, personally. That’s the truth. And here He tells us
that all the saints and all the saved in heaven, they have one song, and that
song glorifies no man on earth, no prophet, no preacher, and no cardinal, and
no evangelist, and no organization, but they praise and they glorify just One:
“Unto the Lamb in the midst of the throne be glory and
dominion and power and might forever and forever.” And they say, “Unto Him that loved us and loosed us from our
Young men and women, you go to a high
school, you go to schools of learning. Don’t let those sons
of monkeys fool you. Let the Son of God breathe into you the breath of
life. Let Him fill you with the Holy Ghost. Let
God Almighty “who commanded the light to shine out of darkness shine into
your hearts,” and I tell you, you’ll have a wisdom, and you’ll know a science that the others don’t know.
Why does Jesus Christ complain about
Ephesus that they’ve left their first love? What did they
leave? They left Him.
Oh, that love of God is absolute, but
that love of God is absolute toward me personally. What am I doing with
it? Have I come to drink that blood and to eat the flesh of the Son of
man? Have I answered that great call from the cross of Christ:
“Be ye reconciled to God”? Or as the German Bible
says, “Lasset euch versöhnen mit Gott”—“Be made sons of God.” That’s the only
thing that will satisfy the heart of my Jesus that bled itself to death. You
cannot satisfy Him by singing about Calvary and talking about it, but you can
satisfy Him by becoming “a living sacrifice,” by saying
“Jesus, had I a thousands hearts to give, Lord, they should all be Thine!” But if you give
this one heart that you have to Him, He’ll take it. That’s
salvation. That’s what He wants. That’s what He paid the great price for, and
He’ll never be satisfied with anything short of that.
And when Jesus Christ brings the Gospel
to you, and speaks to you of the home that He’s gone to prepare, and the glory that shall be revealed in us, it’s to ask you the
question, “Will you come after Me?” “If any man will come
after Me, let him forsake all that he hath—his own life
also, in order to be My disciple.” Oh, this love of my God wants
a wholehearted surrender.
Did you know that you have not only
the privilege, but it’s God’s command for you to “be filled with the
Spirit”—that “sin shall not have dominion over you: you’re
not under the law; you’re under grace”? You belong to Him. You
have no right to sin any longer, because sin shall not have dominion over you.
Jesus Christ wants my body, wants my
soul, wants my spirit. He has purchased it. “Who gave You the
authority to demand of me a wholehearted surrender to You?”
Why, beloved, He paid the price. Here, He was hanging on the cross for that
one purpose: that we might have Him, and that He might have us. And we make
the choice. And tonight, He invites us to come to His table and to be reminded
of the eternal covenant.
… Illustrations:
The legend of the mother who had compassion on the son who
murdered her. “That’s only an illustration of the great love of God.” (from 17:36) German at 11:38:
Two child’s prayers:
Lieber Heiland mach mich fromm
daß ich in den Himmel komm.
Blessed saviour make me pure,
that I may get to Heaven.
Ich bin klein,
Mein Herz ist rein,
Soll niemand drin wohnen,
Als Jesus allein.
I am small,
My heart is pure;
No one shall live in it
But Jesus alone.
German at 19:52:
“…Lasset euch versöhnen mit Gott.” — II Corinthians 5:20.
“…Be ye reconciled to God.” References:
Arise, My Soul, Arise,
a hymn by Charles Wesley, 1742:
Five bleeding wounds He bears;
received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers; they strongly plead for me:
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry,
“Nor let that ransomed sinner die!”
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned,
a hymn by Samuel Stennett:
Since from His bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thousand hearts to give,
Lord, they should all be Thine. Date: “I’ve been preaching this now for 50 years, and 40 years here in Brooklyn.” That would place this recording around 1965. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked (129). We ran light hiss
reduction, slowed the recording to 102.0% of the original duration, applied the
DeHummer, 4 filter, -30dB at 58.50Hz, and compression. The start sample in the
original file for these operations was 76800000.
A stutter or two were removed, as well as coughs, and long
pauses shortened. Around 3:57, it seems perhaps that some material was edited
out of the source tape. There are drop-outs in some places throughout the
tape. The remark at the end of the recording, “Let me hear from the choir once
more,” has been omitted. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.