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1. The Wise and Foolish Builders, Matthew 7:24-27 (2:21)
2. What Do Ye More Than Others? (40:23)
3. Take Time to Be Holy (2:06)
Selected Verses:
Matthew 5:47. And if ye salute your brethren only, what do
ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
Ecclesiastes 10:1. Dead flies cause the ointment of the
apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is
in reputation for wisdom and honour.
Colossians 3:12-15. Put on therefore, as the elect of God,
holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness,
longsuffering; 13Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another,
if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do
ye. 14And above all these things put on love, which is the bond of
perfectness. 15And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the
which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Opening:
Father, we pray that You will accept our prayer. We pray
that Thy Spirit shall help our infirmity to pray through. O
God, O God, we’ve been deceived by our own deceitful, wicked hearts—we have. O Jesus, but Thou knowest our hearts and searchest our spirits,
and we pray that Thy two-edged sword shall be “a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of our hearts.” And, O God, we pray that the light
of the presence and indwelling of Jesus Christ shall expose all the dark places
within us, shall cleanse us as You cleansed Your disciples, shall purify our
souls through the spirit unto “unfeigned love of the brethren.”
O God, God, we know that Thou dost not work aimlessly, but Thy aim and Thy
purpose is to “present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”
Now grant, my God, unto us the grace to cooperate with fear and trembling as You work in us “to will and to do of Thy good pleasure.” Amen.
I had a session with Dr. Pullatootsky some time ago. That’s
the dentist. And he said, “Open a little wider.” I feel sorry for a dentist;
he’s gotta look down your throat. But he has a good many people from this
assembly as customers, and he discussed one of them. He said, “She’s such a
nice lady, such a gracious lady.” Now, I won’t tell you who he was talking
about. But then he said, “Really, all the people from your church are gracious
people.” I liked that. I thought that was a nice testimony, but of course, he
only sees them when they have their mouths open.
But, you know, someone else that got acquainted with a lot
of our people said, “All the people from Bro. Waldvogel’s assembly are
dumpers.” I didn’t like that. That was a real saint that said that, and it
was a saint that knows many of our people, and she says, “All the people from
Bro. Waldvogel’s assembly are dumpers.”
Now, I’d like to ask this day, “What do ye more than
others?” Really, we can’t judge our Christian walk by the way
we act in meeting, when we shout and praise the Lord and speak in tongues and
have a good time. But how do you treat your grocery man or your butcher or
baker or candlestick maker? Boy, some of these saints can be crabs! I tell
you, they can; they can bawl a butcher out if he doesn’t give them just the
kind of meat that they wanted, and they can be very nasty with their neighbors,
and sometimes not only the ladies but the male drivers, when they get into some
pinch with some other driver. My, I’ve seen preachers lose all their
justification—not to talk about sanctification! In a moment’s time, they were
turned inside out!
Well, what do ye more than others? Jesus would like to say,
“What do ye more than others?”
… Selected Quotes:
Today, after 33 years of teaching,
wouldn’t it be a good resolution to start doing the things that we have
learned? Wouldn’t it be a good thing instead of just talking about the fruit
of the Spirit to see to it that we bear the fruit of the
Are there dead flies in your
ointment? Oh, that ointment of a devoted life—that
wonderful ointment of a life lived in Christ, in union with the Son of God!
There shouldn’t be any dead flies there. There shouldn’t be any words that
hurt, that defile, that offend.
Do we eat our breakfast like “the
elect of God, holy and beloved”? Does it make a difference?
Beloved, we either invite Jesus Christ or we drive Him away; we either get
filled with the Holy Ghost, or we grieve the Spirit of
Should I have the devil in me because
somebody else does? No—can’t; can’t afford to. “Ye live no more as other
Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their minds. You’ve been
delivered from the power of darkness. You’ve been translated into the Kingdom
of the Son of His love.” Praise God!
“What do ye more than others?” That’s the
question. Why, what you do, the harlots do, the publicans do: they all live
for themselves. Why am I crabbed? Why do I make sarcastic remarks? Why can’t
I speak courteously and kindly? Because I love myself to the point of
fanaticism. That’s what it is: it’s the mark of the beast; it’s the brand of
“For this cause also, we, since the
day we heard it—we heard of your love in the Spirit—do not cease to pray for
you.” Oh, Paul, stop it; why, these people are Christians;
why they’re baptized in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4. And they can
still get mad, and they can still have their fights, and they can still have
dumps. No they can’t! No. Paul says, “I heard of your love in the spirit.
Now I cease not to pray for you. I see that you’re elect of God, holy and
beloved. How do I know? Because our Gospel came not unto
you in word only, but when you heard it, you received
it as it is in truth: the word of God, which also worketh effectually in you
that believe.”
Has it worked effectually? Has it taken those dead flies
out of the ointment? Oh, well, those things are
unimportant: just a little fly, just a little fly. What difference does it
make? But it makes the whole thing stink—the whole ointment: that worship of
God “in spirit and in truth” rises as a stench into the
nostrils of Jehovah.
“They say, and they do not.” Beloved, it’s time after 33 years of help and teaching that something
happened to us and we got rid of the dead flies. Really.
We read yesterday about gifts of
miracles, and people quickly think of miracles of casting
out devils, and they’re full of the devil themselves… Where does a dump come
from? Why, it’s the devil on the inside where Jesus ought to be—might as well
name it what it is. Oh, these miracles, these wonderful miracles wherewith
Jesus prepares His bride for the wedding. These are not miracles that are
advertised in these papers and magazines… But the angles of God know you, and
the devils knows you, and they wonder why they can’t get near you. They wonder
why they can’t tempt you with lustful, conceited pride and criticism. They
can’t touch you anymore. Instead of that, the Father and the Son and the Holy
Ghost have come to abide in you. You’ve been “partaker of His
divine nature.” And what is that divine nature? Well, here we
have it: “bowels of mercies.”
Did you ever think that that belongs
to your outfit: kindness? Kindness, kindness—not kind, you
know, like the harlots and the publicans that are kind to those that are kind
to them. My, they can be kind! And some saints can be kind too when you’re
kind to them, and when you don’t cross their track, and don’t crawl over their
livers, and don’t do anything to displease them. But how they can snap; how
they can hiss! You see the rattlesnake. You see that kitty: it came around
with sweet, soft paws, you know, and a silk ribbon around his neck, and purring
sweetly, but now the claws come out, and now he hisses.
Kindness, kindness! Beloved, we ought to pray over it. Take
your rosary, and with every bead, say, “‘Put on therefore, as the elect of
God,’—let’s see now—‘holy and beloved, bowels of mercies,’—yes—‘kindness,’—kindness,
kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness,” until it grips you.
Am I kind? “Love suffereth long and is kind.” Kind—kind all the time.
“Humbleness of mind,” thinking others better than myself: does that
appeal to you? Do you think it would be nice instead of a dead fly in your
ointment to be free from it? Do you think it would be nice
to have humbleness of mind? Beloved, Jesus Christ says, “I am the Truth; I
am the Life.” Life is made for those that were “dead in
trespasses and in sins”—for you and for me. Oh, let us take, out
of His fullness, His life. Everything else is not life.
After 50, everybody has the face that
he deserves. In other words, he has worked for it. Now, when we get our new
body, we’re going to get the kind of a body we worked
for, I suppose, logically. What kind of a face will you have in heaven? Well,
you’ll have the kind of a face you deserve. He says He’ll reward every man
according as his works shall be.
Look what he says: “And above all
these things...” What, is there any more than that? Why, we
haven’t even started putting on “bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of
mind, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another.”
We don’t do any too well at that. But after we’ve done all these things, He
says, “Say ‘We’re unprofitable servants; we’ve only done what we were
commanded to do.’” He says, “Above all these things, put on love”—Oh!—“which
is the bond of perfectness.” Now, praise the Lord, what an outfit Jesus has
for His bride!
No wonder all heaven rejoices and shouts, “Hallelujah!
Let us give glory to Him for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife
hath made herself ready!” Lots of people think they’re
getting ready, but you know, in that day the King will come and He’ll find
one not having on a wedding garment. He has the estimation of
himself; maybe he has a reputation among men, but “Where’s your wedding
… Illustrations:
Unbelievers who put professing Christians to shame.
“There were men there that were worldly men, and they were so kind and so
courteous—so thoughtful of me, a poor kid. They would help me all along the
way, all they could. They acted like I thought a Christian ought to act and
didn’t!” (from 5:41) A godly wife, victorious through the meekness and lowliness
of Jesus. “Ellen got up sweetly. She got up in God because she’d gone to bed
in God… These drunken fellows tried to get her goat, and there was no goat
there; there was a Lamb… The exceeding greatness of His power to usward who
believe makes us different.” (from 14:18) Another story of a Christlike unbeliever. “She… never
complains. No wonder Jesus says ‘the publicans and the harlots will go into
the kingdom before you.’” (from 23:42) Honesty in advertising. “Some woman said, ‘I am 35, and
fat, and ugly, and sometimes ill-tempered, but a good cook, and is there a
gentleman who is willing to put up with me?’… But what does Jesus see in me?” (from 28:17) A tract about a woman who did not prepare for eternity.
“‘We had to build with the material that you sent over.’ … You know that ‘whatsoever
a man soweth…’ You sow dead flies every
day.” (from 34:20) A dedicated Christian dumper sowing dead flies. “It
brought an ill odor upon the whole house, made everybody feel sort of
depressed. How different, how different it could be. Beloved, we serve the
living and the true God.” (from 36:15) German at 12:11:
[German transcription unavailable]
[English translation unavailable] German at 15:55:
[German transcription unavailable]
[English translation unavailable] German at 16:24:
Sauf brüder — “drinking buddies” Date: “Today, after 33 years of teaching, wouldn’t it be a good resolution to start doing the things that we have learned?” That may place this recording around 1958. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
There was a special request to prepare this recording, and
so it was done in July, 2012, prior to working on 82A. Another proposed
subtitle was “Put on the provided wedding garment described in Colossians
Original tape marked (#227). We ran light hiss reduction,
DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at 58.50Hz, and compression. The start sample for
compression was 7300000. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.