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Loretta Mae Judd
1. The Palace of Perfection

  speaker icon   The Palace of Perfection   (20:02)

A transcript of this message was kindly provided by Juanita Gearheart.

Date: This recording was discovered on a reel with other talks, the nearest one marked September 27, 1957.  This talk was the only one on the tape not marked with a specific date.

Audio Quality: Excellent

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Project Notes:

We had previously posted (around 2007) a very poor recording of this talk, taken from the reel called RRKS02b.  In 2013, a much better recording, perhaps the original, was discovered on tape 394 from the archives of the Judd Faith Home in Zion, Illinois.  An intermediate source was created by running light hiss reduction and the DeHummer in Adobe Audition CS6.  We found it useful to have the redundant reversed direction digitized files available because they had less noise during certain problem areas around 9:20.

At 0:29, LMJ’s question, “Do you hear?” and the response “Yeah,” were removed.  Some stutters, long pauses, coughs, and throat clearings were removed.


Project Files:

The original media and project files are available upon request.

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