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1. Medley: Nothing is Impossible; He Touched Me; How Great Thou Art (3:38)
2. Talk on Healing (13:38)
3. He Was Nailed to the Cross for Me (2:54)
Selected Verses:
Hebrews 11:6. But without faith it is impossible to please
him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen.
Isaiah 53:1. Who hath believed our report? and to whom is
the arm of the Lord revealed?
Johh 5:6. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been
now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? Opening:
When I came to God for healing, I had a hard time because I
had been indoctrinated in the Baptist way. And so I needed help. I needed
healing, and I said, “Well, I’m going to find out whether it’s in the Bible.”
And I found the Bible chock full of it—chock full of healing from one page to
the other, and never one word against it—not a single word to inspire unbelief,
but everywhere the call of God to believe, to “hope against hope.” And I found out that it is “impossible to please God”
excepting as I believe Him. “He that cometh to God must believe.” Well, what shall I believe? I said, “I’m going to believe the Bible.
I’m going to believe this book.”
I told you about the preacher I dealt with who didn’t
believe in divine healing. And one day I visited him, and he said, “My
goodness, I never knew how sick I was until I read the doctor book.” He had a
doctor book that described all the sicknesses in the calendar, and so when he
saw something described that he thought he had, why then, he thought, “My
goodness, I didn’t know how sick I was. I thought I was sick, but now this
doctor book tells me how sick I am.”
But here’s a doctor book that tells me how well
I am,—glory to God!—shows me the “unsearchable riches of Christ,” glory to God! And I said, “I’m going to find out whether it’s in the
Bible, and if it’s in the Bible, I’m going to stand on it, and I’m going to
believe God, and I’m going to take it, and consider it settled forever.” And I
found out not only that the Bible was chock full of promises, but here was provision!
here was a fountain! here was a limitless ocean of life! Glory
to God! And when He says, “Without faith it is impossible” to
please Him, He says, “faith is substance.” It isn’t reaching
up into the air where there’s nothing—it’s substance. It’s a substance that’s
more substancious than the things you feel and the things you see, because that
Substance is the resurrected Son of God—His resurrection life!
… Selected Quotes:
“Blessed are they that have not
seen.” There’s something unseen that is substance: it’s Christ, resurrected from the dead, Christ
“who was delivered for our offenses,” and who “Himself took our
infirmities” upon Himself. Now if Jesus Christ had pointed to
Gabriel, or to Michael, one of the archangels, and said, “Now, you foolish boy,
I’m going to make him suffer with your corns, and your mumps, and your
measles,” then you’d have faith, wouldn’t you? But instead of that, Jesus
Christ took all our infirmities upon Himself.
And in order to make the healing available to us, He had to
“destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil,”
and “bring life and immortality to light through the gospel.” But, “who hath believed our report?” That’s always
the question: who hath believed what God says? We believe what the doctor
Oh, how we ought to study about faith,
how we ought to study Jesus! That Isaiah 53 is written directly and personally
for you, never mind all the others, but for you. It’s written for
you! “To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” Why, God
desires to manifest His power. “The arm of the Lord” refers to that wonderful
power of salvation for body, soul, and spirit.
We have often quoted this text: “The eyes of the Lord run
to and fro throughout the whole earth,” and what are they
looking for? They’re looking for you! When Jesus came from heaven, He
constantly looked for people that needed Him. And then He offered Himself to
them. And when that woman at Samaria’s well said, “Oh, when Christ comes,
he’ll help us. Oh, how we need him.” He said, “Why, here I
am. I’m here—right here. And if you knew Me, you’d ask Me, and
I’d give you—without question—I’d give you a living fountain of
water, not just a few drops to quench your thirst now, but I’d put
a well inside of you.”
“There was at Jerusalem by the sheep
market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five
porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk”—of
Baptists, of Methodists, of Presbyterians, of Pentecostal people, of
Catholics—“waiting for the moving of the water.”
You go to these divine healing meetings, and you see the
same gang in every meeting—the same noses. I’ve been there. They’ll let
Bosworth pray for them, and if they don’t get healed, then they go to
Wigglesworth. And if they don’t get healed there, then they go to Oral
Roberts, and then they [don’t] get healed there, and then they go to Osborn.
Why don’t you just come to Jesus Christ?
And Jesus asked a wonderful question,
which He asks of you too: “You want to be made whole? Why, that’s
what God Almighty sent Me down from heaven for, and I’m always looking for
somebody, that I can prove My power, that I can prove the faithfulness of God.
I’m just looking for somebody that has no more help anywhere else. And I will
glorify the Father by: ‘Come on! Get up! Run!’”
What good would it do you to hang out
a shingle and say, “I am the Lord, thy Physician,” if you
can’t heal me? It wouldn’t do Him any good—it wouldn’t honor Him. That’s why
He put that in the Bible: “Wilt thou be made whole?” Now, it’s up
to you.
I tell you, we fool around with the
word of God. We ought to recognize that “faith is substance.” You’re dealing with a victory that’s already accomplished. You’re
dealing with the Christ who has already borne your affliction,
and has been raised from the dead by the power of God, that now
He might fill your body with resurrection life. But only faith appropriates
it. And that’s where our trouble comes in. That’s where the fight comes in.
Oh, beloved, faith is
substance—faith is Christ waiting to glorify Himself! He
says, “The body is dead because of sin.” Don’t be surprised if
you catch a cold once in a while. And don’t be surprised if you got a kink in
the back. But don’t run and wait for the angel to stir you up. Here is God
Almighty: He says, “The spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in
you.” What does He want? What does He want? I couldn’t live without
… German at 11:34:
Du siehst aber so elend aus. — But you look so miserable. References:
Ministers with healing ministries: [F. F.] Bosworth, [Smith]
Wigglesworth, Oral Roberts, [T. L.] Osborn. “Why don’t you just come to Jesus
Christ?” Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (20). The first intermediate is an
Audition 3.0 light hiss removal. The second intermediate, used for some of the
music is a decrackled version processed with Sony Click and Crackle Removal
settings 16, 6, 2.0, Low, which is the default for vinyl recordings. Some
stutters were removed, and pauses shortened.
During a review of this recording in May, 2010, it seemed
that everything is fine, except that it would help to boost the volume in a few

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.