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1. Ye Ought to Be Teachers (20:32)
2. Breathe on Me, Breath of God, verses 1 and 3 (1:09)
3. Wonderful Words of Life, excerpt (0:57)
4. Near to the Heart of God, verse 1 (1:23)
Selected Verses:
Hebrews 5:12. For when for the time ye ought to be
teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles
of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of
strong meat. Opening:
“For the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that
one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and ye
have need of milk, and not of meat.” And that made me think,
“Oh, if God could only speak to us this morning.” Tell me, wouldn’t that be
wonderful if God could call every one of us by name, and say, “I’ve got
something to say to you. I’m going to talk to you”? Well, listen, He does.
“God hath spoken unto us.” That ought to be very clear: God
hath, long ago; He has called us through the Gospel. “God hath… spoken unto us
by His Son.” “God hath spoken unto us.”
What is the result? Well, the result is that today we’re
teachers—“teachers of babes.” We’re “instructed in the
law” of God. We are shining lights “in the midst of a
crooked and perverse generation, among whom we shine; holding forth the word of
life.” The result is that we “show forth the praises
of Him, who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
… Selected Quotes:
“Whereas for the time ye ought to be
teachers.” Well, we are teachers. My goodness, we can
sit down and chew everybody’s ear off, and talk by the hour about how people
ought to live. I’ve heard that again and again. We can tell everybody else
where to get off at. But to let our “light so shine before men,” “to let our light shine.” Light is light. “God is
light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” And “if we walk in
the light, as He is in the light,” there will be no darkness in
us. And if mine “eye is single,”—and I keep looking at Jesus,
and keep my mind “stayed upon Jehovah,”—my “whole body will be full of
Oh, listen, it is a tremendously wonderful blessing to have
God speak to us by His Son: not like He spoke to the prophets,
or to the old saints by Moses, and gave them the law. But oh, thank God! He
spoke to us “by the Lord, and confirmed His word unto us by them that heard
Him… with signs and wonders and gifts of the Holy Ghost.”
“What is man that Thou art mindful of him?”
Has He ever stopped at your door? Has He ever knocked at the door of your
heart? Has He ever spoken to your heart? Have you heard His
voice? Have you heard Him plaintively ask to let Him come into your heart?
Have you heard Him say to you that you’re “wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and naked,” and that you don’t need to remain like
that? But if you’ll “hear His voice,” and “open the door,”
He will come in. He’ll give you “gold tried in the fire.”
He’ll give you reality—“beauty for ashes, the oil of joy… for the spirit of
heaviness.” He will substitute Himself for your self.
“God hath spoken to us,” and He has a very definite message, a very definite holy call. His call is for us to enter into that rest
which Joshua was not able to lead his people into. It took the heavenly Joshua
to come down from heaven to lay down His life that we might have His life. Oh,
that’s the thing God wants us to hear: that He’s provided a Savior for us who
saves “to the uttermost.”
But it tells us in the fifth chapter, “He’s become the
Author of eternal salvation to them that obey Him.” “Whither
the forerunner is for us entered…” Where did you go Jesus? He
says, “I go to prepare a place for you. I want you to be where I am, and
I’ll come again. I will not leave you orphans. I’ll come
again.” Has He come to you? Has He come to you? Have you
accepted Him? If you accept Him, He will take over, and He will reign.
And today He speaks again, “If ye
will hear His voice…” Oh, there are so many voices today
calling the people of God, so many siren voices that pretend to be the voices
of God, that pretend and purport to be the voice of Jehovah. And here is the
word eternal, which is “quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
“We who have believed…” Believed what? Why, we believe into [the] presence of Jesus, and “we
enter into rest” by ceasing from our own works, and waiting upon
the Lord, and waiting upon His works, and waiting upon Him to do His works.
And how does He do it? He unsheathes His sword, He speaks to our
hearts, He takes these wonderful words of the New Testament and
He quickens them to our soul. And presently, this word which was
formerly just the Bible, becomes the great God before whose eyes nothing is
hidden, whose “eyes are like flames of fire,” and who searches the depths of our hearts.
He says, “I offer you gold tried in
the fire that thou mayest be rich, and eyesalve that thou mayest see, and white
garments that the shame of thy nakedness be not discovered.
And if you don’t, I’ll spew thee out of My mouth. Oh, if you were cold, I
could deal with you, and if you were hot, I could deal with you, but you’re
My God, I know that You’ve been speaking to us, but what
good does it do? What good does it do? We’re “rich,” we’re “increased with
goods,” we “have need of nothing…” Oh, yes, we have lots of
needs, but God, we don’t have need of Your stuff. Illustrations:
The hardships of drills during World War I and the
preparation of officers: “That’s how they tried to train officers. And God is
training officers.” (at 6:14) Developed over a period of about five minutes, an
illustration of a spiritual meeting at a Bible school. Previously, at this
“prominent” and “fashionable” institution, “the manifestations of the Spirit
had been ruled out.” “The people heard from heaven. The students heard from
heaven. Now, they’d studied the Bible. They’d studied theology, and exegesis,
and homiletics, and all those things. But that night, that simple message
spoken in the power of the Holy Ghost presented to them a ‘living
word,’ ‘the sword of the Spirit…’ For two
hours…there was nothing heard but confession and sobs—sobs from theologians,
from Bible students.” (at 11:14) An illustration of carelessness and frivolity at a large
Pentecostal convention. “It never satisfied the deepest longing of my soul…
The only place where my heart could be satisfied was in the prayer room… but
how few people you found in the prayer room—listen, mostly colored folks, despised
colored people, but precious in the sight of the Lord. Oh, to get down among
these colored folks and hear them pray with groanings that cannot be
uttered… that first love was burning there. I
said, ‘God, why is it not burning in the convention?’ …All you find is
big-shots making big speeches.” (from 17:31) References:
Like a River Glorious,
a hymn by Frances R. Havergal, 1876:
Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are
fully blest
Finding, as He promised, perfect peace and rest. Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (163). See project notes for 12A. A
few pauses were shortened, and stutters removed.
Recording 68A, also marked (163), was found to be a
duplicate of 12B. We created intermediates for 68A by applying light hiss
reduction, speeding the recording to 99.5% of its original duration, applying
the DeHummer 4 filter, -30dB at 60.30Hz, a second DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at
60.90Hz, and compression. Tracks 3 and 4 were found at the start and end of
recording 68A.
A review of this recording in May, 2010 produced these
notes: We need to see if the bump around 0:56 is in recording 68A, and if 68A
is less distorted around 5:00, 8:00, 14:30, dropout around 9:41. Does 11:30
show that the speed is too slow? Previous notes from May, 2009 said that
dehumming and resampling is needed, but the later review didn’t seem to
indicate this.
Reel to reel tape RPCA0028 seems to contain the original for
this talk, although the quality seems not to be noticably better than the
cassette master. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.