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1. Jesus Leads (3:57)
2. Praise (2:01)
3. Following Jesus (18:18)
a. Message (11:04)
b. Tongues and Interpretation; Worship (3:30)
c. Invitation to Prayer (3:47)
4. O Mighty Lord, Thou Rulest (5:24)
Selected Verses:
Psalm 37:5. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in
him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 32:8. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way
which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Opening:
I told you how for a whole year I cried and prayed, and
prayed and cried, and cried and prayed, and prayed and cried, until I had no
more tears to shed, because God was leading me. I didn’t mean that I didn’t
like to follow Him, but it meant to forsake everything on this earth—everything
that was dear to me, everything. That didn’t bother me one bit either:
good career in business, two churches had been offered to me. I could have
just sat in and had a salary offered me, and a choir to direct, and Sunday
school to take care of, and lots of people who loved me. And to give all that
up—all those things did not bother me.
But to give up my father, who was the dearest friend I had
on earth, and my mother, and to break their hearts: that was one item that I
could not enjoy. And so for a whole year I cried and prayed because God made
that way before me so clear. And I said, “God I will go, but I can’t—I don’t
know how.” And then the Lord opened the way for me in a marvelous way. And He
led me out of that church that I was in, into a Pentecostal assembly—a
Pentecostal church—and gave me a Pentecostal experience, and a Pentecostal
call. That’s 48 years ago, before you were born.
… Selected Quotes:
I saw that it was “not by might, nor by power, but by the
Spirit of God…” And even though He led through me through a
dark valley, here He led me to Himself!
He really led, and He is really
leading, and He will still “bring it to pass,” thank God! I
don’t care how long eternity is; He’ll be my Guide, He’ll be my Pilot, praise
the Lord! Whether the universe bends back on itself like Einstein says or not,
I don’t know… But I know that “He will bring it to pass,” as long as I let Him
lead; and that’s the privilege of every child of God: “I will guide thee with
mine eye.” But He says, “Don’t be as the mule, or as the
horse.” How many of us are like mules, and like horses? And no
matter how many blows we get, we’ll still have our own way.
The wonderful thing about this Guide
is that He is within you. He is the Pilot of this jet airliner:
this body doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to Him;
this life is not mine, it’s His. It’s His
life! He’s as interested in my life as He is in His own!
Now, surely the Lord Jesus is calling
us to go forward. How many will heed His call? How many will “put on the
whole armor of God” that’s been tailored to your size by God
Himself: the girdle of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of
salvation, the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, the sword of
the spirit, and the shield “wherewith you can quench all the fiery darts of the
wicked”? Who will be recruited today anew into the army of
the great Champion of your salvation? As sure as we’ve been sitting here in
His presence, Jesus Christ has been marching up and down in this place and
looking into hearts, and calling hearts, and calling men and women after
Himself, and boys and girls too; because the Lamb is going to go through this
earth with a triumphant march: and “they that are with Him are the called,
and the chosen, and the faithful.” And if He’s called you,
you can make yourself chosen by getting up and “putting on the whole armor of
God,” and “hearkening diligently” unto the voice of the
spirit. He will never mislead you. He will still lead you “out of darkness
into light,” and lead you “from glory to glory.” And that goes for everyone in this meeting. Who will sign up tonight?
“I have not been slack in making you
know My will. I’ve spoken out of high heaven so many times that every one of
you could say and honestly confess that you know the will of God. And you know
exactly what I want you to do, and you know exactly the way that I am leading
you. And don’t you know that ‘heaven and earth will pass away, but he that
doeth the will of God abideth forever’? What are you waiting
for? Come on, put on the whole armor of God and make the devil know that he’s
a defeated foe, and that you are one of the overcomers because you are
following the great Champion of your salvation.”
… Illustrations:
An illustration of the power of God at the start of HRW’s
ministry as he spoke briefly at a Pentecostal convention: “All I remember
saying was, ‘Well, Jesus really leads!’ …And then something happened
that frightened me: the power of God fell upon that place, and the whole gang
rose up, and they lifted their hands and they began to shout and laugh and yell
and clap their hands and stamp their feet; and the power of God swept through
that place. ‘My goodness, what did I do?’ I thought. ‘I sure made a fool of
myself.’ …God just did that somehow to give me a start to a Pentecostal
ministry.” (at 2:39) An illustration of HRW’s friend letting him handle the yoke
of a jet airliner: “You know, if I had continued that, I wouldn’t be here
tonight. We’d sure had a crack-up. And if you continue guiding yourself,
you’ll have a crack-up as sure as you live. But here’s Jesus: ‘I will guide
thee,’ and He really does.” (from 7:52) Date: “The Lord gave me…a Pentecostal experience and a Pentecostal call. That’s 48 years ago.” The year of the experience to which He is referring is probably 1920. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (25). See project notes for 13A. Some
honking horns were attenuated using Adobe Soundbooth.
A decision was made to reorder the sections of the meeting
to put the more clearly audible material first, and the less audible after the
main message. Normally, we try to avoid this kind of intrusive editing.
Originally, after the first 8:45 of the message came the 2:33 of Hymns and
praise, then the 1:33 conclusion of the message, the invitation for prayers of dedication,
then the prayers of Gordon Gardiner and Edwin H. Waldvogel, the tongues and
interpretation, the less audible prayers, the fragment of the hymn “As a
Volunteer,” and finally the choir song which we have titled “O Mighty Lord,
Thou Rulest.”
We created an intermediate of the Vegas compressed “As a
Volunteer” from track one to use on track four. At around 10:06, “He will
never mislead lee… lis… mislead you” was changed to “He will never mislead
you.” For 013b, the fourth track EQ filter was enabled because there was so
much hiss on 013b. 013a may have incorrectly been exported with this same
extra hiss filtering enabled. The name of the intermediate files 013a Horns,
should be 013b Horns.
During a review of this recording in May, 2010, it seemed that
perhaps the volume of some sections could be normalized; otherwise the
recording is acceptable. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.