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1. Day by Day (3:06)
2. Congregational reading, Prayer, Hymn: Close to Thee (4:32)
3. Psalm 91 (29:24)
4. Hiding in Thee (3:20)
5. Nearer, Still Nearer, first and last verses (3:11)
Selected Verses:
Psalm 91. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most
High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2I will say of
the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3Surely
he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome
pestilence. 4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his
wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5Thou
shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by
day; 6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the
destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7A thousand shall fall at thy
side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8Only
with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9Because
thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy
habitation; 10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any
plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11For he shall give his angels charge
over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12They shall bear thee up
in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13Thou
shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou
trample under feet. 14Because he hath set his love upon me,
therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my
name. 15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with
him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16With long life
will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Opening:
[Congregational reading of Psalm 91]
Wonderful Psalm! Let’s talk to Jesus again. Dear Lord, we
recognize Thy presence. We recognize thy word too—the power of the Spirit of
God. And we do recognize our deep need, perhaps not as deeply as we should.
But we’re so glad to know that You know our need, and that’s why You’ve given
us this word, this Psalm, this wonderful Psalm. That’s why You have opened the
gate into that secret place of the most High. Oh, “draw me. We will run after
Thee.” Jesus, Jesus.
[Hymn: Close to Thee, verses 1 and 2]
It is such a tremendously wonderful thing to be saved. And
I know tonight that nobody can get saved unless God saves them. You can’t do it
yourself. But it is a wonderful, wonderful thing, and a great honor if God
saves you. People think that, oh, the Lord ought to be so happy if they come
to church once in a while, and if they sing a few songs, and maybe come to
prayer meeting too during the week. Why, the angels ought to turn somersaults
for joy that one scalawag comes to church. Beloved, I tell you something:
“there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” by millions of so-called
Christians when they sink into hell, and they cry for one drop of water to cool
their parched tongue. It is a great victory when God really saves a person and
so many people are not saved at all, or they’re only half-saved. They
make a decision under the power of some emotional preaching, maybe. But it’s a
different thing when the Spirit of God unsheathes His sword and shows you that
you’re a hell-bound sinner—like the Apostle Paul: “Oh, wretched man that I am!”
… Selected Quotes:
I was like the Apostle Paul: good
church member, good church member—everybody appreciated me. I’d never gotten
into sin, never gotten into the world, never defiled myself, shunned lies or
anything of that nature. All worldliness was far from me, but God had not been
able to dig down into my soul to show me the corruption that I had inherited
from Adam. What a blessing, what an honor, what a grace when God is bound to
save you!
And I know that many, many people are under that light but
they don’t obey God. We’re living in a time when “the prosperity of fools
shall slay them.” What “churchianity” do we develop! What a bunch of
hypocrites we fill our churches with! What an awful thing when people are not
brought to the Fountain of Blood and made to realize that Jesus Christ had to die
to save them! There’s nothing that’ll save you but the blood of Jesus Christ.
And, listen, when you go to Calvary, and you find out what your salvation cost
your Savior, you’re not going to play with your sin anymore.
One old woman came to me recently in
Germany. She says, “I killed my children. What shall I do?” She had done
what thousands of women do, thousands of women—church women—do. On Easter
Sunday, they put on a new hat in order to cover the corruption, and the
murderous spirit that dwells in their souls. And I tell you, there’s no
religious garb that’ll save you from the corruption that you’re living in. It
takes blood—the blood of my God alone, flowing through my veins!
I don’t mind to talk like this. I
know people say, “Well, Brother Waldvogel’s a carp.” No sir, I’m not aiming at
you at all. Go where you belong! I’m talking to those who “hunger and
thirst after righteousness.” I’m talking to those who cry “Oh, who shall
deliver me from the body of this death.” I can point you to a fountain
that’s filled with blood—blood of the Lamb of God. And as you plunge into that
fountain, you’ll come out whiter than the snow. And I’ll bring you to the
throne of the Lamb, hallelujah! He is “in the midst of the throne.” And He
has all power, and He has all wisdom. And He says, “If ye abide in Me, and My
words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”
“and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He
may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth.”
Oh, this Spirit of Truth is the Fountain of Life—is the Stream
of Life that flows from the very heart of the Father, and brings life wherever
it is received. Beloved, why are we not filled with the Holy Ghost? We don’t
pay the price. We don’t make “the Lord who is my refuge…our habitation.” It
costs something.
It cost my God everything. My God had to become
flesh and dwell among us. And He had to go through death. And He had to rise
again from the dead. And He had to receive from the Father the promise of the
Holy Ghost in order to make this life possible. But it’s not only possible
it is inevitable. “Children, abide in Him that when He shall appear, we
may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.” I’m not
surprised that people are not waiting longingly for the coming of the Lord. They’re
scared, they’re afraid, they’re not ready. They’re not getting ready. I’m so
glad the Bible tells us how to get ready: “Ye are clean through the words which
I have spoken unto you.”
How did it become real? Well, the
first thing that God showed me was this: that “whatsoever ye ask the Father in
My name, that will I do”—showed me a life of prayer, a life of drawing “nigh
unto God, and He will draw nigh” to me. Only Jesus Christ has opened the way
into that sanctuary. But, oh, how imperatively necessary it is for me to live
like that. “Because thou hast made the Lord, even my refuge, your
Jesus Christ who spoke His words of love and then went away
to be with the Father said, “Abide in Me, and I in you.” And He tells us what
will happen to those who abide in Him. First of all, He says, “He that abideth
in Him sinneth not.” There’s the protection I need! It’s God Himself
spreading His wings, covering me with His own mantle, hiding me in His great
heart. It is the “secret place” that men don’t find unless they seek it,
unless through the power of the Holy Ghost they’re introduced into it.
He that “sinneth hath not seen Him,
neither known Him.” That’s why the Apostle Paul says, “One thing I do. I
press toward the mark that I might know Him, and the power of His
resurrection.” Children of God, we have a wonderful Friend, a marvelous
Savior, who not only saves us, but He becomes our Salvation! “God
is my salvation,” thank God! You can’t divide that fullness of salvation…
He says, “If ye abide in Me, you will
bring forth much fruit.” And that means everybody: branches in the Vine. And
I think that we’re very foolish if we try to produce fruit ourselves in our own
strength, as many, many, many try to do that. And what a botch they make of
it! But, you know, it’s one thing to be successful. In Germany, you can have
meetings of thousands of people; all you have to do is say, “Signs and
wonders,” and they jump on your neck, the whole nation. That’s why we don’t do
that. It’s a different thing to be “a tree planted by the river of water” and
“bringing forth your fruit in your season.” That fruit will remain forever.
Don’t be fooled: “Whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap.” I’ve seen that too: “With thine eyes shalt
thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.” You see that every day. They
try to fool God, they try to get away without abiding in that secret place of
the most High God. And today, the battlefield is strewn with dry branches that
are withered and ready for the fire.
… Illustrations:
Comments on children as miraculous creations of God.
“Every part of that body speaks of the wonderful wisdom and power of God.” (from 14:12) A soldier rejected from service. “Why is it that so many
of us are rejected from service to the King? Oh, my Lord and my God: ‘If I
regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.’ The Holy Ghost does
not come upon proud minds and proud hearts, but upon hearts that are cleansed
by the blood of Jesus Christ—purified from all iniquity.” (from 18:03) A dog protected from its cruel owner by the embrace of a
lion. “He was safe—perfectly safe in the embrace of this lion… Beloved,
there is a ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah.’” (from 22:56) An illustration of ministers who failed to seek God. “The
question is: do you want Jesus? Do you want Him? Listen, they ‘that
seek Me early shall find Me.’ And there’s no other way… [When] we started
out…there was a group of ministers, more than a dozen. Where are they?” (from 26:37) German at 23:36:
“Geh mal bei mich, aber rasch!” — This Berliner’s butchered
German for “Komm zu mir, aber schnell!” — “Come to me, quick!” German at 27:43:
“Er g’sieht net guad, er hört net guad ond kann net weidl
laufa.” This is swiss dialect and means “he does not see well, he does not
hear well, and cannot walk well.” In German it would be “Er sieht nicht gut,
er hört nicht gut und kann nicht gut gehen.” Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (39) C/90. See project notes for 20A.
Some stutters, coughs, and many pops were removed. A number of long pauses
were shortened. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.