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1. The Old Rugged Cross, verses 1 and 2 (2:48)
2. The Glory of the Cross (26:24)
3. Near the Cross, verse 1 (1:25)
Selected Verses:
Zechariah 14:4,8-9. And his feet shall stand in that day
upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount
of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the
west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall
remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 8And it
shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of
them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer
and in winter shall it be. 9And the Lord shall be king over all the
earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.
Hebrews 10:19-20. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to
enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20By a new and living
way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his
flesh. Opening:
“And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of
Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall
cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there
shall be a very great valley… And it shall be in that day, that living waters
shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of
them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. And the Lord
shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his
name one.”
I’m glad that God is leading us to Calvary, and giving us
more and more a revelation and a sight of what Calvary means. Calvary is the
throne of the Almighty God. The cross which was meant to be a tree of shame on
which the Son of God died became the throne of the universe from which all His
enemies received their death stroke, thank God. He “swallowed up death in
victory” on Calvary’s cross. How very wonderful it was when Jesus stood before
Pilate and He said, “I am a King.” Pilate thought he was somebody.
Jesus said, “You’re nobody. I am a King.” Oh, what a King is Jesus! But the
Jews, the Israelites, didn’t understand anymore than the Judaizing Christians
understand today. They’re still looking for an exterior kingdom. You’ll never
know the kingdom of God until Jesus reigns in your heart.
His heart had to bleed so that a way might be opened for you
and for me to be united to God, to be reconciled to God. The Bible says He has
opened “a new and a living Way,” by His own blood “which he hath consecrated
for us,” whereby “we draw nigh to God.” And when Jesus died on the cross, the
veil in the Temple was rent from top to bottom. There was the valley. There
was the mountain that was between us and God. And it was removed, and there
was a great valley, and a great way. And living waters issued forth from the
heart of Jesus because that is the heart of Almighty God.
… Selected Quotes:
Everywhere the life of Jesus was with
me. Everywhere Jesus Christ was on the throne of my heart. And He’s here this
morning. And unless you receive Him as the King of your heart, you’ll never
know Him, you’ll never know salvation. That’s salvation, when we
can say, “King of my life!”—when He becomes a King, not in the meeting alone,
but in the kitchen, and in the workshop. Upon every step of the way, when
Jesus Christ really reigns, that’s what He died for: that you and I
might “live unto God,” praise God! And if you and I don’t “live unto God,”
then “Christ is dead in vain.” And if we accept His Gospel, and then commit
sin, we “crucify the Son of God afresh.” And that’s what Christianity is doing
every day, today—ignorantly, yes. We’ve been doing it too. But, thank God, He
is leading us to know this living and this true Way, praise God!
When His feet, His nail-piercèd feet,
stood on the Mount of Olives, there God stood. And He proclaimed His victory,
and He raised his nail-piercèd hands in sight of His disciples and He said,
“All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth… Go into all the world, and
proclaim this Gospel… And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;…
And these signs shall follow them that believe.” And then He was lifted up and
that’s how the Father saw Him, Hallelujah!
He saw me in those graven hands, those pierced hands.
Hallelujah! And Jesus took me and you right into the Holiest of All and said,
“Now, Father, I’m not coming alone. I will that they also whom Thou has given
Me be with Me. That’s what I shed My blood for, Father.”
We’ve got to get acquainted with the
Gospel as it is, and with Calvary for what it stands for. Oh, it stands for
death and destruction of all that is of the devil, and the flesh, and the
world. Praise God! When I “believe in my heart that God has raised Him from
the dead,” I cut myself off from Adam the first, and I become united to Adam
the Second.
Anybody that wants to be saved is not
going to ask, “What form of baptism?” But he’s going to obey God, and he’s
going to accept the counsel of God against himself, and he’s going to be
associated with the risen Christ. And that’s what the baptism in the name of
Jesus stands for, thank God!
The devil has somehow succeeded to
fill the world with false doctrines. Even in Christianity, what are the
churches preaching today? What are the preachers preaching today? Why don’t
they preach the simple truth that “whosoever believeth in Him shall have
everlasting life,” praise God! Why don’t they say, “Repent and be baptized and
ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,” praise God!
Oh, thank God: “His feet…” “His feet
did stand upon the mount of Olives.” Some people say that’s going to be
fulfilled. Beloved, this has been fulfilled in all its fullness. It’s being
fulfilled today in all its power, in all its fullness. And unless you get hold
of it, you’re looking into the future in vain for some manifestation of Jesus
Christ on the mount of Olives. He has stood there, and the mountain has
cleft in two, thank God! It’s gone! It’s out of the way! And Christ
comes forth today; and whosoever will may come and take.
Oh, we’ve got to find out Jesus. Paul, they bothered him
from every direction. They came around with their Judaizing doctrines, and old
wives fables. He says, “Get away. I made up my mind not to know anything save
Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I don’t want your faith to stand in the wisdom
of man, but in the power of God.” Hallelujah! And “what eye hath not seen,
and ear hath not heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man,” God’s got
ready for those who love Him: “God has revealed it to us by His spirit.” And
in vain do you go and try to explain it to sophisticated heads. They’ll never
swallow it, they’ll never get hold of it. God “has hidden this thing
from the wise and prudent.” But listen, is the crucified your King today?
What was the intention of the Father
when He gave His Son for me? Why, the intention of the Father was to make out
of me a son of God, and out of you too—not to fill the churches with
hypocrites, not to give us a crippled, half-hearted Christian experience, but
to fill us with “all the fulness of God.” And we can only get it at Calvary.
He says, “If you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man—” That’s
where the fountain broke open: on Calvary.
Oh, I come. By this “new and living
Way” we have “access with confidence by the faith of Him.” Let us therefore “draw
near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” Let us draw near.
Beloved, we hang around on the outside. I wonder how many people in this
meeting are satisfied to still be infested with sin. Many are, I know that.
And they’re satisfied that it cannot be otherwise. You don’t let Jesus reign.
He is King, hallelujah! And He had to die in order to
“condemn sin in the flesh.” That was the greatest act of the only King that
was ever crowned: the Lord Jesus Christ. And when He died on the cross, He did
not die as one that was conquered. He was not conquered. The Bible tells us
that when He died, He cried with an exceeding cry. It was a cry of victory
that shook the bottom of hell and burst the rocks, praise God! and put the
finish to the reign of the devil, hallelujah! He said, “It is finished!” It
was the cry of a Victor, a cry of Almighty God that finished it. But Jesus
finished it outside the camp. And He says, “You can have your old temple. You
can have your Jerusalem. You can have your idol worship. You can have your
sin. You can have your flesh. You can have it all. But if you want Me,
you’ll have to take My blood—you’ll have to take My death, My resurrection.”
You cannot come to Jesus and not be cleansed from your sin. You can’t. That
gate is wicket, and it’s narrow. And when you come to Jesus, you come because
you want to be cleansed.
There will not be a resurrection from
the dead until we “count everything but refuse for the excellency of the
knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord,” until we indeed forsake “the things that
are behind,” and “press toward the mark,” and cry, “That I might know Him,
and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering,” that I
might be “made conformable unto His death.” That’s what the Holy Ghost works.
“I made up my mind not to know
anything but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” And they kicked him out. All in
Asia turned away from Paul. They didn’t like him… He had nothing to say but
Jesus… He kept telling them, “Get down! GET! DOWN! Humble
yourselves! Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus! Let every one
of you think the other better than himself!” They didn’t like that.
Nobody likes it today either. A woman right in this
assembly, she came to me, she says, “I hate to be told to get down all the
time. I want to be somebody.” Well, she was one honest soul. I hope she’ll
wear a crown. Illustrations:
Stories of manifestations of the Spirit during HRW’s trip to
Egypt: “Everywhere where people believe in their hearts, Jesus manifests
Himself. He manifests His resurrection life and power… Here was the stream of
life flowing into Egypt that, ‘whosoever will may come and take the water of
life freely.’” (at 12:47) References:
Sieg Des Kreuzes — Victory of the Cross, a German
paper published by Ridgewood Church.
Arise, My Soul, Arise,
a hymn by Charles Wesley. Date: Perhaps April, 1955. This may be been the same trip to Palestine mentioned in 22A. Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (40b) C/60.
For side A, the speed needed to be reduced. In fact, the
speed changed drastically throughout the recording, needing to be slowed at the
start to about 108% of the original duration, gradually increasing to about
112% 10 minutes into the recording, and then gradually shifting to the correct
speed around 21 minutes into the recording. The project file 021a Speed.veg
was used to create a master of the correct speed before compression /
limiting. If this recording is redone, it would be best not to crossfade the
speed transitions because this creates noise that is amplified during
compression. You can still hear some of these transitions on the final edited
recording. “…dressed in their Arabian customs, costumes…” was changed to
“…dressed in their Arabian costumes…” 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.