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1. Opening worship and praise; tongues and interpretation (7:04)
2. Hymn: Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus (3:43)
3. Talk on Praise (16:55)
4. Behold, What Manner of Man Is This (1:56)
Selected Verses:
I Corinthians 2:14. But the natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he
know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Psalm 50:23. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to
him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.
Psalm 22:3. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the
praises of Israel. Opening:
[Congregational singing: ’Tis Burning in My Soul]
All right, let it burn.
[Congregational praise]
“You ought to rejoice greatly if the fire is burning in your
soul, for that’s what I came to do. ‘I came to cast fire upon this
earth’ and it’s been burning ever since I’ve conquered sin and the
world and the flesh and the devil. And I’ve conquered these enemies for you,
and I went on high and ‘led captivity captive and gave gifts unto
men.’ Open your hearts wide, and let this fire truly burn and
blaze and drive away all the darkness and all the filth that is still found
there, and let it melt your heart in true sacrificial love in My presence.”
[Worship and praise]
[Hymn: Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus]
The reason praise is so blessed is because it’s
indispensible. You can’t get along without it. If you do, your loss will be
an eternal loss. And the reason people don’t understand it is because “the
natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God.” And when you live in the flesh—I mean in the natural, the natural. I
know that the natural man has one thousand billion brain cells, but they’re all
sick. I mean, they’re “dead,” the Bible says. You’ve got
to be quickened and made “a new creature.”
I was so happy the other day to hear a saint testify whom I
was permitted to lead to the Lord, or at least she got saved in one of our
meetings. She was a woman—German woman—who was mad with God and man. She had
been treated so badly that she didn’t care about anything. She was just mad.
And when we put up our tent in her vicinity, she came just out of curiosity.
And so she sat down and listened to… The testimonies impressed her more than
anything else. And after listening to the testimonies of people who were
saved, she said, “Well, there must be something to it. I’m going to try it.”
So she came to the altar one night, and she said, “Jesus, if this is really
real—if You are real—You must come to me.” And He did, of course. He came
into her heart, and she stayed a long time.
… Selected Quotes:
I have to laugh sometimes at the
things God does. He does strange things because people come in here—not so
much in here but Seneca Avenue—so impressed with their dignity, so
deeply impressed with their imagined education. The Bible says, “knowledge
puffeth up, but love edifieth.” But the Bible says that
“the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God,” and
“none of the princes of this world understood,” “but
unto us God hath revealed them by His Spirit.”
And I was praising the Lord. I was
saying, “Jesus I praise You, I praise You!” And then I stopped, and then I
said, “Well, Jesus, do You care if I praise You? Does it mean anything if I
praise You.” And then He sweetly showed me why it mattered to Him that I
praised Him. Why, it gives Him a chance at my heart, gives Him a chance to
praise God in me, and through me. It gives Jesus Christ a chance
to fill this body of mine with light, and with glory, and with the power of His
resurrection. That’s what praise does. It’s a spiritual operation. It’s God
doing something that the natural man can’t do, or doesn’t want to do.
But it’s a good thing to discover this
wonderful “receiving set” which is your heart, which was created by God for
that very purpose: that Jesus Christ might use those lips of yours to praise
the Father by—these lips that have been talking naughty things. No wonder
you’re naughty, no wonder your stomach aches, no wonder your kidneys are sick.
But when you praise God, and Jesus Christ gets hold of you, there’s contact
with heaven. “God inhabits the praises” of who? Of you!
Haven’t you found that out? Did you praise Him tonight? Oh, when you praise
God in the Holy Ghost, there’s the current moving on the line.
And when I was unsaved, or didn’t know
the Lord, I was full of darkness. These dark, depressive thoughts, and
criticizing, and fault-finding, and hating, and unforgiving—all these things
lodged within me, and yet I looked very decent and very religious. But inside
was darkness. But I tell you, since Jesus came in—and He came in when I
praised Him, when I raised my hands and opened my mouth, and began praising the
Lord—and since that time, my whole body has been full of light—the light of His presence.
And if you go God’s way, you’ll first
of all begin to give Him the glory. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say
so.” And when you begin to praise God, forgetting yourself,
forgetting your past—“forget the things that are behind,” seek Jesus Christ, hallelujah—and praise Him, I tell you, the enemy
is defeated. What marvelous victories God gives today to people when they
praise the Lord. Illustrations:
Comments on cigarettes and transistor radios. “I made a
discovery. When I lift my heart in thanksgiving to God, Jesus Christ sends—He
broadcasts from heaven—glory and grace. And that’s what praise does for me.
That’s why He says, ‘Whosoever offereth praise’ turns on this
radio.” (from 5:26) A story of a minister in Wuppertal who was liberated from
hypocrisy through praise. “‘We’re preachers, but we live in the flesh….’ He
said to himself, ‘When they all lift their hands, I’m going to raise my hands.
I’m going to see what’ll happen.” So he did. And a wonderful thing happened:
He put up his hands, and the glory of God came down.” (from 9:42) The story of the drunken Swiss man and his top hat. “You
don’t get rid of the devil that way. You get rid of the devil by letting Jesus
Christ come in and possess you—fill you, hallelujah! You open a door and let
Him come in, praise God—why, the enemy’s got to go! ‘That’s the
way,’ God says. That’s the way.” (from 11:44) The story of a missionary who fought smallpox with praise.
The story is also mentioned in recording 9B. “You ought to
get your experience. And when you get an experience, you’ll find out
that ‘God Himself inhabits the praises of His people.’” (from 14:43) German at 6:54:
Psalm 50:23. Wer Dank opfert, der preiset
mich; und da ist der Weg, [daß ich ihm zeige das Heil Gottes.] Literally, “He who sacrifices thank-offerings honors Me and
there is the way I will show him the salvation of God.” German at 12:29:
This is part of the Appenzellerlied.
Myn Vatter ist en Appenzeller
Er frißt de Chäs mitsamt em Täller
In German it would be:
Mein Vater ist ein Appenzeller
Er frißt den Käs mitsamt dem Teller. My Father is an Appenzeller
he devours the cheese together with the plate. German at 13:45:
Goscht aber raus! — Swiss German for “Get out!” Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (53). For side B, even light hiss
reduction introduced too many artifacts. We resampled to speed up to 98% of
the original duration. There were two separate hum tones, so we used DeHummer
-25dB, 8 filter, 57.45Hz, as well as -28dB, 4 filter, 60.45Hz; and
compression. Perhaps extra hiss removal should have been attempted in the
vegas track effects. I wonder if some of that extra noise is rain.
A long pause was shortened. There are numerous tape
dropouts; only a dozen or so were removed. The words after the end of the
message, “We’ll hear from the choir,” were omitted. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.