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1. Hiding Underneath the Shadow of His Love (3:24)
2. We Have Known and Believed the Love (27:45)
Selected Verses:
I John 4:16. And we have known and believed the love that
God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and
God in him.
John 15:9. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved
you: continue ye in my love. Opening:
[I’m glad] to notice, by testimonies, that we’re learning
precious, precious, precious lessons, wonderful lessons. And we’re learning
them by the Holy Ghost, this great Teacher that enlightens us by Himself,
“which none of the princes of this world knew.” He’s
communicating to us a heavenly Wisdom. Some have
expressed their great desire for Jesus. Some have expressed the fact that
they’ve awakened to their great need. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
When we begin to see our need, then God begins to show us
our great Savior, because we don’t want Him when we don’t see that we need
Him. But as God makes us sink into oblivion, makes us sink down in our own
inability, and gives us a sight of our utter hopelessness, then He also shows
us the great and wonderful provision He has made in the Lord Jesus Christ.
That is salvation.
And what a marvelous subject is this love of God. “We
have known and believed the love that God has to us.” Now we
don’t likely believe until we know. But oh, to get a sight of that love
that God has to us! That is absolutely unspeakable because that love finds its
expression in the Lord Jesus Christ, in this “unspeakable gift.” Paul says, “the unsearchable riches of Christ,” “in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” “And ye are complete in Him.” The wonderful thing
is that all these unsearchable treasures and riches are provided for me, for
you. And until God gets us to accept these unsearchable riches, we’re not
going to be “filled with all the fullness of God,” we’re not
going to be pleasing in the sight of the Father.
… Selected Quotes:
“He that feareth has not been made
perfect in love.” When that love—that perfect love—is revealed
to me… And that perfect love is not my love for God, but it’s His
love for me. And when I make room for that love of God for me, why then my
heart will become a fountain of love. It will send forth the rivers of the
same love that flows from the Father and the Son into my heart.
“Boys,” He says, “Where’s your
faith?” “Yeah, but look at the storm! Never saw anything like
it. We never experienced anything like it. Can’t you see that we
perish?” Why sure, Jesus saw all that, but He saw the Father. Oh,
beloved, God wants you and me to see that great heart that beats altogether for
us—not a human heart, but a divine heart. “The Almighty is thy refuge. And
underneath are the everlasting arms.” Madam Guyon says,
“We only perish for lack of trusting Him.” “They that wholly trust Him find
Him wholly true.”
…We don’t know how much we depend
upon our love for God. And sometimes God has to remove it all from us,
and make us see that our love is nothing—“our righteousnesses are
filthy rags”. And then people go down in a heap and they give up
altogether, instead of rising up then, like a beggar from the dunghill to sit
among princes, instead of “coming boldly unto the throne of
grace.” Beloved, we’re saved by grace, “and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God.” And you’ll never have
salvation until you receive it as a gift.
Now this morning, if we’re going to
please God, we’re going to have “fullness of joy.” We’re going
to be happy. We’re going to rejoice exceedingly, not because
we’re good or perfect—no, far from it, but because God loved us so deeply,
thank God, hallelujah! And, praise the Lord, we take a leap into this ocean of
God’s love and drown in it, thank God! You’re gone, you’re no more: “deny
yourself.” Praise God, “Looking unto Jesus. He is the Author of
your faith.” He makes you believe Him. He—Jesus Christ—makes
you believe every promise of God, every promise of God. And He is “the
Finisher of your faith. He is the one that’ll give you those
things and fulfill in you all that He has purposed to do. Thank God! Oh, to
know the love of God and to believe it!
“As the Father hath loved Me…”. How did that love of the Father express itself in Jesus? Why, the
Father gave Himself so fully to His Son, that His Son didn’t have to live,
didn’t have to think, didn’t have to speak, didn’t have to do anything. When
He died on the cross, it was “God in Christ that reconciled the world unto
Himself.” All that Jesus needed to do was to walk by the
faith of God and abandon Himself to the Father and be united to Him,
And now He says, “So have I loved you.” That
same life-giving love that pulsates in the Son so that He can say, “The Son
can do nothing of Himself,” “The Father that dwelleth in
Me…” That same river of love is waiting to pour into you and
through you, glory to God!
… Illustrations:
An unkempt young man who transformed himself into a dude
for the sake of human affection. (from 4:06) Illustration of the minute care of the Lord in finding a
lost document. “I said, ‘Dear Lord, I could trust my foolishness to burn up
that check… But I can trust You: I know You love me enough and You’re
interested enough, and You wouldn’t allow me to do that.’” (from 19:36) An illustration of a little dishonesty at the age of 14.
“After I got saved, you know, that thing weighed heavily on my heart… I went
to the Lord, and I said, ‘What shall I do?’ And this was the answer: He said,
‘Son, do Me this favor and forget about it!’ He said, ‘Those things
have been blotted out in My blood long ago.’” (from 22:30) References:
Like a River Glorious,
a hymn by Frances R. Havergal, 1876:
Every joy or trial falleth from
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
We may trust Him fully all for us to do.
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.
Dr. Hall — presumably Franklin Hall of the Latter Rain
movement who in 1946 started a prayer and fasting crusade in San Diego. HRW
has spoken elsewhere of that movement with similar disapproval.
The Love of God,
a hymn by Frederick M. Lehman, 1917:
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky. Audio Quality: Fair
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (63) C/60. The right channel of 32B
has static that is not present on the left channel, so be sure to take the left
channel only. Side B was slowed to 102.5% of its original duration, DeHummer
-25dB, 8 filter, at 58.35Hz, another DeHummer at -15dB, 4 filter, 58.5Hz, and
Some throat-clearing was omitted, stutters removed, and a
few long pauses shortened. After editing, it was determined that the initial
speed reduction was too great and the recording was reampled to 99% of its
edited length. This means the effective speed change is a slowing to 101.475%
of the original duration—a speed which seems more correct overall.
The title Hiding underneath the Shadow of His Love is
not authoritative. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.