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1. Thy Gracious Image, Savior (2:16)
2. Exercising unto Godliness (27:47)
Selected Verses:
I Timothy 4:7. But refuse profane and old wives’ fables,
and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.
I Timothy 4:16. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the
doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and
them that hear thee. Opening:
[…] somebody else would like to know why “I will
therefore that the younger women marry.” Isn’t that
wonderful? And there are so many questions that could be asked. But it’s like
Mark Twain said when somebody asked him about a difficult passage of
scripture. He said, “Well, the things I don’t understand don’t bother me.
It’s the things that I do understand.” And I think that would be the
shortcut to bliss.
“Let no man despise thy youth.” That’s a
mighty good injunction. There’s nothing more wonderful in the church or in the
world than young people that live like we saw yesterday: “the end of the
commandment is love out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith
unfeigned.” And surely, as brother Gardiner pointed out, we
ought to stay way over on the high side when it comes to a pure conscience and
purity of life. And this is the thing that the Apostle Paul is enjoining upon
Timothy. Have you noticed how again and again, he charges him “in the sight
of God, before Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at His
appearing and His kingdom”? What a charge to a young
And he picks out Timothy because he says that “all the
rest of them seek their own and not the things that are Jesus
Christ’s.” And that’s true of all of us unless we hew to
the line, unless we do as he says here: “Exercise thyself rather unto
godliness.” That’s an exercise that all of us ought to take
upon ourselves. We see the world is very, very diligent in attaining their
… Selected Quotes:
We had a report from Moscow, from a
Baptist preacher in Moscow who says that in the last few years, hundreds of
thousands of people have been saved—not old people, but young people; and
they’re so eager to follow the Lord. And he said, “We could baptize a hundred
thousand more if we were easy on them.” But when anyone gets saved and asks to
be baptized, they put them on probation for three or four years. He says,
“It’s not their testimony with their mouth, but they must prove themselves in
their daily walk.” I think that an excellent ordinance. It’s a Bible
ordinance to walk “blamelessly,” to be “found blameless
before God.” That I might know how to “walk unto all
pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of
Oh, this word that proceeds out of my
mouth has the power of life and death in it. And, oh, if we as ministers
learned that one grand lesson: “If any man offend not in word, that man is a
perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.” But that’s the
place where we first begin to let the devil in, and where we drive away the
Holy Ghost. Never mind: drinking a glass of wine isn’t near as bad as saying
some of the things that you say every day. They defile your soul, they defile
your body, and they drive away the Holy Ghost. Our meetings would be much more
powerful if we all listened to this injunction and obeyed it from the heart:
“Exercise thyself rather unto godliness.”
We’ve heard this a thousand times, I
know. And we need to hear it a thousand times more maybe, unless God can give
us a conviction like He gave to Isaiah when he saw the Lord “high and lifted up.” Why did he see the Lord when all the others didn’t? The temple was
filled with worshippers and none of them saw the glory of God. And you and I
are not going to see it: it’s the pure in heart that shall see
God. And it’s those who strive after holiness that shall see the
Lord: “Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.” And God
not only demands absolute holiness, but He offers it to me. He
offers godliness—it means that “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
loved me and gave Himself up for me.”
What effect does your presence have
in a party like that, any party—a wedding… Do you draw the attention of people
to Jesus? Loud talking, loud laughing—all these things are exercising flesh
and are naturally opening the door to demon powers.
(from 15:20) I come into these Bible schools and I hear
these students talk about what they’re going to do: they’re going to be
missionaries. And they themselves are not holy, they’re not pure—you can see
it… And in another place, in another country, after I spoke a while, tears
came to the eyes of the students, and God came and settled down upon the
meeting like a cloud of holiness… I knew these hearts were melting. I knew
that God was doing something by His power in these hearts. And then the dean
got up and made a few jokes, and it all blew away. I said, “Lord, my God, what
good is a Bible school? What good is it? Why, it drives men away from God.”
God says, “Give diligence to make
your calling and election sure.” “Exercise thyself unto
godliness.” I was delighted with the testimony yesterday of a
young woman that tells how she puts aside questionable reading matter. Why,
that also is worse than drinking wine. I certainly think that drinking wine is
taboo for a Christian, or anything alcoholic. But these things are worse:
viewing television. “Exercise thyself unto godliness.”
I came into the home of a preacher who had a television
set. He had some lovely children. He said, “The Lord gave me that set.” I
questioned it. After five or six years, I came again and he had thrown it
out. He said, “That thing does not belong into the Christian home.” But he
didn’t put it out before his children had gone to the devil…
Where does that come from? Oh, beloved, we exercise
ourselves unto ungodliness, and we do it with a cart-rope, we do it with
a vengeance, unless exercising myself unto godliness.
I think we’ve made a great mistake in
teaching that Acts 2:4 is the standard of the baptism. I believe
John 7:38 ought to be our standard: “rivers of living water”
issuing forth from within our lives—rivers that sweep away all ungodliness.
And we need to recognize the call of God.
I have sensed something since coming here. We’ve been
talking about the imminence of the coming of Christ. I believe if we realized
how soon He’s coming, we’d all be on our faces in real earnest. We don’t know
how greatly God has come to us, how greatly He’s here now, how greatly He means
that we should pay attention to His word and to His will and to His counsel,
and how greatly “He is able to subdue all things unto Himself”—that means every one of us. But only as I submit to Him and exercise
myself unto godliness will Jesus Christ take His great power and
reign supreme over my will and over my affections, and make
me subject to Himself.
… Illustrations:
An example of modesty enforced among Catholics. “I
respected the Catholic Church for not allowing women to enter into meeting with
bare arms, in an unseemly dress.” (from 5:15) A story of abstaining from wine. “I used to drink wine.
Everybody does in Switzerland… When I came to this country, I saw immediately
what my drinking would do—even just a drop—if anybody saw me.” (from 5:54) An illustration of a little uncleanness. “The whole world
today is saturated with sin. And it’s because it started out by yielding here
and yielding there just a little bit, just a little bit… ‘If you’re not
absolutely sure, then that isn’t clean.’ And that goes for our talk.” (from 9:50) An illustration of a chaotic home. (from 16:21) An illustration of making progress in learning the violin. (from 19:49) German at 20:30:
Spiel mir mal ein Liedchen vor: “Morgen kommt die Tante.”
— Play a little song for me: “Tomorrow Arrives the Aunt.” German at 23:46:
II Peter 1:10: …tut desto mehr Fleiß, eure Berufung und
Erwählung festzumachen… “…apply all the more diligence to secure your calling and
choice selection...” The KJV for this verse is “Wherefore the rather,
brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do
these things, ye shall never fall.” Audio Quality: Poor
More Information...
Project Notes:
Original tape marked (64) 30:00. For side A, the recording
was slowed to 106.5% of the original duration, light hiss reduction, DeHummer
-25dB, 8 filter, 56.3 Hz. After editing, it seemed that the original slowing
was too extreme, and the speed was increased to 97% of its edited duration, and
so the effective slowing of the original was to 103.305% of the original
A few stutters and coughs were removed. At around 16:41,
the question, “Now, will you ring the bell when I have to stop?” and the
answer, “Mmm-hmm. But you don’t” were omitted. At 17:51, “…says that, ‘beauty
is deceitful and… favor is deceitful and beauty is vain,’ changed to “…says
that, ‘favor is deceitful and beauty is vain.’”
The title Thy Gracious Image, Savior is not
authoritative. A copy of the last verse appears and the end of the tape, and
was omitted. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.