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1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, verses 1 and 2 (2:13)
2. Trusting God (36:51)
3. My Father Watches over Me, first and last verses (3:01)
4. Perfect Peace, excerpt (1:30)
5. Lean on His Arms, verses 1 and 2 (1:36)
Selected Verses:
II Corinthians 1:8-10. For we would not, brethren, have you
ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of
measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: 9But
we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in
ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: 10Who delivered us
from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet
deliver us;
Philippians 4:6. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
unto God. Opening:
The characteristic of the Son of God was absolute trust.
Even when He said, “You’re going to leave Me alone, and yet I am not alone,
for the Father is with Me:” absolute trust in the Father, absolute
confidence. Even on the cross, they accused Him of that. They said, “He
trusted in God. Let God now deliver Him.” Even there, when
all heaven seemed to have forsaken Him, He trusted in God in the last
extremity. That’s why death could not hold Him—it was impossible. Now the
Bible says, “And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee.” You will trust in a person in proportion as you have confidence in
… Selected Quotes:
God cannot do anything for me if I
don’t put my trust in Him. Now that’s strange, but that’s the law of the
Kingdom—if I don’t trust in the Lord. Madam Guyon says, “We perish for want of
trusting Him.” “None that trust in Him shall be desolate.” In
one place He says, “And none that trust in me shall be ashamed.” Isn’t that wonderful? Do you believe that? Well, now we ought to
examine a little bit and see what it means to trust in the Lord. It’s a matter
of the heart, not of the head.
I didn’t help God when He made the
world or the universe: He did it Himself. He did it by His great wisdom. And
I cannot help Him to perfect me spiritually, and present me “spotless before
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” It’s got to be
altogether God’s job. And I cannot help Him in healing my body when I’m in
need of healing. God’s got to do it. But God did it when He raised
Jesus my Lord from the dead and commissioned Him—gave Him the job, gave Him the
command to perfect redemption in me and in all that put their trust in Him.
That’s why trust is so exceedingly important, and that’s the reason we can’t
fool with this subject.
It’s a gift of God when your “heart
is perfect toward Him.” It’s because you know His
name. And that’s where we fail. We fall down on the job of
seeking to know Him. Paul said, “I count everything but refuse that I may
win Christ, that I may be found in Him.” He said, “I
don’t consider myself perfect.” It’s a big job; and you know,
God perfected that job in Paul. And have you ever found out how God did it?
Why, it says, “We had the sentence of death in ourselves.”
Praise the Lord! And “He calleth
them all by name.” And He says, “You think I’ve forgotten you,
you little shrimp? You think that I don’t hear your prayer? You think that I
don’t know all about you? And you squirm and fuss, and I’ve got to let
you squirm and fuss until you come to your senses—until you ‘lift up your
eyes on high’ like Abraham did.” He said, “Abraham, come out of
that tent; don’t listen to Sarah anymore. Come on; come into My tent. Lift
up your eyes. Look. That’s how your seed is going to be.” Praise
God! God said it. That’s settles it. But, beloved, it doesn’t settle
it. That’s the trouble with us. It doesn’t settle it until we have dealt with
God about it seriously. We need to be very serious prayer warriors.
Every circumstance in my life is a
contact for God to manifest “the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward
who believe.” Why do I murmur? Why do I dispute? I find
fault with God. I don’t believe that “all things work together for good to
them that love God.”
I cannot trust the Lord except in the
hour of trial. When the trial’s over and the victory’s won, you don’t have to
exercise trust anymore. Then you praise Him—then you thank Him. But it’s in
the hour of trial.
“My heart is fixed.”
It’s an experience. When God puts trust into your heart, it’s an experience
that makes Jesus Christ supreme in your thoughts. “Let the wicked forsake
his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.” That’s where the
trouble comes in: we have thoughts. And how many times do we open our hearts
to the thoughts of men!
“The word of faith which we preach:
it isn’t in heaven—you don’t have to get it down. It’s not in the depths.
It’s in your heart. Christ is in your heart,
thank God! He can never be removed. And He is there for a
job: He is there to be the Lord, the Redeemer, to bring you out of every
situation and to make you like unto Himself. And here we are
wavering—wavering, spending all our lives complaining and murmuring.
What I say with my lips is not nearly
as important: but what I think, what I feel in my heart! And when my heart is
perfect, I will not be anxious. That will be gone, it will be impossible. I
will think the thoughts of God, and the Bible gives me His
thoughts. “I have thoughts of peace towards you.” Go
through the whole Bible and see “the exceeding great and precious
promises.” And every one of them is for you and for me, praise
God! And who will guarantee their fulfillment? Why, God has guaranteed them
when He raised Jesus my Lord from the dead.
Our lives ought to be lives of trust,
not only trusting God to pay your bills—that’s a small matter—but trusting God
for your spiritual victory, trusting God for your children if they’re unsaved,
your husband, your wife. Oh, what wonders have we experienced along that
line! Putting our trust in Him makes Him responsible to manifest “the
exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe.”
We’re in a school. Paul was in a
school. You and I are in a school of the Holy Ghost: “He shall guide you
into all truth.” And He doesn’t put the thing up here where
you’ll lose it again, but He’ll put it into your bones, into your life, into
your blood. He makes you a son of God. “We’re members of His body, of His
flesh, and of His bones. And that’s how it comes: we’re displaced
as we put our trust in Him.
… Illustrations:
An example of the simple trust of a child. “‘Now, what if
I drop you?’ ‘You love me too much for that…’ Now, beloved, that’s our
victory: to put our trust in Him.” (from 1:04) An example of a counterfeit trust. “I found out the
reason she didn’t want to go to the doctor was because she was scared. She
wasn’t trusting in the Lord at all.” (from 4:28) An example of a deluded trust. “We may think we trust the
Lord because we picked a promise out of the promise box. Lots of people do
that. I saw a consumptive woman do that one time. Somebody gave her a
message—told her that she was going to be healed, and oh, she had such an
unction, and such a wonderful blessing, and then she died! It wasn’t real at
all.” (from 8:21) An example of trust in our own opinions. “One man
explained to me what his stomach looked like on the inside… When you put your
trust in Him, that’s none of your business—absolutely none of your business.
You expect everything from Him because He has done everything. He is
resurrection and life!” (from 22:13) The legend of the man who found his own cross the one best
suited to him. (from 32:03) The story of the Lord’s marvelous provision of a key,
needed in South America. “You’ll realize that every test that comes your way
is not your test but His.” (from 35:10) Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
Original tape marked (71) #G-30 C/90 Ansprache von HANS R.
WALDVOGEL. Even with this marking, the content of the tape is in English. The
notation 30 is surely mistaken, as this is tape 36, not 30. Side B was slowed
to 104% of its original duration; light hiss reduction; DeHummer -30dB, 16
filter, at 56.45Hz. After editing, it seemed the speed correction was too
extreme, and the recording was sped up to 97% of its edited duration, resulting
in an effective slowing of the original recording to 100.88% of its original
duration. A long pause or two were shortened, and a stutter was removed. The
audio quality is unusually poor, and FFT artifacts can be heard, resulting from
the very necessary hiss reduction. More work could be done on this recording. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.