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1. Pentecost is Loving Jesus (24:24)
2. More Love to Thee, O Christ (2:06)
Selected Verses:
I Corinthians 16:22. If any man love not the Lord Jesus
Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
John 15:9. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved
you: continue ye in my love.
Ephesians 3:16-19. That he would grant you, according to
the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the
inner man; 17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye,
being rooted and grounded in love, 18May be able to comprehend with
all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19And
to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled
with all the fulness of God. Opening:
Pentecost really is simply a love affair between Jesus and
His own. If it isn’t that, why then it’s a farce. If we don’t come to this
place because we love Jesus and we love to meet Him and because we know He’s
going to meet us, why then our meetings will soon become churchy. And already
they are becoming churchy with a lot of people.
But I’m so thankful that when God brought me into Pentecost,
He brought me into this lovership with Jesus Christ. I didn’t see the
building; I didn’t see the people, but I saw Jesus through the power of the
Holy Ghost, and Jesus revealed Himself to me, and He became so
wonderful—alive. He became to me such a living lover. Now that’s something
you can’t explain, but God promises to do that for us if we want Him to. God
tells us that that’s what He sent the Holy Ghost from heaven for: to deliver us
of “a form of godliness,” and to make us “alive unto God
through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
… Selected Quotes:
We ought to pray God to make us love
Jesus just for Himself more. You’d think God would answer a prayer like that.
Well, the whole New Testament is full of it. Do you notice how Jesus Himself
pleads with His disciples? What wonderful words He says, “As the Father hath
loved Me…” And we cannot imagine that tremendous love of the
Father to the Son. Oh, my Lord and my God, there is no love anywhere like
that: “As the Father hath loved Me…” Why, God loved Him so much
that He gave Him charge of everything. He says, “All things are delivered
unto Me of My Father.” That’s how the Father loved the Son.
And now Jesus says, “That’s how I love you—with the
same love.” Boy, that ought to make our hearts leap with joy! It
ought to wake us up, but it doesn’t. It does not wake us up. We’re
dead; we’re really dead, or we’re rusty. I
tell you, it’s a dreadful thing to wither.
Oh, when you love Jesus—Jesus
Christ!—why, then He becomes your “All and in all.” “The
Lord is my light and my salvation.” The Lord!
“Delight thyself also in the Lord.” Do you think Jesus
knows whether you delight yourself in Him or something else—whether you find
your delight in blessings, or in some good feeling, or in yourself? Do you
think the Lord knows that you delight yourself in Him alone—that your whole
heart beats only for Him: “Oh, to have Him!” Does He know that? Oh, I
tell you He does.
That Bible will become my textbook.
But more than that, it will be a holy love letter from my heavenly Lover. Oh,
that’s what it is. And I don’t say, “Well, I gotta do this and that. I guess
I gotta be crucified. Well, I guess I gotta keep my mouth shut. Well, I guess
I have to forgive her now—what a person she is!” And goodness me, and “My
husband!” and “My wife!” and so on. But when you love Jesus, you “delight
yourself in the Lord.” You delight yourself in the law of the
Lord, and you get acquainted with it, and you eat it, and it
becomes “the joy and the rejoicing of your heart.” It’s a
love letter, this wonderful book.
Many people love Jesus when He
blesses them. And when He doesn’t, then they don’t love Him anymore. Or if He
makes big people out of them, oh, how they love Jesus then! But when He
demands of them to suffer a little bit, to deny themselves
for His name’s sake, to do some menial job…
Now don’t you think it would be good
for us to pray, “O God, make me love Jesus more.” He will. You know that wonderful
prayer, “That he might grant you according to His riches in glory by Christ
Jesus to be strengthened with might by His spirit in the inner man.” We look at the outer man, and we’re satisfied with that outer
But listen, this is far more
wonderful: to be “rooted and grounded in love, and that you might know the
love of Christ which passeth knowledge.”
… Illustrations:
HRW’s early experience with Pentecostal meetings. “There
I felt at home, and it was Jesus. … Everything that happened in the meeting was
Himself. … The Lord told me later that sometimes—or many times—He turned the
meeting in my direction because He said, ‘You took the word.’” (from 1:42) An example of losing the presence of Jesus through
carelessness. “He said, ‘…Oh, I had such a sweet touch with Jesus. And then,
there was a newspaper lying on the seat in front of me, and I picked it up and
I began to be interested. And presently, that unction was gone.’… We’re so
accustomed to being outward and careless that we don’t notice it anymore.” (from 6:33) The spirit of Christ seen in humble serving. (from 14:14) A young man who cleaned himself for the sake of a girl.
“He looked like a hobo… Then one day, he came like a dude.” (from 16:38) A man who was proud of spiritual manifestations. “He got
so proud of manifestations, mind you, he want to the restaurant and showed them
how to speak in tongues. …They shout, they speak in tongues to show off. … But
oh, how different when every thought—you’re ‘strengthened with might by the
Holy Ghost in the inner man.’ For what? ‘That Christ may
dwell in your heart by faith.’” (from 19:47) German at 1:22:
Solang’ Mein Jesus Lebt, a translation by Ernst
Gebhardt (1832-1899) of the hymn While My Redeemer’s Near by Anne
Steele, 1760:
Solang’ mein Jesus lebt
und Seine Kraft mich hebt,
muß Furcht und Sorge von mir fliehn,
mein Herz in Lieb erglühn.
Er ist ein guter Hirt,
der treu Sein Schäflein führt.
Er weidet mich auf grüner Au,
tränkt mich mit Himmelstau.
Wenn sich die Sonn verhüllt,
der Löwe um mich brüllt,
so weiß ich auch in finstrer Nacht,
daß Jesus mich bewacht.
Und glitte je mein Fuß,
brächt mir die Welt Verdruß,
so eilt ich schnell zu Jesu Herz,
Er heilte meinen Schmerz.
Drum blick ich nur auf Ihn,
O seliger Gewinn!
Mein Jesus liebt mich ganz gewiß,
das ist mein Paradies.
While my Redeemer’s near,
My shepherd and my guide,
I hid farewell to anxious fear,
My wants are all supply’d.
To ever-fragrant meads,
Where rich abundance grows,
His gracious hand indulgent leads,
And guards my sweet repose.
Along the lovely scene,
Cool waters gently roll,
And kind refreshment smiles serene,
To cheer my fainting soul.
Here let my spirit rest;
How sweet a lot is mine!
With pleasure, food, and safety blest;
Beneficence divine!
Dear shepherd, if I stray,
My wand’ring feet restore,
To thy fair pastures guide my way,
And let me rove no more.
Unworthy as I am,
Of thy protecting care,
Jesus, I plead thy gracious name,
For all my hopes are there.
German at 11:35:
A modified quote from the second stanza of O
hochbeglückte Seele, a hymn by Philip Spitta, 1833. The English version of
the hymn is How Blessèd, from the Bonds of Sin.
Du hängest Herz und Blicke
an den geliebten Herrn,
in keinem Augenblicke
ist er dir fremd und fern.
You are fixing heart and looking
unto the beloved Lord;
there is never a moment
when He is strange and far away.
A quote, somewhat altered, from Die rechte Liebestreue
by Philip Spitta (1801–1859):
Das ist die echte Liebestreue,
die fest an ihrem Herren hängt
und alle Tage, stets aufs Neue
In allem Ihm zu dienen denkt;
Die's im Geringen und im Kleinen
es recht genau und ernstlich nimmt
und wissentlich auch nicht in einen,
wenn noch so kleinen Fehler stimmt.
Denn wisse, Seele, dass des kleinsten
geringsten Dienstes nicht der Herr vergisst
weil bei dem kleinsten Dienst am reinsten
das Herz von eitler Selbstsucht ist.
Drum übe recht die Treu im Kleinen,
in kleinen Kämpfen übe dich,
sonst wirst du bald wie Petrus weinen
um große Untreu bitterlich.
That is the true loyalty of love
which clings firmly to her Lord;
and every day, ever anew
aspires to serve Him in everything;
which in small and little things
is accurate and earnest
and does not agree to even one fault,
may it be ever so small.
For know, O soul, the Lord does not forget
the least and smallest service.
For it is in the smallest service
that the heart is most free from vain selfishness.
Therefore practice to be faithful in small things;
practice in the small battles
otherwise you soon, like Peter,
will cry out your heart with faithlessness.
A modified quote from Mein Herz singt ein Lied, a
hymn by Ernst Gebhardt (1832-1899):
Ich hab einen Schatz so herrlich und frei,
Der niemals veraltet er bleibt ewig neu
I have a treasure, so glorious and free,
It never grows old, it remains ever new.
German at 16:15:
Man sagt in deutsch: die Liebe ist erfinderisch. — In German
one says, “love is ingenious.” References:
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned,
a hymn by Samuel Stennett:
Since from His bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thousand hearts to give,
Lord, they should all be Thine. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
The right channel was clearer and had less distortion, so we
selected that channel only. Light hiss reduction was run, DeHummer 16 filter,
-30dB at 58.55Hz, and compression. A number of stutters, coughs, clicks, and
pops were removed. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.