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1. All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus (2:52)
2. Wanting Jesus (25:30)
3. They That Wait upon the Lord (2:31)
Selected Verses:
Ephesians 4:13. Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of
the stature of the fulness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:15. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up
into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.
Acts 3:26. Unto you first God, having raised up his Son
Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his
iniquities. Opening:
Last night, I could wish that this place had been filled
with people. I know we could fill this place with people easy enough. All
you’d have to do is show a moving picture, or give a coffee klatch, or have
some sensational show—a spiritual show, maybe: announce a certain person to
come here. But last night, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in this place like I’ve
seldom seen Him, and I heard things that I’ve seldom heard. And I thought, “O
God, O God, how is it that You tell us such things? How is that You lead us
into such avenues of the knowledge of the Son of God?”
Well, it’s because God must find a people in this world to whom He can reveal—not only reveal but
communicate, give, manifest. He’s got to have a harvest that
brings forth the fruit that He has sown.
The mystery of the kingdom of God consists not in a lot of people
talking about wonderful sermons they hear. It doesn’t consist either of signs
and wonders, like we enjoy them and thank God for. But it consists of growing
into Him: “growing up into Him in all things,” growing up
into “the full stature of the manhood of Christ Jesus,” in
other words, being made like unto the Son of God.
My, what a… Why, beloved, that truth has been forgotten—has
been discarded by the great bulk of so-called Christians in the world today!
God has never discarded it, never.
… Selected Quotes:
I tell you, God is after a people that
will want—that really want—the Lord Jesus Christ, that really
want to be clothed in His likeness. And if He can find a people like that,
they will not seek Him for blessing. Oh, how we like to be blessed! And when
somebody else is blessed more than we are, we get jealous, and then there come
these imitations. We’ve got the world full of imitations today.
I know there are people who haven’t a
ghost of an idea what’s happening, not a ghost of an idea. They’ve been coming
to Pentecostal meetings for 20 and 30 and 40 years, and they have never
awakened. They’ll boast of being perfected, and being matured, and having been
in Pentecost many years. And I always remind them of the man that used to go
to sleep in the bathtub. He didn’t get clean. It isn’t how long you stayed in
the bathtub, but how well you scrub yourself. It isn’t how long you were in
Pentecost, but beloved, does the word of God change you? Does that word
wash you? Does the word mean anything to you? “Today, if
ye will hear His voice…” Have you heard His voice?
And if I don’t pay attention to that
word, it will soon not speak anymore. Oh, I may be entertained by a powerful
sermon, and I may think myself very spiritual because I weep a few tears. It’s
all surface slush. It didn’t go in. It’s a very different thing: when I hear
that word, I will bow my heart, I will tremble at that word, and I will never
give up until that word has reached or produced perfection in me—until I am
perfect. That’s why He says, “Turn you at My reproof. Behold I will pour
out My Spirit unto you. But because I called and ye did not listen, because I
stretched forth My hand, and no man regarded, the day will come when you will
cry and I will not hear, because they would have none of My reproof. They
refused My counsel.”
Unless we “work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling,” we will belong to those
who “neglect so great salvation.” Listen: so great salvation!
How big is your salvation? “Oh, I’m saved. Everything’s all right.
Once saved, always saved.” How big is your salvation? Does it provide you
with righteousness that’s not of the law—the righteousness
which avails before God? Does it provide you with holy living and godliness?
Holiness—His holiness—“without which no man shall see the Lord”?
Well, we’ve heard these things a thousand times, and we’ll
hear them a thousand times over and then sink into our graves defeated,
overcome. Or, we will wake up to the wonder of Jesus.
“Oh, come after Me. There are so few
that really follow Me all the way, so few of My followers—or those who call
themselves followers of Mine—who really love Me sufficiently to want Me. They
all want My blessings. And the more I pour out My blessings, the more they
deceive themselves, and they cry, ‘We’re rich and increased with
… Illustrations:
The story of a young minister who sought the Lord. This
is probably Joseph Wannenmacher. “I noticed that God was taking him an
entirely different way… God began to strip this fellow… God came to his
life.” (from 3:19) A “manifested son of God” with a hot temper. (from 6:30) The horrors of the Holocaust. “You look at those gas
chambers, and you say, ‘What! In Germany ? In this day?’” (from 17:40) German at 9:11:
Psalm 73:25. Wenn ich nur dich habe, so frage ich nichts
nach Himmel und Erde. In the King James Version, Psalm
73:25 says, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that
I desire beside thee.” Martin Luther’s German says, literally, “If I only have
You, I ask nothing of heaven and earth.” German at 18:09:
Todesgefahr — danger of death. Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
We ran light hiss reduction, slowed the recording to 105% of
its original duration, ran DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at 58.80Hz, and
compression. All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus was taken from the
unprocessed recording, but slowed to 103% of the original speed. Quite a few
bumps and pops were manually removed. A number of throat clearings were
removed. Judging not by the tone but by the rate of speech, it seems that the
original slowing was too much. After editing, the speed was adjusted to 99.5%
of the edited duration. The correct speed is uncertain. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.