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1. The Lord’s Prayer (28:51)
2. Longing for Jesus; Matthew 11:28-30 (3:53)
Selected Verses:
Luke 11:2. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our
Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Matthew 6:6. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy
closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in
secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Ephesians 3:12. In whom we have boldness and access with
confidence by the faith of him. Opening:
“Teach us to pray.” All the world, all the
people in all the religions sort of look upon prayer as an absolute necessity
for getting to heaven. I think it was Jelinek who pointed out the fact that
wherever bones have been dug up of prehistoric man, no matter how primitive he
may have been, no matter how big or little his skull has been, you always find
religious articles buried together with man. You never find that with the monkeys
or the elephants that have been buried. But man, everywhere somehow, feels
akin to some deity, to God.
And Jesus said, “This is life eternal, that they might
know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” And now the disciples came and said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” They recognized the absolute necessity of knowing how to pray. But
it isn’t only on our side that the necessity is great, but God
commands… That’s it. That’s what makes prayer absolutely imperative: God
commands you to pray. God demands from you that you pray. God commands all
men everywhere to turn away from idolatry and turn to Him, because He has raised Jesus Christ our Lord from the dead,
and He has opened the doors into the heavenlies. God commands us to pray, and
He tells us how to pray, and tells us when to pray, and what to pray for:
“The Father seeketh worshippers…”
… Selected Quotes:
“The hour is now when the true
worshippers...” Oh, God. God seeketh sons. God begets sons. “Beloved, now are we sons of God.” “Be ye
therefore sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse
generation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word
of life.”
I tell you, there’s a revival coming upon this earth that’s
going to knock the bottom out of the kingdom of the devil. And it will mean
the “manifestation of the sons of God.” It’ll mean that the
church will be made ready to enter into the marriage of the Lamb, and there will be that marriage when Jesus Christ comes down from heaven
to dwell in His own, and to live out His own life within them. And that
victory has already begun.
Our very first sentence, we discussed
yesterday, is to say, “Our Father which art in heaven…” Oh,
praise God! He’s no stranger to me anymore. I’m no stranger to Him. He’s my Father.
“And so when ye pray,
come on!” Jesus Christ introduces me to His Father, and He says, “Now, He’s
your Father too.” And oh, what a different relationship I have now
to my God: He is my Father! Tell me, how different this world would be if all
the churches lived like that, if God was their Father, and in the power of the
Holy Ghost, everybody recognized His Fatherhood, and bowed before His law, and
submitted to His law? How different everything would be! The Sermon on the
Mount shows us the nature of our Father and the nature of the kingdom of God. “And why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things which I
But that’s the revival that’s coming. God’s going to have a
church in which Jesus Christ is absolute Head, and God is absolute Father, and
everyone is a child of God, and we dwell together in unity
because we have “fellowship with God the Father, and with God the Son,” and “we have fellowship one with another.”
“He that believeth in Me, as the
scripture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water.” Father claims your heart, He possesses your heart, He takes your
heart. And prayer means being united to that great Fountain of living water
all the time.
And here he was surrounded by
darkness, and all the time, God communicated with Moses. What a life! And now
Paul says, “Not like Moses. He had to cover his face,
but we with uncovered face behold in a glass the glory of the Lord and are
changed into the same image.”
Beloved, that’s the teaching of Jesus: “Your Father is
in secret.” And that’s where you worship Him. “And
when you pray to your Father in secret, He rewards you openly.”
That means He takes care of your natural life: your body, your thoughts, your
words, your feelings, your actions. Everything is controlled from
He says, “Go into your closet, and shut
the door.” We need an inward life. We need a
life that is “hid with Christ in God.” And the Lord has
told me how few people there are in the world that live that kind of a life.
None of the Old Testament saints
there call Him Father. But when Moses came in touch with God, he fell on his face for forty days and forty nights. That was a
long prayer, wasn’t it? And he didn’t eat nor drink. And then when he came
out of that prayer, he had the Ten Commandments engraven upon stone. And now, Paul says, “Not like Moses.” He writes
His law in your heart. Oh, my Father! I used to envy Moses.
I used to say, “My goodness! If You’d let me get into that mountain and see
that burning bush or hear that voice like trumpet, my God, what wouldn’t I
do!” And Paul says, “Not like Moses.” You can
always see His face.
But why does my Father come to me,
and why does my Father ask me to come into the closet and meet Him and shut
the door? What does He want with me? Does He want me to dictate
to Him what to do? Does He want me to tell Him what my needs are? Jesus says,
“He knows much more about that than you do. Come on! Get
still, get still! Believe God! Come in faith and you’ll be surprised. He’ll
do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think. My God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches in
glory by Christ Jesus.”
… Illustrations:
A church tower that pierced the fog and received the
sunlight. “Do you have your window open to Jerusalem—have your eye on Jesus
Christ all the time?” (from 11:53) A young sister who paused to return into prayer. “‘I
stopped right where I was and closed my eyes, and returned silently in my
heart, and presently, He came and covered me with the mantle of His presence.’” (from 13:50) Early experiences in prayer and the faith life. “Somebody
said to me, ‘You ought to write a book.’ I can’t! When I tell people things
that God has done, they think I’m a liar.” (from 23:24) German at 5:57:
Papa — Daddy.
Vatter — Swiss German for Vater — Father.
D’r Vatter hät’s gsait — Swiss German for Der Vater hat
es gesagt — Father has said so. German at 11:38:
A modified quote from the second stanza of O
hochbeglückte Seele, a hymn by Philip Spitta, 1833. The English version of
the hymn is How Blessèd, from the Bonds of Sin.
Du hängest Herz und Blicke
an den geliebten Herrn,
in keinem Augenblicke
ist er dir fremd und fern.
You are fixing heart and looking
unto the beloved Lord;
there is never a moment
when He is strange and far away.
German at 21:09:
„Maria, Mutter Gottes bitt’ für uns arme Sünder, jetzt und
in der Stunde unseres Absterbens. Amen.” Oder „Heiliger Alfonsus, finde für
mich die Schlüssel, die ich verloren habe.” No! „Unser Vater, der du bist in
dem Himmel…”
“Mary, Mother of God, pray for us poor
sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.” Or, “Holy Alphonsus, find
the keys for me which I have lost.” No! “Our Father which art in heaven…” References:
Constantly Abiding,
a hymn by Anne S. Murphy, 1908.
Constellation — the Lockheed Constellation.
The Practice of the Presence of God,
by Brother Lawrence (1610 – 1691).
Blessed Quietness,
a hymn by Manie P. Ferguson, ca. 1897:
What a wonderful salvation,
Where we always see His face!
What a perfect habitation,
What a quiet resting place! Audio Quality: Good
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Project Notes:
We ran light hiss reduction, slowed the recording to 104.0%
of its original duration, skipped the DeHummer as there was not much hum in the
recording, and applied compression. The start sample for these operations was
81600000. Some dropouts were noticed on the right channel, so the left channel
was chosen. Some throat clearing and dog barking was removed. Car horns,
traffic, construction, shouting, music, dog barking, and other background
noises remain. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.