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1. Tis Burning in My Soul (1:22)
2. Rebuilding the Altar (37:29)
3. Just a Closer Walk with Thee, excerpt (2:58)
Selected Verses:
Luke 12:20. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night
thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which
thou hast provided?
I Kings 18:30. And Elijah said unto all the people, Come
near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar
of the Lord that was broken down. Opening:
“…and what will I if it be already kindled. But I have a
baptism to be baptized with, and how am I straightened until it be
accomplished!” I like that text because it tells us where we
I was asked by a Baptist minister in another state to visit
his son. His son was in a sanitarium in Chicago, and when I saw this son, I
was frightened. It was a long time ago. It was a young man of about 18, and I
could see that his days were numbered. He was suffering from consumption in
the very last degree. He had become emaciated—nothing but skin and bones, and
he could hardly talk; he had hardly a voice left. And when I sat down to talk
to him, he said, “Well, I’m glad the worst is over.” He says, “I’m not really
sick anymore; there’s just a little spot in my left lung.” Oh, how people fool
If tonight we had a machine here to examine everybody, I
wonder what our condition is—physical condition. It might be a good thing to
be examined like that. You know, the city makes it a point to tell you whether
you have diabetes or not. Lots of people walk around, they’re sick with
diabetes and don’t know it until it’s too late—until it gets the best of them.
This young man fooled himself. I don’t know whether the doctors were to blame
or not, but I rather suspect it because he actually seemed to believe that he
was alright, and yet death had already gripped him—irresistibly; he couldn’t
escape it. It was only a few days before his body sank into the grave.
And tonight, when we sang It is Well with My Soul, I
thought how good it is that God has made provision for us to know whether it is
well with our souls or not. We can tell. And not only has God made provision
for us to know, to give us a very thorough going over…
When some time ago our little ones were sick, Edwin went
into the room and said, “Well, what’s the diagnosis?” Now they spread the
news: “Edith has a diagnosis!” That’s a very terrible disease, you know. It
might be a good thing if we all had a diagnosis, wouldn’t it? Oh, we do, thank
God! We’ve got the x-ray of heaven—not only a powerful x-ray that doesn’t
leave a shred unexamined: It’s “a discerner of the thoughts and of the
intents of the heart,” and that wonderful x-ray machine of
heaven is operated by the power of the resurrected Son of God. The Bible tells
us that we’re going to be measured by Jesus in the Day of Judgment.
… Selected Quotes:
Wouldn’t it be a good thing if tonight
Almighty God came into this meeting and said, “Thou fool! This night thy
soul shall be required of thee.” I wonder how many it is,
men—wife beaters, drunkards, smokers, adulterers—that have been saved only
because God allowed them to be devoured by cancer, and then when they knew they
were going to die, then they cried like one is crying now: he said, “Oh, if I
could only have another ten years of life, wouldn’t I serve my God with all my
heart!” Well, he had 50 years and he didn’t serve the Lord. And I’ll venture
if he were healed, he’d go right back. Why, you can’t help it!
If the doctors told us that we had
diabetes, my, what do people do when they find out they’re sick! They’ll spend
their money; they spend thousands to be delivered of these physical ailments,
and this body which is bound to sink into the grave anyway receives a thousand
times more care than this immortal soul that’s destined to live forever with
God or with the devil.
He set His face like a
flint: “I come to do what the Law could not do.
I come to do Thy will, O God.” And where is that will of God
to be done but in the place where there was rebellion—in my heart, in your
heart. That’s the provision God made when He gave us Jesus Christ. And
tonight, I can know where I stand. Is Jesus King and Master and Lord in my
soul? Have I bowed to Him? Has He been able to baptize me with
I read somewhere today in one of
these divine healing magazines, or Latter Rain magazines—I get so many
of them, I need another wastebasket—and there was a wonderful article: “Why,
folks, you don’t know who you are! Goodness me, why, you’re like Elijah; the
Bible says you are! Sure!” Elijah called fire down from heaven, but he also took the knife and stuck it into the belly of these
prophets of Baal. (Can you see those puddles of blood? He
took them by the neck and he slaughtered them. Oh, that fearful wrath of
Almighty God!) And before the fire fell, he called the children of Israel together and he repaired the altar that was broken down.
Oh, I’m so thankful for this
wonderful will: “By the which will we are sanctified once for all.” What is that will? Oh, it is that will that made Almighty God step
down and take upon Himself the form of a servant. Whose
servant are you, Jesus? Oh, tell me, are You still a servant? He says,
“Blessed are those servants who the Lord when He cometh shall find watching.
Verily, I tell you, He shall come forth, He shall gird Himself and serve
them.” He does that in every meeting when we come to Him!
… Illustrations:
Christian backbiting likened to cannibalism. “I was a
little tot in Switzerland and I thought [the cannibals would] take people by
the hind legs and swallow them whole. I wanted to see that done. But when I
found out that they first cook them and then cut them up, I said, ‘Well, we can
do that too. I don’t have to go to Africa.’ And we do, don’t we? Oh,
yeah. How many did you roast today?” (from 10:21) Hidden sin likened to insect eggs in the garden. “The girl
went out into the garden, looked at them, and she said, ‘Oh, nobody can see
those. It’s okay.’ And after a while, all the cabbage was gone.” (from 16:23) Comments on parenting. “That’s the way we raise a
generation of rebels against God, and our Pentecostal churches are full of
them.” (from 19:29) More comments on parenting. “One mother, when somebody said,
‘You ought to train your girls to be modern; they look like old maids,’ she
says, ‘I’m not raising my girls for this corruptible adulterous generation!
I’m raising them for Jesus!’” (from 27:59) German at 36:40:
Ach Mensch, du liebe Zeit — Dear me!
Ach Halleluja, Lord, give us [unintelligible] — Alas,
Hallelujah, Lord, give us… Date: “Do you know why Khrushchev is wobbly in his boots? Do you know why he hollers like he does? (You ought to shoot him up to the moon.)” That would place this recording between the launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957 and Khrushchev’s removal from office on October 14, 1964. Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked M: 90. We ran light hiss
reduction, the DeHummer 8 filter, -30dB at 59.25Hz, and compression. A number
of long pauses were shortened.
At the start, it seems like the speed is a bit fast, but the
recording seems to slow considerably toward the middle, and ends at perhaps the
correct pitch. If this recording is reworked in the future, time could be
spent applying a variable speed change to attempt to restore an even speed. Some
wow artifacts are also present, more severe toward the start of the recording.
For now as a compromise, the entire recording was slowed to 101.0% of its
edited duration, increasing the duration from 37:29 to 37:51. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.