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1. It’s Real (4:48)
2. The Violent Take It by Force (34:01)
3. Sail On! (4:53)
Selected Verses:
Matthew 11:11-12. Verily I say unto you, Among them that
are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:
notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12And
from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth
violence, and the violent take it by force.
Luke 18:1. And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that
men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
Luke 11:9-10. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be
given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10For
every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened. Opening:
Jesus says, “Fear not, little flock; it is your Father’s
good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” The Kingdom is here,
thank God! But it does take a little violence. Ask the
people that are really saved—I don’t mean the people that say they’re saved and
smell of tobacco, or of booze, or have other bondages in their life, but I mean
the people that are really saved, in whose hearts the bells are ringing,
who can say, “Redeemed, thank God!” Ask them how they got there. They did
some violence to it.
Last Friday night, we had this text before us that if you’re
in a dump, or if you’re in unbelief, or in a bondage, or in defilement, or in
sin, or in discouragement, or anyplace, you don’t have to stay there, thank
God! The door is open. The veil has been rent, thank God! It has been finished. The Kingdom is
But the Bible makes one thing very clear: that it doesn’t
just come like roast duck flying into your mouth. No, He says, “Ask, and ye
shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto
you.” Ask those that are really saved. Are you really
saved? Are you satisfied with the experience you have? If not, why, then you
don’t know yet the fullness of salvation. It’s ready for you, hallelujah! You
can come and claim it.
… Selected Quotes:
I can almost always tell when people
come to the altar whether they’re going to get something or not. There are
these lazy kind that come because somebody else watches them, and then they
watch the clock. You don’t need to come at all; go home and sleep. But when I
see them running...
The kingdom of God is real
salvation—is “righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost.”
The kingdom of God means that Jesus Christ reigns, hallelujah! And when He
reigns, the old dumps have to go, and the flesh has to go; “sin shall not
have dominion over you.”
Oh, ask those that are really saved
what it cost them. Oh, they’ll say, “Nothing. Why, no; nothing—to exchange my
rags for beautiful royal garments, to exchange my poverty for the riches of
Christ!” Why, beloved, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great
Listen, if you would “do
violence,” do violence. Praise God, it’s there, thank God! It
is here. Praise the Lord! My God did not purchase deliverance and healing for
the body, and hang it away where you can’t reach it. He said, “Get up, take
your bed and walk.” “Rise, go and show yourself to the
priest,” hallelujah! “Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you.” And again He says that “men ought
always…” …to go to the basketball game? or lie in bed in the
When you look into the face of Jesus,
and you hear His voice, and you hear Him say, “All things are possible to him
that believeth,” it’ll put a little ambition into your bones, a
little initiative. I tell you it will. It’ll put the sparkle in your eye, and
it will make you rise up, hallelujah! It will make you get the best of that
laziness—put a little initiative there.
Initiative… You know what it is, initiative? Very few
people have it, but God will give it to you if you want it. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Most people don’t have to be about
their Father’s business unless they get doughnuts and coffee for
nothing—then you’ll get them. The Salvation Army does that, you know. And
they come. I’ve known fellows that go through the whole town and they get
saved in every mission because they get doughnuts and coffee free of charge.
I wanted to meet God. I didn’t know
anything about prayer, but I said, “God, I’ll do like a baby when it’s
thirsty. I’ll just cry—‘I will cry aloud and Thou shalt hear my voice.’” Oh, I sought to meet God. The promise that God will draw nigh to
me: the violent take it by force.
I wish I could wake up some old lazy bones in this meeting.
Do you know that you’re getting lazy? Do you know that the devil of laziness
gets into your bones? Do you know what wonderful creatures your bones are?
They ought to be full of life, they ought to be full of the Holy Ghost. There
ought to be within you something that was in the bones of Elisha when that
corpse touched his corpse and sprang into life. Even when he
was dead, he prayed. Even when he was in the grave, he prayed the prayer of
Oh, beloved, the violent have something to get. There’s
something to receive. And God in His great wisdom requires pressure,
violence—“Let us therefore labor,” “Let us fear lest a
promise being left us of entering into His rest any of you should seem to come
short of it.”
I tell you, it doesn’t take too much
violence when Jesus Christ sees an effort on your part to get into that
wonderful rest, He’ll show you that He has finished it on Calvary’s cross, and faith is the victory. But it’s because we don’t care. We just don’t
care. We can hear it a thousand times. How many times have we been convicted
in our souls over some things that we know are wrong in our lives? And the
time comes when God says, “Now, that’s enough.”
Oh, it pays a million times over!
“Every one that asketh…” Every one that asketh of God in faith:
“He is,” receiveth—what? Why, “all the fullness of
God”—all that fullness, the Kingdom. The Kingdom.
… Illustrations:
A man anxious to be baptized. “‘I want to be baptized tonight!’
I said, ‘Well, tonight we have no meeting.’ He said, ‘Don’t you have a
bathtub?’” (from 4:32) German at 3:06:
Da kannst du etwas holen. Da kannst du was holen. — You can
get something there. German at 15:00:
Es lächelt der See, er ladet zum
Der Knabe schlief ein am grünen Gestade
This is the opening of the play Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich
von Schiller (1759-1805):
The smile-dimpled lake woo’d to
bathe in its deep,
A boy on its green shore had laid him to sleep; German at 24:08:
Der erste in der Schüssel drin, der
letzte wieder drauß:
so fleißig […] keine […], wie der im ganza Haus.
This is a modified quote, partly unintelligible, of the last
half of the first stanza of “A Schlosser hat an G’sellen g’habt”
by Johann Konrad Grübel, making reference to the old custom of everyone eating out
of one pot of soup placed in the middle of the table. The English equivalent
would be along these lines:
A locksmith had a companion, who
was quite slow in filing;
but when it was time to eat, he was in quite a hurry.
The first one in the bowl, the last one to be out -
in the whole house was nobody who was as busy as he.
“Companion,” once the master said,
“Listen, this I do not understand!
As long as I live and can think of, it is said:
‘As one eats, so one works’—but with you this is not so;
Nobody has ever filed so slowly and devoured food such as you.”
“Ho,” said the companion, “I have
no problem to explain this, for everything has its reason:
A meal is quite short, but work lasts 14 hours.
If one should eat a whole day in one stretch,
Soon it would go just as slow as it is with the filing.” References:
Billy Bray
Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians,
by James Gilchrist Lawson. “A dear minister gave me the book that I would
advise all young people to have… it’s a compilation of biographies—short, but
wonderful.” Date: 1956. “For eight years now, since 1948…” Audio Quality: Poor
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Project Notes:
The original tape is marked: C(28). We ran light hiss
reduction, raised the pitch of the recording by resampling to 97% of the
original duration. We applied the DeHummer 4 filter, -30dB at 59.50Hz, and
compression. The automatic click remover threshold was reduced to 20. The
start sample in the original file for all these operations was 113000000.
During editing, it was determined that the pitch had been
raised too much, and so the edited recording was slowed to 101.25% of its duration,
changing the edited duration from 33:36 to 34:01.
The English translation of Wilhelm Tell taken from
the Theodore Martin translation from Pennsylvania State University at
Thanks to Gudrun Reichle for providing the translation of
the Grübel poem as well as many of the other German transcriptions and
translations on this site. There is an unintelligible word or two at 10:18,
sounding neither like German nor English, so no additional information is
available about that. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.