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1. Judgment is Coming (46:58)
2. Aftermeeting (8:26)
A story of warnings unheeded. (from 25:20) Audio Quality: Mixed
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Project Notes:
Using Adobe Audition 3.0, we applied light hiss reduction
and selected the right channel as being less distorted. Now, Adobe Audition
CS6 has a light hiss reduction with exactly the same settings, but the previous
version sounds better, at least after being run through compression/limiting.
So then, in Audition CS6, we applied the DeHummer, 58.6Hz, Q:119.5, 044dB, 6
harmonics, slope of 90%, then single-band compressor -12.5dB Threshold, 4.9
ratio, 62.2 ms attack, 2147 ms release, 10dB gain, and finally a hard limiter
to -4dB, with no boost, 7ms look-ahead, and 40ms release. 

Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.