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1. Slip Your Head into the Yoke (55:38)
2. Fill All My Vision (5:30)
Selected Quotes:
…you know, it is so necessary for us
to get down, to get down as we come closer to Jesus…
A story of God’s marvelous humbling
during the purchase of Pilgrim Camp.
Oh, the most wonderful thing that you
can do, brother and sister, is to learn to obey Jesus Christ and get down at
His feet and let Him be Lord. That’s worth a lot more to Him than we know.
And the world is full of people today and full of churches and full of folks
that are wanting to be something and do something great for God, but have never
learned to get down and obey the Lord. And you know, they go astray, and it
brings reproach upon the things of God and the work of Christ.
…The German Bible says, “Lord, save
me from these proud things”—these things that blow me up, that make me think I
can get away with it because I’m Your child, and I got an “in” with You. You
know how many people think that today? They can sin carelessly because they
feel they have a special corner somewhere on the Lord?
One sister told me, “I’ve served Him twenty years so
faithfully. Do you think He’s going to mind if I do this little sin?”
I said, “How can you talk like that? How can you talk
like that even? If you’ve been serving Him and loving Him, that you would
trifle with a little sin?” But she thought because she had been so good… And
when [God] saves us, He delivers us from those ideas. And that poor woman, she
lost out entirely because of her little sin… No, those are the things David
says, “God, don’t let me do that. Don’t let that happen to me.” He says
there, “Who can understand his errors? Who can see his own mistakes? O God,
You search me. Save and keep back your servant from presumptuous sinning.”
… Date: April 26, 1985?
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Project Notes:
Applied light hiss reduction and selected the left channel
in Adobe Audition 3.0. In Audition CS6, we applied the DeHummer, 58.8Hz,
Q:119.5, 044dB, 4 harmonics, slope of 80%, then single-band compressor -12.5dB
Threshold, 4.9 ratio, 62.2 ms attack, 2147 ms release, 6.2dB gain, and finally
a hard limiter to -4dB, with no boost, 7ms look-ahead, and 40ms release. The
music was originally before the message. A long pause was shortened. ![](../originals/EHW016.jpg)
Project Files:
The original media and project files are available upon request.